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Lafromboise Allotments

Lafromboise Allotments

Date1863 - 1952
Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.24.1-51; 659-687
Description2005.24 Laframboise Family Manuscripts
2005.24_1 Allotment [Lafromboise]
•Documents for Mrs. Mary Bostick Allot. No. 237; Allotment or Estate Record; Testimony of Mary Bostick to determine heirs of Joseph Bostick; family history sheet for Mary (Copaugh) Klapp. 6 pgs.
•Group of documents for: M.B. Beaubien Allot. No. 385 (Theresa Beaubien), Allotment and Estate Record; family history for Mrs. M. B. Beaubien; Heir list card for probate LH-129242-14; heir sheet for Joseph Bostick Allotment No. 239; Allotment or Estate Recorded for Joseph Bostick Allot. No. 239; Family group chart genealogy of Joseph Lafromboise Chief and Therese E.; Allotment or Estate Record and copy of receipt for patent of Maddie Watkins allot. No. 1103; map of part of Silver Lake Township, Shawnee County Kansas in 1873 showing Ogee and Beaubien landowners highlighted, each allotment has owners surname. 12pgs.
•Report of Heirship for M. B. Beaubien (Baubien), Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee OK. June 14, 1917; family group sheet for Madeline Lafromboise Denton. 6 pgs.
•Copy from The National Archives, 1863 Pottawatomi allotment cover page Pottawatomie Allotments by Wolcott and Ross, 1863, pages 7, 63, and 65 referencing the Lafromboise, Beaubien families. 4 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Records for Elenore Alley Allot. No. 1155; William Alley Allot. No. 1157; Julia Alley Allot. No. 380; Willie Alley Allot. No. 381; Mary Alley Allot. No. 1154. 9 pgs.
•Transcribed copies put in alphabetical order from Citizen Potawatomi Indian Allotment Under Act of 1887, a page from the A’s reflecting the Alley surname from the Lafromboise family; and a copy form list of 1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomie Indians from journal Kansas Kin with family Alley highlighted. 4 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Records and patent receipts for Alley family members; Willie Alley, Walter McCumsey alias James Alley Allot. No. 928, Mary Alley Allot. No. 1154, Julia Alley Allot. No. 380, Elenore Alley Allot. No. 115. 8 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for Joseph Copaugh Allot. No. 590 and letter from Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency, Shawnee, OK, Oct. 10, 1952 to Cora C. Evans in reference to Joseph Copaugh Allottee No. 590. 3 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for Joseph Copaugh Allot. No. 590; Tribal Probate 12482-52 for Cora C. Evans requesting family history of Joseph Copaugh Allottee No. 590 and possible enrollment and handwritten letter dated August 18, 1952 in reference to Joseph Copaugh. 3 pgs.
•Copy from transcribed alphabetical list from the Citizen Pottawatomi Indian Allotment under Act of 1887 reflecting R’s, John Riley name highlighted. 1 pg.
•Copy from the Citizen Pottawatomi Indian Allotment under Act of 1887 page 20 names highlighted Alice Mayfield nee Riley on Gardner Roll Pheloset Riley, Annie Hardin daughter of 270 by former husband. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of M.B. Beaubien Allot. No. 385, Heir list for probate No. LH-129242-14, marriage record and children for Mrs. M.B. Beaubien and daughter Mary Hardin Bostick CP-237.4 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Alice nee Riley or Gardner Roll Pheloset Riley Mayfield Allot. No. 270 handwritten at top “Daughter of Mary Hardin Bostick”, Index and Heirship Card Annie Ray Allot. No. C.P. 271 daughter of Alice Riley Mayfield CP-270. 2 pgs.
•Testimony by Mary Bostick possibly probate for Mrs. M.B. Beaubien or Dave Bostick, heir list for Mary Copaugh Kalpp, Allotment or Estate Record for Joseph Copaugh Allot. No. 590, Allotment or Estate Record for Wap Gee Wa Lewis Allot. No. 417. 3pgs
•Allotment or Estate Record of M.B. Beaubien Allot. No. 385, Heir list for probate No. LH-129242-14, marriage record and children for Mrs. M.B. Beaubien. 3 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record Joseph Copaugh Allot. No. 590 and family history sheet, letter from Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency tribal probate 12482-52 to Mrs. Cora C. Evans in reference to enrollment and allotment information of Joseph Capaugh and children, copied page from alphabetical list of 1887 Allotment for the “D”, Allotment or Estate Record for Louise nee Smith Hartman Allot. No. 764, Allotment or Estate Record of Lizzie Hartman Allot. No. 765. 6 pgs.
•Heir sheet for Josephine Bourassa Allot. No. 802 probate no. #106722-14, handwritten at top F: Peter McClain; family information for Josephine
•Bourassa, husbands and children. 2 pgs.