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Lafromboise Family History
Lafromboise Family History

Lafromboise Family History

Date1700s - 1998
Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.24.58-358; 694-915
Description2005.24 Lafromboise Family Manuscripts
2005.24_3 Family History [Lafromboise]
•Family history narrative and genealogy charts titled Laframboise Family French-Canadian Lafrombaise, Who Settled in Wisconsin Hardin Family and The Hardin and Laframboise Connections. 5 pgs.
•Letter to Mrs. David McEvers November 22, 1971, in reference to information on the Lafromboise, Hardin, and Beaubien families from Bella Looney. 2 pgs.
•Documents and testimony in the estate of M. B. Beaubien Allot. No. 385 and Mabel G. Quintard Allot. No. 1096. 7 pgs.
•Birth certificate copy for Cherie Jean LaFromboise DOB July 1939. 1pg.
•Typed letter to Beverly Hughes Tribla Rolls Official January 5, 1981 from George Oliver seeking information on application for enrollment. 1 pg.
•Typed letters to Beverly Hughes Tribal Rolls director, Wanita Clifford Tribal Chairperson and Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum from Cherie Lafromboise Fabian Nov. 24, 1981 Nov. 25, 1981, March 8, 1981, and March 12, 1981 in reference to application for enrollment for her daughters. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter/note to Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribal Secretary from Cherie La Fromboise Fabian Nov. 3, 1980 requesting to enroll daughters with birth certificate and documents for enrollment. 6pgs.
•Letters to Citizen Band Potawatomi from Cherie La Fromboise Fabian in referencing her daughter’s enrollment, March 12, 1981, June 8, 1981, and June 17, 1981. 3 pgs.
•Handwritten notes/names list. 2 pgs.
•Descendants chart for Theresa LaFromboise CP -385.3 pgs.
•Copied pages from The Jesuits of the Middle United States pages 30 and 31 chapter St. Mary’s of the Potawatomi, II. 2 pgs.
•Hand written note of La Fromboise family history, other surnames are Hardin, Beaubien, Watikins, Quintard, and Nichols. 1 pg.
•Document for unidentified person whom parents are James B. Quintard and Maddie Quintard. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of photograph of grave marker of Joseph Lafromboise with handwritten notes of family history of children of Joseph Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma to Ramona Salgado Oct. 12, 1978 referencing what family information would be helpful in application enrollment, handwritten notes on letter returned to tribal offices. 1 pg.
•Typed letter to Ramona Salgado from Beverly Hughes Tribal Rolls Official Nov. 16, 1978 in reference to family research for enrollment being gathered from Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1 pg.
•Typed letter to Cheri J. Fabian from Beverly Hughes Tribal Rolls Director Nov. 10, 1980 in references to enrollment and blood degree needed for enrollment. 1 pg.
•Typed letter to Cheri J. Fabian from Beverly Hughes Tribal Rolls Director June 17, 1980 in references to enrollment and blood degree needed for enrollment. 1 pg.
•Typed letter from the National Archives and Records Service Washington, DC, Sept. 26, 1978 to Harold L. McCreery in reference to copies of documents on family history of Julia A. Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•Handwritten notes on ruled paper referencing Lafromboise family history. 4 pgs.
•Document copies of pages from family Bible titled Marriages and Births for Nichols, Phillips, Brown, and Miller; pages 34-35 of The Potawatomi Indians, They Cede Their Lands, 2 pages from probate that show Mrs. M.B. Beaubien Allot. No. 385 and Mary Harden Bostick Allot. No. 237 marriages and children from those marriages. 6 pgs.
•Group of documents: Family history narratives of Lafromboise family members, surnames in this document, Beaubien, Hardin, Bostick, Young, Kennedy, Quintard, Luthye, Boydston; ancestor chart for Melinda Sue Boydston; newspaper clipping 2 Newbury Park Teen-Agers Established as Potowatomi by Dinna Scheibe, Times Staff Writer; family narrative history titled Joseph Lafrombois His Ancestors and Descendants by Harold L. McCreery; copies from the National Archives Microfilm Publications Microcopy No. 234 Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81 a handwritten letter from Pottawatomie Agency K.T. March 18 1860 in reference to M. B. Beaubien, testimony referencing the M.B Beaubien Allot. No.385 and Mary Harden Bostick Allot. No. 237 estates. 20 pgs.
•Group of documents: testimony referencing the Mary Harden Bostick Allot. No. 237 estates. 5 pgs.
•Typed document referencing people on 1863 roll, 1897 Census, and genealogy notes for surnames Pah-ies, Tah-qua, Shah-bwa-qua, Shoptese, Shah-o-dah, Baptiste, Baptiste, Hall, Watkins, Wab-che-qua, McQuirt, Dockery, Young, Reese. 3 pgs.
•Typed letter from Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency to Cora Evans Oct. 10, 1952 in reference to Joseph Copaugh Allot. No. 590 and family. 1 pg.
•Small yellow note with handwritten notes of list of Clapp Children, other surnames Mayberry and Copaugh. 1 pg.
•Copies of 1867 Baptismal Record of the Kansas or Kaw Indian tribe page 481 and 511. 2 pgs.
•Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma Regular Business Committee Meeting, Shawnee, Oklahoma, July 11, 1983 resolution Pot# 84-26, a resolution to remove from membership the descendants of Rose Copaugh and Joseph Louis Baptiste who were born after June 29, 1961 and did not meet the 1/8 degree for enrollment. 1 pg.
•Copies of pages from the book People of the Place of the Fire by Pricilla Sherard, page 130 - 131Baptiste, Copaugh, Dockery, Bostic, Beaubien family information. 2 pgs.
•Copy of page of directions for death certificate. 1 pg.
•Delayed Certificate of Birth from the State of Kansas for Susan Catherine Battese. 1 pg.
•Standard Certificate of Death for Walter Battese. 1 pg.
•Certificate of Baptism for Frank Battesse. 1 pg.
•Typed family history narrative on Joseph Lewis Baptiste and Rose Marvel Copaw, Joseph L. Baptiste (as told to Maxine Baptiste), Joseph Louis Baptiste and Joe Baptiste the Laberty Boys. 4 pgs.
•Standard Certificate of Death for Lewis Baptiste. 1 pg.
•Narrative genealogy family history for the Descendants of Andrew Smith, other surnames Bourassa Fehlig, Cook, Mayers, Denton, Bixiby and Kinslow. 26 pgs.
•Photocopy of a memorial cards for Jack P. Crose and marriage invitation for Glenda Shirlene and Jack Paul Crose. 1 pg.
•Newspaper clipping Father of Indian Priest, Stephen Negahnquet Is Visiting Land of His Birth referencing visit of Stephen Negahnquet to Kansas from Shawnee OK Farm. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of newspaper clippings; First Ferry Boat, Albert McClain who died this week, was a resident of Shawnee County for nearly seventy years and Albert M’Clain, Pioneer came to Kansas in 1845. 2 pg.
Handwritten letter on ruled notebook paper March 29, 1995 from Ora M. Bateman referencing family history sent. 1 pg.
•Application for a Patent in Fee for Zoa (Smith) Denton. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten note on yellow paper information from probate of Leo Bourassa, other surnames McLane, Smith, Storm, and Hartman. 1 pg.
•Group of documents in envelope from Dorothy Whitebread to Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribe post dated Aug. 22, 1988; handwritten note on green paper, probate 62931-41 notice of Heirs of Nettie Hartman Peck Citizen Potawatomie 768; hearing notice to determine heirs; letter from the Department of the Interior June 2, 1941 to Lizzie Harman Lynn in reference to Nettie Harman Allot. No. 768; copy of original allotment certificate for Lizzie Harman dated Sept. 15, 1891. 7 pgs.
•Group of documents: Certificate of Live Birth for Carolyn Sue Taylor; photocopy page of newspaper death notice clippings and photographs collage for Frederick Bixby, Everet A. Bixby, Hattie Bixby and Charles Bixby; Gamily group record for Robert Moden Bixby and June Rankin, Richard Jerald Kelly and Brenda Ann Bixby. 4 pgs.
•Group of family group charts some with newspaper clippings and photographs inlaid in charts for Tammy L. Bixby and Bobby Earl Tibbits, Charlene Bixby and Lee E. Henderson, Rose Bell Bixby and Don Dean Jones, Ray Joseph Bixby and Maxine Faye Reamer Bixby, Edna Mae Bixby and Wilter Charles Taylor, Carolyn Sue Taylor and Tom Paulson, Marti R. Paulsen and Mark R. Hurd, Laura Ann Paulsen and Mark Backmann, Mable Fren Bixby and Osto Patton, Wanda Irene Patton and Jim Smith, Virgina Naomi Bixby and Ike White, Betty White and Jack Caose, Michael Allen Jones and Betty Ann, Charles Absalom Bixby and Hattie Denton, Vernon Howard Bixby and Virginia Irene Longstaff, Paula Lynn Kelly and Darrin Eugene Frey, Donald Dewayne Bixby, Grace Irene Bixby and Otis A. Busey, Grace Lucille Busey and Michael Degand Jr., Michael Degand III, Cheryl Lee Robinson and Alova Edmond Busey; Charles J. Bixby and Ora May Hansford, Raymond Eugene Bixby and Janice Elaine Backerman. 24 pgs.
•Group of documents: copy of Citizen Band Potawatomi resolution Pott# 88-39 which is a resolution to establish blood degree of Josephine Smith Bourassa and Andrew Smith; letter from the Department of the Interior May 23, 1978 to family members of Josephine Smith Bourassa CP-802 with family history; Nov. 9, 1914 letter abstract of relationship of heirs and heir reports from the Department of the Interior on heirship in estate for Josephine Bourassa. 23 pgs.
•Family group chart for unknown Denton and Madeline Lafromboise. 1pg.
•Ancestor chart for Brenda Ann Bixby Kelly, other surnames Denton, McClain, Countryman. 1 pg.
•Group of documents: phone message, letter from Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma November 20, 1985 to Sandra A. Lederer letter that was sent with enrollment card; photocopies of cards for Sandra Ann Lederer, Gary Kenneth Lederer and Lyn Ann Lederer; envelope dated Nov. 20, 1985. 9 pgs.
•Handwritten letter March 7, 1900 to Aunt Irne (?) Hartman referencing death of mother from Sidney Smith. 2 pgs.
•Group of documents: handwritten notes on the Smith, Bourassa, Denton families; letter to Nell Ward December 12, 1974 from Beverly Hughes Tribal Secretary; 8 pgs.
•Group of documents: handwritten family history notes and letters in enrollment of members of Sidney Smith Jr. family, 1976-1977. 6 pgs.
•Group of documents: handwritten letter to Mary Farrell from Dorthy Whitebread July 26, 1995; photocopy of card photo of Louisa Smith Storm Hartman ca. 1911 with handwritten notes on family history, newspaper clipping Stephen Negahnquet is Visiting Land of His Birth; photocopy of card photo group portrait with Louisa Smith Storm Hartman and children; Letter to John Barrett Chairman Nov. 13, 1985 from Lloyd B. Denton referencing Bourassa family connections; letter to Beverly Hughes Aug. 2, 1976 from Nell J. Ward referencing Sidney Smith family history information.6 pgs.