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Lafromboise Genealogy
Lafromboise Genealogy

Lafromboise Genealogy

Date1800s - 1900s
Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.24.359-453; 916-955
Description2005.24 Lafromboise Family Manuscripts
2005.24_4 Genealogy [Lafromboise]
•Family History writing titled Lineal Descendants of Potawatomi Chief Joseph Lafromboise and Daughter Therese Lafromboise Vol.I Accompanying Application of Walter McNab Miller III, Oct, 1979, included is documents, narratives, genealogy charts and photocopies of photographs. 84 pgs.
•Family genealogy ancestor charts for Davis Hardin, Cynthia Strickland, Rachel Johnson Wall Hale, other surnames Vieux, Goodboo, Lafromboise, Shaw wenoquah. 3 pgs.
•Descendant chart for Theresa LaFromboise CP- 385. 3 pgs.
•Family ancestor chart for Leland A. Howell CP- 1100, other surnames Quintard, Watkins, LaFromboise, Beaubien, Darnell, Winn, Diettrich, Peck, Linneborn, Luthye. 1 pg.
•Family ancestor chart for James R. Lawson, other surnames Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•Handwritten descendant chart for Therese Lafromboise and Thomas Watkins, bulk of information is Louise Watkins and Albert M. Nichols descendants. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family genealogy chart for Rachel Vieu, other surnames and spellings Jarveau, Leroy, Le-Great, Sha-note, Ahkenapoway, Mahteenose, Chesawgan. 1 pg.
•Family ancestor chart for Hazel McCumsey Pierson, other surnames Alley. 1 pg.
•Group of Ancestor charts for James Edward King, Mary Trombly/Trembly, Margaret Lafromboise, other surnames from these charts King, Anderson, Hardin, Galamore, Wilmot, Chevelier, and Davis. 3 pgs.
•Family descendant charts for Catherine Wood and John L. Ogee labeled Chart 3-A, Chart A for Louis Henry Ogee and Sophia E. Beaubien, Chart 5 for Albion Alcott and Helen Beaubien, and Eliza Alcott and John E. Beaubien; Chart 1 for Joseph Ogee and Mary Madeline; Chart 2 for Mary Margaret Ogee and Hyram Weld; Chart 3 for Robert Allen Ogee and Emily Antionette Beaubien. 6 pgs.
•Family ancestor chart for Elizabeth Burdett, other surnames Copaugh, Smith, Riley, and Hardin. 1 pg.
•Handwritten family chart for Peter Oliver LaClair and Mary Louise Young, and sister Florence Young and Abraham LaFromboise. 1pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Mary Hardin. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Audene Evelyn (Anderson) King, other surnames Hardin, Lafromboise, Wilmot, Goodboo, Chevier, and Trombly. 2 pg.
•Group of documents: ancestor charts and family history for Romona Ray Salgado, other surnames Hardin, Riley and Mayfield; copy of handwritten letter from the Pottawatomie Indian Reservation November 1863 to Commissioner of Indian Affairs referencing report of the allotments made by us to the Pottawatomie Indians; page from 1863 roll of Pottawatomi in Kansas referencing Quintard and Hardin family members; page from Citizen Band of Pottawatomie census referencing Lafromboise, Hardin, and Goodboo family members; ancestor chart for Perry Danny Lawson. 6 pgs.
•Baptiste-Copaugh Descendants chart. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family chart for Vincent Mayberry, other surnames Copaugh, Hardin, and Riley. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Francis A. Levier, other surname Battese. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Rose Copaugh, other surnames Riley, Hardin, LaFromboise. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Montgomery Ragan Baptiste other surnames Murphey and Baptiste. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Kristin Lynn Baptiste other surname Pagliuso 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Billy Robert Baptiste II other surnames Pagliuso. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Jason Robert Kilby other surname Baptiste. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Joseph Louis Baptiste other names Pah-ies and Tah-qua. 1 pg.
•Group of documents handwritten on yellow ruled pad paper; ancestor chart for Joseph Louis Baptiste other surnames Edward, Lloyd, Ragan, Robert, Lynn, Copaugh, Diwonis, LeRoy, Ross, Kilby and Louis; list of Joseph Louis and Rosa M. Baptiste family; Naomi Baptiste family list; Baptiste family members list; list titled Birth Certificates for Baptiste and Copaugh family information. 7 pgs.
•Ancestor Family charts for Mabel L. Bass Morris other surnames Denton and Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Rita Joyce Mason other surnames Cook and Denton 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Zoa Smith Denton other surnames Bourassa and Smith. 1 pg.
•Ancestor Family charts for Yvonne Sue Yowell Kolloen other surnames Denton, Cook and Main. 1 pg.