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Lafromboise Government Documents
Lafromboise Government Documents

Lafromboise Government Documents

Date1852 - 1986
Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.24.454-655; 956-1379
Description2005.24 Lafromboise Family Manuscripts
2005.24_5 Government Documents [Lafromboise]
•Document copies of Senate reports from the 50th Congress 1st Session referencing Pottawatomi tribal Indian affairs cert 1888 on bill on the amount due Pottawatomie Indians of Michigan. 3 pgs.
•Notice from National Archives and Records Service Washington D.C., to W. McNab Miller III, for material ordered. 1 pg.
•Copies from National Archives microfilm publications, Microcopy No. 234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Roll 678, Potawatomi Agency, 1851-1880, two letters; handwritten letter from Washington city June ????, in reference to Joseph Lafromboise annuity due; handwritten letter from Washington City June 29, 1852, also funds due from Treaty of Chicago 1833. 3 pgs.
•Copies from National Archives microfilm publications, Microcopy No. 234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Roll 672; handwritten letter with attached note from Pottawatomie Agency March 18, 1860, references political discord between tribal members and list of acting chiefs of this tribe. 4 pgs.
•Testimony taken from Maud Linneborn (Maud M. Quintard) in the estates of M. B. Barbein and Mabel G. Quintard (Mabel Luthye). 10 pgs.
•Report from the Interior Department July 13, 1869 , notes at top of firs top of page Rough Report Royer, references Joseph Lafromboise family and property awarded at Skunk Grove as stated in treaty signed October 20, 1832 as well as court dealings in regards to this treaty being carried out correctly. 11 pgs.
•Two Handwritten letters; from the Department of the Interior Office of Indian Affairs December 8, 1869 in reference to payment to Alexander Robinson and chiefs named in the treaties of 1832 and 1833 Billy Caldwell, Alexander Robinson, Joseph Lafromboise and Shabehna reside in Kansas reservation and monies due be sent there; letter from the Pottaowatomie Agency Ks. August 12, 1865 referencing the number of Pottawatomies were being prosecuted and put in jail for not attaining license with respect to reservation land and citizenship. 5 pgs.
•Handwritten letter, Union Town January 8, 1853, letter of protest against Potawatomi tribal members getting payment that did not live on Potawatomi land.
•Four handwritten letters; Washington City June 19, 1852 referencing life annuity due Joseph Lafromboise; from Potawatomie Agency Dec. 8, 1853 providing updated chief or headman list which has Jos. Lafromboies (also note Ma-zee replaces Topenbee who died); letter from Treasury Department Second Auditors office January 12, 1853 referencing existing receipts that show payment to Joseph Lafromboise; letter from Washington City June 29, 1852 in support for payment to Joseph Lafromboise as stated in Chicago treaty of 1833. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from West Port Mo. dated June 13, 1853 references heirs of Joseph Lafromboise and land received in treaty by him and options after his death. 3 pgs.
•Handwritten letters; from Pottawatomie Agency June 12, 1855 in reference to death of Joseph Lafromboise and his heirs; from Office Supt. Ind. Office Kansas, June 22, 1855 in reference to land conveyed to Joseph Lafromboise land to his heirs. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from the Pottawatomie Agency near St. Mary’s Mission July 28, 1859 in reference to stipulations lay out by Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning agency hiring, and political positions of tribal leaders. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from Pottawatomi Agency Jan. 14, 1862 in reference to tribal leaders stating needs and signed by leaders. 2 pg.
•Handwritten letter from Pottawatomi Agency June 21, 1865 in reference to requests from members of the Pottawattomie tribe of Indians complaints. 4 pgs.
•Court documents handwritten as a special term of the court of probate in and for the County of Cook and State of Illinois held at this City of Chicago in reference to guardianship of the children of Joseph Lafromboise and petition for sale of lands. 24 pgs.
•Letter from The National Bank of Holton, KS. June 23, 1905 to Commissioner of Indian Affairs in reference to the land allotment of Archaugel Lafromboise in Cleveland Co. Oklahoma. 2 pgs
•Hand written note in reply to unidentified letter referencing Archaugel Lafromboise. 2 pg.
•Affidavits from various members of the Pottawattomie Indians and workers for agency at St Mary’s in reference to wagon maker Robert McKowen did not fulfill his job responsibilities and also in the possession of whiskey, July 1859. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten probate documents in the matter of the Estate of Joseph Lafromboise deceased, Feb. 23, 1861. 6 pgs.
•Photocopied notecards of bibliographical resources compiled by R. David Edmunds author of books on Potawatomi history, these note cards reference Lafromboise family members. 29 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior Feb. 21, 1974 to Virgil M. Beaubien in reference to his blood degree based on information provided in letter.
•Affidavits of testimony in estate Harry Bostick deceased Citizen Potawatomie Allottee No. 638 June 1, 1915; Allotment or Estate Record, heir list and receipt for patent, of Harry Bostick Allot. No. 638. 11 pgs.
•Letter from Department of the Interior to John A. Barrett Chairman and Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee Oct. 14, 1986 in reference blood degrees of Joseph L. Baptiste and Rose Copaugh and their descendants. Copy of Resolution and family chart included. 4 pgs.
•Letter from Department of the Interior Sept. 29, 1898 in reference to Florence Laframboise (Young) Allot. No. 77. 1 pg.
•Department of the Interior documents in the Heirship of the Estate of M. B. Beaubien deceased Allottee No. 385. 20 pgs.
•Letter from the Potawatomi Indian Agency Mayetta KS Nov. 30, 1914 in reference to heirship of M. B. Beaubien. 2 pgs.
•Index and Heirship card for Willie Alley Allot. No. 381. 2 pg.
•Index and Heirship card for William Alley Allot. No. 1157. 2 pgs.
•Index and Heirship card for Julia Alley Allot. No. 380. 2 pgs.
•Index and Heirship cross reference card for James Alley Allot. No. 923. 2 pgs.
•Documents and letters in reference to Willi Alley Allot. NO. 381.4 pgs.
•2 letter from Silver Lake KS. March 24, 1879, in reference to age differences of time of allotment for Willie Alley and birthdate. 2 pgs.
•2 letters from the Department of the Interior subject is returning deeds for deliver for legal heirs for Elinore Alley. 2 pgs.
•2 letters from the Department of the Interior; March 25, 1896 and Feb. 17, 1892, both referencing deed information for Julia A. Alley allot. No. 380; letter 3 pgs.
•Letters from the Department of the Interior in reference to the estates and allotments of Alley-Lafromboise ancestors and allottees of 1887. 11 pgs.
•Letter from Wagoza, Pott. Nat., Ind. Territory may 9, 1883 in regard the enrollment of citizen Band Potawatomies and Act of 1872, signed by tribal leaders. 3 pgs.
•Letter to Shawnee Indian agency referencing Shaw-wda or John Bapitst. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior Oct. 14, 1986 to John A. Barrett, Chairman Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee referencing blood degrees of descendants of Joseph Lafromboise, copy of resolution for enrollment for Joseph Louis Baptiste and Rose Copaugh; and family chart showing relationship and degree. 4 pgs.
•Copy of 2 letters from National Archives Microfilm Publication Microcopy No. 234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Potawatomi Agency, 1851-1880, handwritten letter from Washington city June 19, 1852 in reference to life annuity due Joseph Lafromboise; handwritten letter from Washington City June 29, 1835 in reference to character of Joseph Lafromboise. 3 pgs.
•Document copies of allotment selection of Mrs. Florence Young and Abram G. LaFromboise. 5 pgs.
•Group of documents numbered 1 thru 21, court and BIA documents in the sale of allotment from Joseph Watkins and Angeline Watkins to Frank W. Boggs. 22 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from the Department of the Interior April 12, 1882 to D.B. Dyer U.S. Indian Agent in reference to communication from Hannah Hardin and Davis Hardin and guardians of their minor children Anna and Mary Hardin. 2 pgs.
•Group of documents hand written letters bulk from Department of the Interior in references to Lafromboise family ca. 1940-50. 29 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers on reserve of Joseph Lafromboise children ca. 1940-50. 8 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers in reference to Joseph Lafromboise family ca. 1940-50. 19 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers in reference to Joseph Lafromboise family ca. 1940-50. 3 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers in reference to Joseph Lafromboise family ca. 1940-50. 10 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers in reference to Joseph Lafromboise family ca. 1940-50. 16 pgs.
•Group of documents handwritten letters and papers in reference to Joseph Lafromboise family and MB Beaubien estate ca. 1940-50. 23 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from the Pottawatomie Agency Jan. 14, 1862 referencing Pottawatomi tribe requests signed by Joseph Lafromboise and other leaders. 2 pgs.
•Documents for Joseph Copaugh family history and letter from Hannah Hardin Goodboo April 26, 1880 in reference to family history request. 3pgs.
•Letter from Pottawatomie Agency in reference to Lafromboise family members June 17, 1867. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten court document State of Kansas, Shawnee County in reference to Madore B. and Theresa Beaubien and land deed. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten court document synopsis of the case of Joseph Laframboise, Oct. 20, 1832. 6 pgs.
•Group of court documents in reference to Lafromboise family members. 3 pgs.
•Group of court documents in reverence to children of Joseph Laframboise and land acquired from treaty of 1832. 5 pgs.
•Handwritten letter April 29, 1853 in reference to children of Joseph Lafromboise. 2 pgs.
•Court documents, affidavits and narratives in reference to Joseph Lafromboise children. 4 pgs.
•Court documents, affidavits and narratives in reference to Joseph Lafromboise children. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs into the estates of Joseph Lafromboise. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from the Department of the Interior July 3, 1855 in reference to land claims of Joseph Lafromboise and family members. 2 pgs.
•Court documents referencing the children of Joseph Lafromboise Reserve, Dec. 17, 1852. 5 pgs.
•Handwritten letter Feb. 13, 1856 in reference to treaty of Oct. 1832 and the children of Joseph Lafrombroise. 6 pgs.
•Court documents and letter May 24, 1860 referencing Pottawatomie Treaty of Oct. 1832 and the children of Joseph Lafromboise. 4 pgs.
•Handwritten letter May 16, 1864 in reference to article #2 under treaty of Oct. 1832 referencing family of Joseph Lafromboise. 6 pgs.
•Group of documents Report of Heirship Nov. 30, 1914 for M.B. Beaubien Allotment No. 385; testimony in the estate M.B. Beaubien; letter from Department of the Interior to Virgil H. Beaubien Feb. 21, 1974 and ancestor family information with family history chart.20 pgs.
•Report of Heirship for M. B. Bearbien (Barbien) Allotment No. 368 June 14, 1917. 5 pgs.
•Letter from Department of the Interior Oct. 14, 1986 to John A. Barrett, Chairman in reference to enrollment and degree requirements for Jason Robert Kelby, Billy Robert Baptiste II, Kristen Lynn Baptiste, and Montgomery Ragan Baptiste. 3 pgs.
•Family history document for Joseph Copaugh and Mary Copaugh (Klapp). 3 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from Tecumseh Oklahoma Territory May 19, 1896 in reference to Show dah tribal member swindled out of his annuity, written for Show dah by David Laughton and affidavit to Show-dah as tribal member by Peter Curley and Josette Nemek Skunk; letter from the Department of the Interior June 1, 1896 referencing the affidavit. 4 pgs.
•Document from the Department of the Interior of patent transmittal of fee patent numbered 571750 for allottee numbered 417 Lewis Map-gee-wa, Baptiste. 1 pg.
•Report on Heirship for M. B. Beaubien (Baubien) Allotment No. 385, June 14, 1917. 13 pgs.
•Group of documents ca. 1920’s bulk from Department of the Interior concerning estate of M.B. Beaubien and family. 8 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior Oct. 14, 1986 in reference to enrollment and blood degree requirements for Jason Robert Kelby, Billy Robert Baptiste II, Kristen Lynn Baptiste, and Montgomery Ragan Baptiste. 3 pgs.
•Handwritten letter in reference to Show dah tribal member swindled out of his annuity as an affidavit to Show-dah as tribal member by Peter Curley and Josette Nemek Skunk. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Potawatomi Indian Agency Mayetta, KS. May 9, 1923 to Commissioner of Indian Affairs in reference to court hearing to determine legal heirs of Walter Battese. 1 pg.
•Data for heirship finding and family history for unknown Levier whose parents were Joe Levier and Martha Battese; and affidavit for legal name and ancestors of Susan Battese Maines June 30, 1957. 3 pgs.
•Group of documents: photocopied letter from Potawatomi Indian Agency Mayetta, Kansas, March 7, 1923 to Mr. L. L. Smith in reference to guardian and representor for Marjory, Agnes and Roth Battese in hearing to determine heirs of deceased father Walter Battese and reply accepting appointment of guardianship; report of heirship for Walter Battese May 8, 1923. 7 pgs.
•Group of documents : from the Department of the Interior June 27, 1923 approval of heirship of estate of Walter Battese; testimony in heirship case; letter May 23, 1973 to Battese and Levier tribal members of enrollment degree; probate documents for the estate of Martha Battese Levier Jackson ca. 1955. 15 pgs.
•Documents from the Department of Interior May 13, 1955 in reference to Martha Battese Levier Jackson. 2 pgs.
•Probate hearing notice for the estate of Walter Battese, March 7, 1923. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior July 15, 1908 referencing student Joe L. Baptiste enrollment status at Chilocco Agricultural School. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior July 24, 1908 to Brother John Laracy Sacred Heart OK in reference of pupil Joe L. Baptist son of Louis Baptist, reply from Brother Laracy is at bottom of letter. 1 pg.
•Land sales patent from the Department of the Interior, for Lewis Map-gee-wa, Baptiste Indian agency Pawhuska OK. Allottee no. 417. 1 pg.
•Letter from Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency, Shawnee, OK, October 10, 1952 to Cora C. Evans in reference to Joseph Copaugh and family. 1 pg.
•Letter from West & Perry Attorneys at Law to Pottawatomie Indians Agent, Shawnee, Okla. In reference to Shaw-wda, or John Baptiste, Pottawatomie Number 418 and his allotment. 1 pg.
•Documents : resolution Pot # 83-50 June 15, 1983, a resolution to correct the degree of blood ascribed to the descendants of Rose Copaugh and Joseph L. Baptiste; and resolution Pot# 84-26 enrollment of afore mention people; letter from the Department of the Interior May 23, 1978 in reference to blood degree of descendants of Josephine Smith Bourassa CP-802. 3 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior July 29, 1959 in reference to Pearl Denton enrollment in Haskell and blood degree allowed. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior March 5, 1975 to Nell J. Ward, in reference to ancestors Sidney Smith CP 763 and his daughter Rena Smith Richardson. 1 pg.
•Documents from the Anadarko Area Office to commissioner of Indian Affairs in reference to two different Josephine Bourassas’ CP 1122 and CP 802 and how they are related to Mary Denton Powell and shared family members and abstract of title. 17 pgs.
•Documents; from the Department of the Interior Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee, OK Dec. 11, 1934 referencing U. S. Treasury Checks to Vernice Arline Beeler with handwritten notes of family history on bottom of page; photo copy of check to Dorothy A. Whitebread May 10, 1967, patent request of Louisa Hartman Dec. 9, 1908; letter to Bernard Heer on application for enrollment in tribe by Vernice Arline Beeler Slaven Sept. 12, 1967; photocopy of newspaper clippings “Old Settlers Meet, Topeka Pioneers Celebrate Topeka’s 57th Birthday” and death notice for Albert McClain. 5 pgs.
•Handwritten letter January 22, 1901 Topeka KS. from Albert McLean to Leo Patrick U. S. Indian Agent regarding the lease of allotment in Ok. 3 pgs.
•Documents: approval of heirship for the estate of John B. Bergeran Jul. 28, 1926; handwritten letter from David J. Bourassa to Albert McCLain April 20, 1912 in reference to legal claims and position of Citizen Potawatomi Indians; receipt of sale of allotment for John Bergeron Jan. 30, 1907.8 pgs.
•Handwritten copy of Citizen Band Pottawatomies of Oklahoma Territory business meeting minuets Nov. 12, 1891, signed by Albert McClain Chairman and Frank Bourbonnais Secretary. 2 pgs.
•Documents and Notice from the Department of the Interior on court hearing for determination of estate of Arthur Cook, July 18, 1984.3 pgs.
•Documents of the testimony in the estate of Mary Denton (Mary Bergeron) citizen Pottawatomie No. 902; Report on Heirship of Eliza Sage Allotment No. 424; ancestor family chart for Ollie Cook Todd, Ira Ray White, Laura Diane Gorrell, Rose P. Cook, Kyle Douglas Waddle, and Marion B. Waddell. 16 pgs.
•Photocopy of warranty deed from the state of Kansas, between Nancy Smith formally Nancy McClain and Sidney Smith, Sept. 18, 1826 to Louisa Storm. 2 pgs.
•Group of documents : a court letter in the matter of the estate of Lynn Hartman Garlinghouse which went to children Dorothy G. Whitebread and Wolburta F. Congdon, dated March 27, 1976; deposition on written interrogatories; heir report; letter from mineral royalties Nov. 12, 1941. 5 pgs
•Documents concerning the estate of Lizzie (Elizabeth) Hartman Lynn; Order determining heirs from the Department of Interior for Lizzie (Elizabeth) Hartman Lynn Allottee No. 765, July 25, 1957, letter to Vernice Arline eeler Slavin Sept. 14, 1982 in reference to estate of Louisa Smith Storm Hartman Citizen Band Potawatomi Allottee 754; hand written family history of Smith, Storm, Hartman and Slavin. 16 pgs.
•Handwritten notes, Microfilm # 692 written in blue ink at top, notes reference the sections reserved to Nancy, Sally and Betsy Countryman children of En-do-ga under treaty of Oct. 20, 1832; agreements with Albert McClain over allotted land lease payments.4 pgs.
•Documents grouped together: Testimony in estate of Hiram and Joseph Weld; Department of the Interior probate for Lizzie (Elizabeth) Hartman Lynn Allotment No. 765. 11 pgs.
•Documents grouped together: Report of Heirship for Eliza Sage Allotment No. 424. 5 pgs.
•Department of the Interior documents referencing the hearing to determine heirs or probate will for Leonard Thomas Denton allotment # 901. 21 pgs.
•Department of Interior document referencing summary of report on heirs for Alice Denton (Alice Denton Bass) April 14, 1936. 2 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior May 23, 1978 to “whom it may concern” referencing blood degree and family history for Josephine Smith Bourassa Citizen Band Potawatomi Allotment CP-802. 10 pgs.