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Muller Government Documents

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.30.85-114
Description2005.30 Muller Family Manuscripts
2005.30_5 Government Documents [Muller]
•2005.30.85 Letter from Shawnee Indian School, Shawnee, OK dated Feb. 19, 1917 to Mrs. Lavina Barnes, nee Muller in reference to Patent in Fee for allotment to be recorded in county court house Tecumseh OK. that was to be sent to allottee as well as purse and citizen pin keepsakes presented to her in honor of her new citizenship privileges. 1 pg.
•2005.30.86-87two handwritten documents; affidavit for the confirmation that George H. Muller and family were Citizen Band Pottawatomies by blood, dated May 9th, 1892, letter head is D. M. Wisdom Attorney at Law, Muskogee, Indian Territory; letter to Sac and Fox U. S. Indian Agent referencing George Muller and family members from D. M. Wisdom Attorney at Law Muskogee, I.T. May 9th, 1892. 2 pgs.
•2005.30.88-89 Letter from the Department of the Interior Sept. 18, 1892 to Samuel L. Patrick, Sac and Fox Agency in reference to allotment claim by George H. Muller for child Margaret Catharine child born subsequent to cut off date for allotment May 24, 1887. 2 pgs.
•2005.30.90-92 handwritten contract made Dec. 1, 1873 between B. Beaubien and Theresa Beaubien of Silver Lake Kansas (of the first part) and Alexander Muller of Shawnee County Kansas (of the second part) over business dealings (undetermined at this time due to clarity of documents); last scan page is outside of document “entered in transfer record march 25, 1887 M.N. Brudge County Clerk, Modore B. Beaubien to Alexander Muller. 3 pgs.
•2005.30.93-94 handwritten indenture (contract) made in March 26 1887 between James B. Muller and Mary Muller his wife and Margaret Bourassa and Theodore S. Bourassa her husband and George H. Muller and Carrie Muller his wife (party of the first part) and William A. Muller (party of the second part) heirs of Alexander Muller probate determination. 2 pgs.
•2005.30.95-98group of documents Application of a Patent in Fee for Laura Barnes nee Muller Allotment No. 882(this is written in on application and is incorrect or misread) and Notice document that Laura Barnes nee Muller allottee No. 797 has submitted Application for Patent in Fee dated Dec. 17, 1914. 4 pgs.
•2005.30.99 photocopy of Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for George H. Muller Allot. No. C.P. 795. 1 pg.
•2005.30.100-109 group of documents: letter from the Department of the Interior Sept. 19, 1908 to the Superintendent of Shawnee Indian School in reference to the approved inherited Indian Land deed of the heirs of George H. Muller allottee No. 795 sale of said allotment and payable to listed heirs; court affidavit of Carrie A Cryer being the mother of Margert Catherine Muller and description of property that Margret received from death of father George H. Muller, dated March 23, 1911; allotment document certifying selection for No. 884 for Margaret Catherine Muller minor child of George H. Muller dated June 11th, 1890; allotment document certifying selection for No. 880 George H. Muller dated June 11th, 1890; allotment document certifying selection for No. 878 for James B. Muller minor child of James B. Muller dated June 11th, 1890; letter from the Department of the Interior, U.S. Indian Agency, Shawnee, Okla., April 15, 1907 to Mrs. G. H. Muller in reference for requested help to settle estate of deceased husband, George H. Muller; allotment or Estate Record of George H. Muller Allot. No. 795; heirship list for Allotment No. 786 for Deliliah Bourassa Cryer, probate No. 75855-12. 10 pgs.
•2005.30.110-111 photocopy of two annuities payments received at the Pottawatomie Agency Kansas, on Nov. 18, 1868 by Thomas Murphy, superintendent of Indian Affairs for the sum of six hundred and ten dollars and fifty-nine cents ($610.59) for terms and provisions for The Third Article of Treaty of November 15 1861 and supplemental Article of March 29, 1866, one each issued to Alexander Muller and Catherine Muller. 2 pgs.
•2005.30.112-114 group of photocopy handwritten letters one dated July 22, 1665 in reference to Alex Muller and lands received, other letter is dated July 8, 1865 in reference to Indian annuities due Alex Muller. 3 pgs.