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Pappan Census

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.36.34-52
Description2005.36 Pappan Family Manuscripts
2005.36_2 Census [Pappan]
•2006.36.34 photocopy of page from Indian Census Citizen Potawatomi Indians Shawnee January 1, 1937 listing Pappan family members. 1pg.
•2006.36.35 photocopy of page from unidentified Annuity Payment roll, one of the two numbers associated with names are from Act of 1887, sur names Pappan, Curley, Bertrand, Burnett, James, and Beudon. 1 pg.
•2005.36.36 photocopy of page from unidentified Annuity Payment roll, one of the two numbers associated with names are from Act of 1887, sur names Peltier, Duchane, Vassier, Fyrer, McKinney, Alley, Fuller, Bertrand, Whitehead, and Regnier. 1 pg.
•2005.36.37 photocopy of page from unidentified Annuity Payment roll, one of the two numbers associated with names are from Act of 1887, sur names Vieux, Bourbonnais, Thorpe, and Wilmet. 1 pg.
•2005.36.38-41 yellow paper handwritten notes with lists of Pappan family individuals listed on 188 Annuity Payroll, 1934 census, 1930 census, 1921 census. 4 pgs.
•2005.36.42-47 photocopied pages from Kansas Census, Shawnee County July 13(?), 1870, pages 11, 9, and 10 reflecting Pappan family members listed. 6 pgs.
•2005.36.48 photocopy of page from 1875 Kansas Census Township Mill Creek, highlighted is George Mann family. 1 pg.
•2005.36.49 photocopy of page from 1875 Kansas census, highlighted are names Elizabeth Chilson and Joseph Whipple. 1 pg.
•2005.36.50 photocopy of the Indian Census Roll for the Pottawatomie Reservation of the Shawnee Jurisdiction January 1, 1937 , Nancy Logsdon (Pappan) family listing, other sur names Leons, Long (Gregson), and Louraine.
•2005.36.51-52 photocopy of transcribed list on the 1902 Roll of Kaw Indians. 2 pgs.