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Pappan Family History
Pappan Family History

Pappan Family History

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.36.53-156
Description2005.36 Pappan Family Manuscripts
2005.36_3 Family History [Pappan]
•2005.36.53-55 photocopy of Report of Superintendent in Heirship Cases for decedent Maw-shaw Prairie Band Potawatomi Allotment No. 101, other sur names associated with this document Pappan, James, Mann, Curley, Sheppard, Ashmore, Lasarge, Rulu, Cleavia, Rose, Ross, and Hardy. 3 pgs.
•2005.36.56-57 pages 3 and 4 from using form number at bottom of pages of documents could be identified as an Heirship Case which the decedent is not named on these pages but show Antoine Curley as brother and lists his children as heirs. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.58 Family record sheet of Otwin Pappan (Blond? Handwritten in) born 10-17-1850, lists wife Sophia Curley and children Louisa, Andrew, Weso, and Mary A. Pappan. 1 pg.
•2005.36.59 photocopy of family record for Webb Pappan, other sur names McPherson, Mapel, Kekahbah, and Hill. 1 pg.
•2005.36.60-61 photocopy pages from Baptismal record of the Kansas or Kaw Indian tribe pages 481 and 511 reflecting the Pappan, Papin, Acton and Payies. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.62-64 group of documents; printed email correspondence from Lisa Peppan to Mary Farrell Citizen Potawatomi tribal rolls, referencing possible connection to Pappan family as well as a link for research; a scan of an Allotment Deed for Kaw Indian Roll No. 208 for Wm L. Pappan very hard to read; Individual History Card for Kaw Tribe of Louisa Pappan Allotment No. 200, father Otwin Pappan and Sophia Curley Pappan. 3 pgs.
•2005.36.65-66 two Individual History Card documents from Kaw tribe for Andrew Pappan and Anabell R. Pappan. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.67-75 pages 45-53 photocopied from book “Grandfather Tell Me a Story” Interview with Autwan B. Pecore August 1983, where Mr. Pecore shares stories from his childhood and adult memories. 9 pgs.
•2005.36.76 handwritten letter dated Jan. 3, 1982 from Dee Ann Goodson in reference to Mary Ann Whitehead-Mann-Pappan and her enrollment. 1pg.
•2005.36.77 photocopy of letter dated Sept. 13, 1890 from Accan Pappan requesting to be put back on Kaw role as well as his children, handwritten notes at top of page “Oklahoma Historical Society Indian archives”. 1 pg.
•2005.36.78 photocopy of page from unidentified book of image of Julie Gonville Pappan and granddaughter Isabelle Pappan. Note image is denoted in book Courtesy of Kansas State Historical Society. 1 pg.
•2005.36.79-80 handwritten Pappan family history notes written on yellow note book paper, references Sophia Pappan Whitehead Curley 414. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.81 photocopy of Oklahoma certificate of live birth for Donna May Pappan.DOB June 30, 1940 1 pg. RESTRICTED
•2005.36.82 photocopy of Oklahoma Standard Certificate of Birth for Sophia Savage nee Pappan. 1 pg.
•2005.36.83 photocopy of Oklahoma Delayed certificate of Birth for Helen Kathleen Simpkins. 1 pg. RESTRICTED
•2005.36.84 photocopy of Oklahoma Standard Certificate of Live Birth for Loretta Deann Cole. 1 pg. RESTRICTED
•2005.36.85-86 handwritten letter on blue note paper dated June 26, 1980 to Beverly Hughes (Citizen Tribe enrollment) from Patricia I. McElhaney in reference to family members and their blood degree. Note 2 scans 1 pg.
•2005.36.87-88 handwritten letter on blue note paper to Loretta Dee Ann Goodson with Pappan family history notes of family members and blood degrees. Note 2 scans 1 pg.
•2005.36.89 photocopy of page from HowNiKan page 14, July, 1991, Vol. 13, No. 7 article titled “A Family History: Bourassa and Curly” article based on Elizabeth Curley Bourassa Pappan and her family. 1 pg.
•2005.36.90 Kaw Indian Tribe of Oklahoma document for Loretta Dee Ann Goodman, family record and blood degree. 1 pg.
•2005.36.91-94 group of documents consisting of copies of Kaw tribe family information for Ackan Pappan Allotment number 210, page 1 is first wife Emily McPherson Pappan, 2nd page second wife Monette Baker Pappan, and 3rd page third wife Elizabeth Curley Bourassa Pappan; page from Indian Laws and Treaties Vol. II (Kappler) Treaty with the Kansa, 1825 Article 6 (Reservations for the use of Half-breeds) with a descendant chart for Louis Gonvil. 4 pgs.
•2005.36.95 mailing envelope with mail date Jan 3, 1983, to Citizen Potawatomi from Goodson. 1 pg.
•2005.36.96 photocopy of patent fee receipt duplicate written on top, dated 1908, to the heirs of Antoine Fuller. 1 pg.
•2005.36.97 photocopy of Receipt for Patent duplicate dated Dec. 9, 1916, for Ogee Stanford formerly Ogee Mann. 1 pg.
•2005.36.98 photocopy of receipt duplicate patent fee, dated March 16, 1908 for the heirs of Antoine Fuller. 1 pg.
•2005.36.99 photocopy of Oklahoma Standard Certificate of Death for John Whitehead DOD 11-2-1923. 1 pg.
•2005.36.100 photocopy page from “Andreas History of Kansas 1883” page 531 chapter titled Shawnee County, highlighted is paragraph relating information for the Pappan brothers. 1 pg.
•2005.36.101 photocopy of page 4 of heirs documents for decedent Maw-zhaw’s heirs. 1 pg.
•2005.36.102-103 typed letter dated August 2, 1990 to Alice Maxine Hall from Gladys L. Moeller who provided family research to Ms. Hall; sur names referenced in this letter Mann, Chilson, Bourassa, Gonville, and Pappan. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.104 photocopy of Oklahoma Certificate of Birth for Opal Mae Pappan. 1 pg. RESTRICTED
•2005.36.105 photocopy of Oklahoma Standard Certificate of Birth for Sterle Edward Pappan. 1 pg. RESTRICTED
•2005.36.106 photocopy of Oklahoma Standard Certificate of Birth for Reuben H Pappan. 1 pg.
•2005.36.107 photocopy of page 12 from “Record of Marriages performed by I.T. Gibson U.S. Ind. Agt., highlighted are names Peter Mann and Zoah Pappan. 1 pg.
•2005.36.108 typed letter to Mary Farrell from Annette Moncravie Gore dated October 26, 2000 reference family history of Zoah Pappan Mann Revard Bradshaw. 1 pg.
•2005.36.109-111 photocopy page from unidentified book chapter 2 “Kinship Beginnings” references Charles Curtis former United States Vice President who was Native American from his maternal line Ellen Pappan, page 10 from same chapter continues on to provide Pappan, Gonville and White Plume family history as well as Kansas Native American history for Kaws, Kansa-Osage and more. 3 pg.
•2005.36.112 photocopy of page from “The Daily Journal Capital” Jan 17, 1937 vol.21 No. 14, newspaper clipping titled “Old resident of City Passes Away” obituary type information for Mr. Zoah Bradshaw. 1 pg.
•2005.36.113-114 photocopy of page from Oklahoma Historical Society Blanche Garrison papers highlighted are Louis Pappan and family, accompanied with letter head from Kaw Nation sent to Annette Moncravie Gove in regards to her research into Achan Pappan dated Oct. 20, 2000. 2 pgs.
•2005.36.115 handwritten note on yellow paper to Mrs. Hughes form Dee Ann Goodson containing family history of Mary Ann Whitehead Pappan family. 1 pg.
•2005.36.116 typed letter on thin pink paper to Loretta Goodson from Regina Flood Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma Tribal Rolls providing requested information of blood degree of family members of Mary Ann Pappan. 1 pg
•2005.36.117 handwritten notes on yellow paper referencing the children of Mary Mann CP 415 and Little Henry Pappan also the children of Sophia Curley Pappan CP 414 and Blond Pappan, other sur names Mann, Curley, and Keep Kut Quah. 1 pg.
•2005.36.18 photocopy of Family Record for Webb Pappan son of Louis Pappan and Laura McPherson, wife Maud Hill, other sur names Mapel, and Kekahbah. 1 pg.
•2005.36.119-122 group of three documents: handwritten note referencing Mrs. George Ray called seeking enrollment, handwritten letter on pink note paper to Beverly dated Dec 11, 1980 from Mrs. George Ray in reference to enrollment, handwritten family linage and enrollment for Roddi Richard Munoz, other sur names McElhaney, Pappan, Flanagan, Robert, and Cromwell; mailing envelope date 1980. 4 pgs.
•2005.36.123-125 photocopy of handwritten letter dated Feb. 1, 1991 to Alice Hall from Gladys L. Moeller and cc to Mary Farrell Tribal Rolls, in reference to research done on family history of Gonville and Pappan Potawatomi families. 3 pgs.
•2005.36.126 typed letter dated August 25, 1991 to Mary Farrell Tribal Rolls Citizen Band Potawatomi from Louis A. Pappan in reference to Josephine Gonvil Pappan family history and gratitude for help received from this office. 1 pg.
•2005.36.127 photocopy of duplicate receipt for Patent Fee paid to Mr. P.L. Mann, Ethel Fuller heirs of Antoine Fuller dated March 16, 1908. 1 pg.
•2005.36.128 photocopy of hand written note providing probate information but has added notes some information not correct. 1 pg.
•2005.36.129 handwritten notes on yellow note paper, family history for Sophia Pappan, Morris, West, and savage, sticky note attached dated 12-20-1995 to Mary Farrell from Freda Lane in regards that these notes may be helpful to her. 1 pg.
•2005.36.130-132 group of photocopy documents for Mary Shannon Pappan Allot. No. 692, Allotment or Estate Record and letter from Department of the Interior dated May 31, 1898 to Lee Patrick, Esq., U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma in reference to Mary Pappan nee Shanan concerning the approval of Patent in fee deed. 3 pgs.
•2005.36.133-146 photocopies of group of documents in reference to Mary Pappan Citizen Pottawatomie reserve, No. 692: letter from Department of the Interior dated May 6, 1898 to Lee Patrick, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma Territory in reference to deed conveying allotment land to L.H. Fisher; letter from the Department of the Interior dated April 11, 1898, to Lee Patrick, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Okla. Ter., in reference to Mary Pappan reserve No. 692.; letter from the Department of the Interior dated Dec. 16, 1897,to Lee Patrick, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma, in reference to deed information for the allotment of Mary Pappan nee Mann; copy of letter from the Department of the Interior dated Oct. 29, 1897 to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relating fraud findings concerning the sale of Mary Pappans’ allotment land; letter from the Department of the Interior to the Secretary of the Interior dated Oct. 15, 1897 in regards the sale of Mary Pappan nee Shannon reserve No. 692, with much talk of fraudulent transactions being taken against allottees selling their allotments. 14 pgs.
•2005.36.147-150 copy of group of documents for Mary Shannon Pappan Slot. No. 692: Allotment or Estate Record, letter from Department of the Interior to Lee Patrick, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma Territory referencing reports and recommendation on the sale of Mary Pappan’s allotment. 4 pgs.
•2005.36.151 handwritten notes red ink on yellow note paper for Julia Ann Vieux Pappan CP 686 and husband James Pappan, children Joseph Pappan CP 687, Willie Pappan CP 688, Nancy Pappan Logsdon CP 689, Mary Pappan CP 690, and Mary Peanna or Pop-ka-wa CP 691. 1 pg.
•2005.36.152 typed letter dated Jan. 24, 1996 page 2 in reference to validity of who parents of Mary Ann Whitehead are from Mary Farrell once director of Tribal Rolls. 1 pg.
•2005.36.153 partial letter referencing form letter from September 22, 1897 concerning possible fraudulent behavior against Marry Pappan nee Shannon in the sale of her allotment. 1 pg.
•2005.36.154- 156 group of documents labeled pages 2 thru 4 from a report of heirs for possibly Maw-zhaw being the deceased from the information, other names of interest are Co-en-ge, Antwaine Curley, Ke-chau-pee, Naw-gish McPherson, Curley, Pappan, Wezo, and James. 3 pgs.