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Peltier Allotments

Peltier Allotments

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.37.1-86
Description2005.37 Peltier Family Manuscripts
2005.37_1 Allotments [Peltier]
•2005.37.1-2 photocopy of Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen Peltier Nee Myers Allot. No. 162, Probate No. 61499-17 and heir list. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.3 photocopy of page from handwritten Kansas Potawatomi census of 1863 reflecting family no. 84 Alexander Peltier family. 1 pg.
•2005.37.4-7 copy of group of documents for John Myers Allot. No. 155, documents include copy of Allotment or Estate Record, letter from United States Department of the Interior dated March 1939 in reference to patent in fee for Allot. No. 155, testimony taken by examiner of inheritance for the estate of Ellen Peltier. 4 pgs.
•2005.37.8-10 copy of group of documents; Allotment or Estate Record for Josephine Rosa Peltier Allot. No. 783, copy of letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs stating that Josephine Peltier was a legal member of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribe entitled to her allotment and that her legal heirs should be considered legally entitled to inheritance; this affidavit type letter is signed by numerous tribal members, Allotment or Estate Record of William H. Peltier Allot. No. 71. 3 pgs.
•2005.37.11-14 copy of group of documents; Allotment or Estate Record for Nellie Bohner Allot. No. 216 [Note Nellie’s legal name was Lillie but was misspelled on allotment rolls as Nellie], copy of letter from the Department of the Interior dated September 11, 1906 in reference to forwarding of deed to Nellie James, nee Boehner Citizen Pottawatomie allottee No. 216, approved and cashier note payable to Lillie L. James nee Boehner; photocopy of two receipts, one for deed to Isabel B. King and payment to Lillie L. James from Isabel B. King. Both dated July 28th, 1906. 4 pgs.
•2005.37.15-18 copy of group of documents; Allotment or Estate Record for Louise Bohner nee Peltier Allot. No. 215; letter copy is dark in areas that relate sender information, but letter refers to approval of deeds for Alexander Rhodd, Charles H. Ogee and Louisa Boehner nee Peltier and provides circumstances of deed approvals. 4 pgs.
•2005.37.19-22 copy of group of documents: 2 handwritten pages listing allotted CP # 809 Frank Davis and allotted CP #154 Alice nee Peltier Slattery Davis and children with corresponding page continuing family history and relations information; copy of Allotment or Estate Record Allot. No. 182 for Glen Bradley and Allotment or Estate Record Allot. No. 183 Nora Bradley. 4 pgs.
•2005.37.23-27 copy of documents: photocopy of and handwritten Gardner roll with Victoria Bradley nee Peltier with son Henry and daughter Nora highlighted; copy of census of Citizen Potawatomie Indians of Shawnee, Okla., June 30, 1916 that reflect Victoria Peltier Bradley family; copy of Indian Census Roll dated Jan. 1, 1937 with Glen E. Bradley family highlighted, and Victoria Peltier Bradley 89 yrs. on census page; copy of Indian Census Roll Jan. 1, 1937 with Carley L. Lamontine and sons highlighted; copy of handwritten Gardner roll for Charlie Lamontine [aka Charley Bradley? CP # 181?]. 5 pgs.
•2005.37.28-31 copy of documents from 1887 Citizen Potawatomi allotment records reflecting family relations; page 140-141 Frank Davis and Alice Peltier Slattery Davis, other sur names Mitchel, Dow, Yott, Matchkee, and Pandosh; pages 171-172 referencing Louise Josephine Bohner Williams, other sur names on these pages Withowskie, Wilmet, Young, Bourbonnais, and Yott. 4 pgs.
•2005.37.32-34 copy of group of documents; Allotment or Estate Record for Helen Vieux Peltier Certificate No. 63, Allotment and Estate Record for Victoria Bradley nee Peltier Allot. No. 180, Allotment or Estate Record for Charles Bardley Allot. No. 181. 3 pgs.
•2005.37.35-36 copy of two pages of typed document, page 52 and 257 [note assuming from same document/book] page 52 is alphabetical list for letter C, that lists Citizen Pottawatomie Per Capita Rolls, Census, Annuity Rolls, and Payments; page 257 explanation titled “Records Concerning Tribal and Individual Moneys and Payments to Indians” with some sentences/statements underlined for emphasis. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.37 copy of page from letter in reference to 1870 Census Records for Bourassa family members and provides family history for Leon Bourassa and Mnitoque aka Margaret Bourassa Frigon. 1 pg.
•2005.37.38 copy of typed document of 1890 Census by Robert S. Gardner aka Gardner roll, transcript page 21 sur names Moose, Valley, Bourasa, Pear, Ahsh-nuck, Tonah, Thomas, Pearce, and Bourassa. 1 pg.
•2005.37 copy of page from Indian Census Roll for the Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Shawnee, Jan. 1, 1937 by F. E. Perkins reflecting census roll number 212 thru 225 reflecting Bourassa family members. 1 pg.
•2005.37.40 copy of page from Indian Census Roll for the Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Shawnee, Jan. 1, 1937 by F. E. Perkins reflecting census roll numbers 201 thru 211 Bostick and Bourassa family members. 1 pg.
•2005.37.41 copy of page from census page no. 7, township of Lyon Kansas March 1875, this page has sur names are represented on this page, Streeter, Rider, Jones, Riddle, Welland, Bourassa, Moose, Lakto, Barber, Brown, Ogden, and Hargus. 1 pg.
•2005.37.42-46 copy of group of handwritten family notes: 1855 Census, Alexis Peltier, and family other sur names Mars, Bourbonnais, Babtiste, Bisori, McGorge, Bradley, Vieux, Lamontine, Bohner, Pambogo, Davis, Stackhouse, Hetzell, Littiser, and Tomey. 5 pgs.
•2005.37.47-48 typed letter to Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Oklahoma, Mary Farrell dated 11-24-89 in reference to the parentage of Amos, Frank, Melvin, Agnes, Marie Mars; copy of Thirteenth Census of the United States 1910 Census Avoca Township, Pottawatomie county Ok. that provides John McGowan and Claracy Mars McGowan nee Peltier. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.49 copy of Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900 Census, sur names on page Baptist, Sacjo, Bally, Eddy, Trolly, and Mooney. 1 pg.
•2005.37.50 copy of page from 1900 Census titled “Special Inquiries Relating to Indians” Josephine Trolly of the Pottawatomi tribe. 1 pg.
•2005.37.51-53 copy of pages from handwritten pages of the Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Oklahoma under the Act of 1887, CP no.’s 65 thru 87. 3 pgs.
•2005.37.54 copy of page 11 from Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Oklahoma under the Act of 1887, CP no.’s 147 thru 155, sur names Branshaw, Milot, Ford, Burnett, McCoy, Peltier, and Myers. 1pg.
•2005.37.55 copy of page 7 from Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Oklahoma under the Act of 1887, the name Clarissa Mars wife of Joseph Mars highlighted. 1 pg.
•2005.37.56 copy of page 33 from Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Oklahoma under the Act of 1887, CP no.’s 451 thru 461 with CP no. 455 Josephine Mars daughter of 97 highlighted. 1 pg.
•2005.37.57-58 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Clarissa Mars Allot. No. 97, heir list for Clarissa Mars Allot. No. 97 for probate 35820-26 other sur names on this page, McGowan, Thorpe, Bibb, Wilson, Youngblood, David, Denton, Graves, and Mare-Peterson. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.59 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Mary C. Peltier Allot. No. 73, handwritten notes “see Cummings files” as well as family relations/connections. 1 pg.
•2005.37.60 copy of handwritten page from 1863 Kansas Potawatomi, sur names Bourassas, Ahze nick Pes qua je, and Fuller. 1pg.
•2005.37.61 copy of handwritten page form 1863 Kansas Potawatomi allottee’s, Peter and Madeline Moose. 1 pg.
•2005.37.62 copy of hand written page 21 of Gardner roll, sur names Leclair, Vieux, Moose, Valley, and Pean. 1 pg.
•2005.37.63-68 copy of group of documents: Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen Peltier nee Myers Allot. No. 152; Report on Heirship for Ellen Peltier Citizen Pottawatomi Allot. No. 152; affidavit and testimony that Ellen nee Bourbonnais Myers Peltier was a member of the Citizen Pottawatomi Tribe Allottee. No. 152 with family history. 6 pgs.
•2005.37.69 copy of heirship card for Ellen Bourassa Allotment No. 885 other sur names Cryrier and Nourie. 1 pg.
•2005.37.70-71 copy from Archives/Manuscripts Oklahoma Historical Society certified true copy of the 1890 Citizen Potawatomi , sur names on page Moose, valley, Bourassa, Wilson, Megah, Clinton, Goodboo, Lafromboise and Hardin. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.71 copy from page of Kansas Kin article August 1979, titled 1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomie Indians, highlighted is family 271 Peter Moose families. 1 pg.
•2005.37.73 copy of alphabetical list of family members from 1887 allotment sur names Bertrand, Armstrong, Muller, Bourassa, Clan, Boatmen, Bumbaugh, Vieux, Yott, and Borsclair. 1 pg.
•2005.37.74-82 copy of group of documents: Allotment or Estate Record for Catherine Griffenstien nee Burnett Allotment No. 346, heirship card for Allotment No. 246 Catherine Griffenstein other sur names Raymond, Thuma, and Riggs; Abstract of Title for Catherine Griffenstein allottee No. 246, family relationship page for Allotment No. 246 Catherine Griffenstein; Allotment No. 248 family history of Osie Raymond. 9 pgs.
•2005.37.83-84 copy of Allotment or Estate Record Allotment No. 325 Jossette Valley nee Moose; letter to Commissioner of the General Land Office dated February 19, 1897 in reference to patent No. 325 Josette Valley nee Moose. 2 pgs.
•2005.37.85 copy of 1891 Annuity Payroll page 10 sur names on this page Bourbonnais, Whipple, Leclaire, Pappan, Pean-na, Moose, Valley, Bourassa, Peau, Shop-y-tuck, Wolf and Tu-wah-ne. 1 pg.
•2005.37.86 copy of 1888 Annuity Payroll, highlighted names Moose, Valley, and Bourassa. 1 pg.