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1985 Business Committee Resolutions
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1985 Business Committee Resolutions

Author/Creator Citizen Band Potawatomi.
Author/Creator Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma.
Author/Creator Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe.
MediumPaper (copy and parchment)
Object numberBC.BCR.1985
Description1985 Business Committee Resolutions

Pot # 85-1 - A Resolution submitting a budget and guidelines for the expenditure of the "set aside" funds in the amount of 30% of the final claims by the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians against the United States Government.

Pot # 85-107 - A Resolution authorizing Leon Bruno, Chairman to sign operation contracts with Maranatha Baptist Church of Shawnee, Oklahoma to secure the land necessary so as to allow construction of the Low Rent Elderly Housing Project by Absentee Shawnee Housing Authority.

Pot # 85-108 - A Resolution authorizing to purchase five acres of land from the Maranatha Baptist Church.

Pot # 85-109 - A Resolution requesting approval by the Absentee Shawnee Tribe to purchase five acres of land.

Pot # 85-110 - A Resolution approving an attorney contract with Steve Parker, Attorney-at-Law authorized through General Council Resolution Pot #80-39 passed June 28, 1980 and Resolution Pot # 82-46 passed June 26, 1982.

Pott # 85-114 - A Resolution pertaining to Tribal Rolls.

Pot # 85-114A - A Resolution submitting to the Bureau of Indian Affairs an approved Ordinance to be known as the "Citizen Band Potawatomi Land Consolidation Act", which provides for the specific operational tasks which allow for the sale or exchange of any Tribal lands or interest in lands for the purpose of eliminating undivided fractional interests in Indian trust or restricted lands or consolidating it's Tribal Landholdings.

Pot # 85-115 - A Resolution requiring dual signatures for purposes of certification of the output from the computerized voucher system.

Pot # 85-116 - A Resolution to allow Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma Community Health Representative Program to apply for and administer funds for an Infant-Child Car Seat Loan Program through the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Pot # 85-120 - A Resolution requesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs to enter into a law enforcement contract with the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma in Fiscal Year 1985.

Pott # 85-114 - A Resolution pertaining to Tribal Rolls.

Pot # 85-122 - A Resolution pertaining to Tribal Rolls.

Pott # 85-123 - A Resolution submitting a proposed corporate charter pursuant to Sec. 3 of the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of June 26, 1936 for the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma to the Secretary of the Interior requesting approval and submission to the Tribe for a Secretarial Election for adoption.

Pot # 85-124 - A Resolution submitting an Amendment to the proposed constitutional revision submitted to the Secretary of the Interior dated April 27, 1984.

Pot # 85-125 - A Resolution approving a startup operational budget for the Citizen Band Potawatomi Tax/Corporation Commission for Fiscal Year 1985.

Pott # 85-126 - A Resolution requesting release of Tribal funds in the amount of $748.00 plus interest for use in the Tribal Museum for acquisition and care of existing materials.

Pot # 85-127 - A Resolution amending the proposed Constitution revision submitted to the Secretary of the Interior dated April 27, 1984.

Pot # 85-128 - A Resolution thanking and commending Indian Legal Resources, Inc., for the successful completion of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Legislative Consultant Contract.

Pott # 85-129 - A Resolution reprogramming $9,800.00 from Road Maintenance into a Police Officer salary to be effective February 13, 1985.

Pot # 85-130 - A Resolution stipulating to the Jurisdiction of the Court of Indian Offenses, Shawnee Agency over Legal Action brought against the Tribe by Enterprise Management, Inc.

Pot # 85-131 - A Resolution indemnifying members of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma Business Committee and Tribal Employees against legal costs, loss of property, or damages as a result of law suits brought against them by Enterprise Management Consultants, Inc., pursuant to their duties as members of the Business Committee.

Pot # 85-132 - A Resolution authorizing the indemnity of Francis Levier and John Barrett for legal fees incurred in a law suit brought against them and the Tribe by Duane Hughes.

Pott # 85-133 - A Resolution requesting $1,800.00 for typesetting equipment from the Presbyterian Self-Development Grant Funds.

Pott # 85-134 - A Resolution authorizing and showing public support of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma's Indian Child Welfare Act Grant application for 1985.

Pot # 85-135 - A Resolution appointing the Commissioners of the Potawatomi Tribal Tax Commission.

Pot # 85-136 - A Resolution appointing the Commissioners of the Potawatomi Tribal Tax Commission.

Pot # 85-137 - A Resolution appointing the Commissioners of the Potawatomi Tribe.

Pot # 85-138 - A Resolution appointing the Commissioners of the Potawatomi Tribe.

Pot # 85-141 - A Resolution stating the Tribe wishes to have the Constitution sent to the Solicitor and the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, John Fritz, for approval at the earliest possible date and a request that the Assistant's Secretary for Indian Affairs expedite the approval of the tribe's constitution and the subsequest Secretarial Election process required at the Shawnee Agency.

Pott # 85-142 - A Resolution changing the official signature on "HUD Form 274" to Kenneth E. Peltier, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer of the Tribe.

Pot # 85-143 - A Resolution adopting an amendment to section VII of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribe of Oklahoma Constitution and By-Laws, requesting approval by the Secretary of the Interior's designated representatives and a secretarial election at the earliest possible date.

Pott # 85-144 - A Resolution for the adoption of a personnel policy of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma.

Pott # 85-145 - A Resolution amending Citizen Band Potawatomi Ordinance #84-3 General Revenue and Taxation Act of 1984, pursuant to Article 7 of the Constitution of April 27, 1984, for the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma as certified on May 22, 1984.

Pot # 85-146 - A Resolution to allow for the investment of excess monies that are currently in the Tribal Prosthetics Account.

Pot # 85-147 - A Resolution to adopt the revision of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma's Constitution as specified in Business Committee Resolution Pot #84-77 and amended in Business Committee Resolution Pot #84-124 and Pot #85-127 with the changes specified in a letter received by the Shawnee Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on April 3, 1985 from John W. Fritz, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs to Joe B. Walker, Superintendent of the Shawnee Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Pot # 85-147A - A Resolution to utilize funds derived from Tribal Taxation to purchase law enforcement uniforms for the Tribal Police Force.

Pot # 85-148 - A Resolution to allow Enterprise Management to operate a Bingo Facility on Tribal Land, with mention made of specific games.

Pot # 85-149 - A Resolution to accept the following guidelines for the Home Improvement Program of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma.

Pot # 85-150 - A Resolution authorizing the Tribal Attorney, Steve Parker, to retain Michael Minnis on behalf of the Tribe and requesting approval of the Secretary of the Interior.

Pot # 85-151 - A Resolution for the adoption of an inventory of housing needs for the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma.

Pot # 85-153 - A Resolution amending Citizen Band Potawatomi Ordinance #84-3 General Revenue and Taxation Act of 1984, pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma as amended to April 17, 1971

Pott # 85-154 - A Resolution for the adoption of a personnel policy of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma.

Pot # 85-155 - A Resolution to bring the Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribal Election Ordinance into compliance with the Potawatomi Tribal Constitution revised and approved on May 29, 1985.

Pot # 85-156 - A Resolution authorizing the placement of 60 acres of Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians tribally owned land into trust status under the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Pot # 85-157 - A Resolution regarding the Citizen Band Potawatomi Food Distribution Program.

Pot # 85-158 - A Resolution for the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma to apply for funds pursuant to Title VI of the Older Americans Act for Fiscan Year 1985-1987.

Pott # 85-160 - A Resolution amending Citizen Band Potawatomi Ordinance #84-3, General Revenue and Taxation Act of 1984, pursuant to Article 7 of the Constitution of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma as adopted on May 29, 1985.

Pot # 85-163 - A Resolution authorizing Stan Holder, Business Manager to conduct negotiations, the Consolidated Tribal Government Program excercises the full and maximum authorities, powers, rights and responsiblities available under its sovereign status as a governmental body.

Pot # 85-164 - A Resolution authorizing Stan Holder, Business Manager to conduct negotiations, the Home Improvement Program will assist individuals to receive HIP assistance and shall repair, renovate existing units or build new housing within the HIP categories and subject to the limitations set forth in 25 CFR, Part 256.

Pot # 85-165 - A Resolution authorizing Ken Cadaret, Director of the Tribal Health Program to conduct negotiations, the Comprehensive Tribal Specific Health Plan will identify Tribal members health care needs and establish methodologies for overcoming those needs