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Hardin Allotments

Date1873 - 1975
Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.18.1-33
Description2005.18 Hardin Family Manuscripts
2005.18_1 Allotments
•Document copies pertaining to Allot. No 463 Margaret Nee Hardin Clinton, Allotment or Estate Record, Heir list for Margaret Hardin Clinton. 3 pgs.
•Report on Heirship for M. B. Beaubien (Baubien) allotment # 385, report shows spouses and children. 5 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Annie Hardin allot. No. 271. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Thomas Hardin certificate # 38. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Thomas Hardin certificate # 38, dark micro copy. 1 pg.
•Document copies pertaining to: Heir list card from Allotment No. 30 Lizzie Hardin; Allotment or Estate Record of Allot. No. 270 Mayfield, Alice Nee Riley or Gardners Roll Pheloset Riley, daughter of Mary Hardin Bostick; Index and Heirship card enrollee of Annie Ray allot. No. 271 daughter of Alice Riley Mayfield CP # 270; Mary Hardin Bostick CP-237 husband and children list. 4 pgs.
•Document copies pertaining to: Allotment or Estate Record of certificate # 41 Davis Hardin; certificate of business committee for Davis Hardin and his allotment description and his legal heirs; Index and Heirship card enrollee for Davis Hardin cert.-41. 3 pgs.
•Document copies: Allotment or Estate Record, heir list for certificate 39 Lizzie Hardin, letter from the Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma August 7, 1975 to Ruby Mae Clawson in reference to allotment of Lizzie Hardin certificate no. 39. 3 pgs.
•Index and Heirship card enrollee and the allotment or Estate Record for Hannah Hardin allotment cert. 42. 2 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for Margaret nee Hardin, allot. No. 463 and heir list with inheritance amounts. 3 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for joseph Copaugh allot no. 590, spouse and heir list. 2 pgs.