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Levier Family Manuscripts
Levier Family Manuscripts

Levier Family Manuscripts

Date1844 - 1993
Classificationslevel 1: collection
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.27.1-387
Description2005.27 Levier Family Manuscripts
2005.27_1 Allotments [Levier]
2005.27_2 Census [Levier]
2005.27_3 Family History [Levier]
2005.27_4 Levier Book FH [Levier]
2005.27_5 Genealogy [Levier]
2005.27_6 Government Documents [Levier]
2005.27_7 Miscellaneous [Levier]

2005.27_1 Allotments [Levier]
•Photocopy of Allotment or Estate Record for Sarah Ann Blandin Allot. No. 1175. 1pg.
•Photocopy of Allotment or Estate Record for Mary Blondin card corrected with “A” to read Blandin , other name Ship She Qua, Allot. No. 1174. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of Heirs list for Mary Blondin other name Ship She Qua Allot. No. 1174, probate no. 101034-14, sur names associated with this list Blondin/Blandin, P Tes Saw, Nocklonick, Lasley. 2 pgs.
•Photocopy of Allotment or Estate Record for James Aiken Allot. No. 1195. 1 pg.
•Photocopy Allotment or Estate Record for Ettiene Stephens Allot. No. 1182, aka Steven Eteyan. 1 pg.
•Photocopy page from 1863 Kansas allotment roll, sur names associated with this page Levia (Levier), Phelps, Blackbird, Bertrand, Dehoney, Nadeau, and Desplatt. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of Allotment or Estate Record of Joseph M-Z-Zahm-Qua Allot. No. 55, probate no. 12742-15. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of Heir list for Joseph M-Z-Zahm-Qua. 1 pg.

2005.27_2 Census [Levier]
•Photocopy of page from 1937 Indian Census Roll for the Citizen Potawatomi, roll numbers 90 thru 103, surnames Battiste, Laslay, Leslay, Bentar (Higbee), Bayliss, and Strickler. 1 pg.

2005.27_3 Family History [Levier]
•Handwritten letter/note to Bernard Heer, Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indian of Okla. from Edward Samqua Topeka Kansas dated May 12, 1967, referencing death of Louis Samqua Feb. 8, 1967. 2pgs
•Enrollment card for Louis Samqua (Zahn-qua) DOB 1-10-1899, DOD 2-8-1966, son of Joseph M-z-zahn-qua Allot. No. 55. 1pg.
•Newspaper clipping page 9 St. Marys Star April 6, 1999, Starlights of Yesteryear, 95 years ago -1904 obit of Mrs. Margaret Lasley Marshall. 1pg.
•Photocopy of group of documents of Levier family history, other sur names Lewis, McKinney, Nelson, Bradford, Aitkens, Hubbard, Vieux, Battese, Willimett, Mulanax, Lavia, Walking Stick, Olson, Wilson, Kopfle, Cooper, Greenmore, Wamego, Maines, and Vanderbloom. 25 pgs.
•Photocopy of testimony to determine legal heirs of Joseph M-Z-ZAHN-QUA deceased Citizen Pottawatomie allottee No. 55. 5 pgs.
•Photocopy of handwritten list of brothers and sisters of Martha Battese Levier (Lavia) Jackson. 1pg.
•Photocopy of handwritten and typed family history information for Levier family, other surnames Cadue, Battise, and Moose; St Mary’s College, St Marys Kansas census info for Peter Moose family, census date Jan. 8, 1844. 5 pgs.
•Photocopy of death certificate for Julia Ann Lewis DOD 12-10-1952. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of letter/notice from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, OK December 3, 1974 To Whom It May Concern referencing blood degree for Joe (Joseph) Levier and his family descendants. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of letter to Dear Tribal Member referencing new ID card enclosed with corrected blood degree.
•Photocopy of letter/notice from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, OK June 18, 1987 To Whom It May Concern referencing blood degree for Martha Battese Levier Jackson and her family descendants. 1 pg.
•Genealogy ancestor pedigree chart for Francis Andrew Levier, other surname Battesse. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of letter/notice from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, OK July 14, 1976 To Whom It May Concern referencing blood degree appeal case for Francis Andrew Levier and his family descendants. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of letter/notice from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, OK May 23, 1973To Whom It May Concern referencing blood degree for Albert J. Levier, Sr. DOB 7-28-1930 and his family descendants. 1 pg.
•Typed onion paper letter May 29, 1979 from Beverly Hughes, Tribal Rolls Director to Ronald L. Mulanax referencing his blood degree certification from Bureau. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of letter/notice from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, OK May 5, 1976 To Whom It May Concern referencing blood degree for Albert J. Levier and his family descendants.
•Photocopy of page from newspaper Manhattan Mercury Monday, August 30, 195? (196?) Obituary for Frank Lewis. 1pg.
•Photocopy from newspaper obituary death of Author Levier. 1pg.
•Photocopy from newspaper obituary death notice for Julia Ann Lewis. 1pg.
•Affidavit for the children listed as children of Josephine Lewis Bradford. 2 pgs.
•Photocopy of fax transmission cover sheet to Lori in reference to Joseph Levier from Mary TR. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of certificate of baptism for Frank Battese, born Jan. 1867, baptized Feb. 24 1894 (?). 1 pg.
•Photocopy of baptismal of Andrew Ent son of Josephine Lewis and Allen Ent. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma , Ava DeLeon Tribal Rolls Oct. 17, 1986 in reference to Martha Battese Levier Jackson. 1 pg.
•Letter form the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, Beverly Hughes Tribal Rolls June 5, 1973 to Francis A. Levier in reference to blood degree for Martha Battese Levier. 1 pg.
•Handwritten notes clipped together: routing and transmittal slip dated 5-13-1987 to Francis Levier for request of probate copy of Walter Battese, notes on Levier family history, other surnames Battese, Cadue, Muellar, Wamego, Lasley, Juneau, Vanderbloom, Mulanax, and Lawrence. 8 pgs.
•Photocopy of baptism for David Lewis DOB Sept. 9, 1904. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of baptism for Josephine Lewis DOB May 31, 1907. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of affidavit dated 4/26/1973 from Elizabeth Mulanax in reference to her mother was Martha Battese and father was Joe Levier. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of certified copy of marriage record of James Monroe Bradford and Josephine Levier date of marriage Oct. 23, 1943. 1 pg.
•Typed letter onion paper copy from Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma May 5, 1967 to John L. Sullivan reference to check sent to him and his deceased brother Louis Samqua. 1 pg.
•Handwritten letter July 24, 1966 to Bernard Heer Secretary of the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians from John L. Sullivan Sr., in reference to death of Louis Samqua. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of birth certificate of Beulah Sullivan DOB Apr. 28, 1921 daughter of Louis (Samqua) Sullivan and Ke-wah-quah. 1 pg.
•Envelope addressed to Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma post dated Aug. 20, 1993 from Beulah Oliver. 2 scans front and back.
•Typed pages titled Blood Degree Changes for the Levier and Battese family members. 2 pgs.

2005.27_4 Levier Book FH [Levier]
•Levier book is collection of documents photocopies and originals pertaining to Levier Family History, genealogy charts, family history notes and narratives, Department of Interior letters, Citizen Band Potawatomi letters, vital records, photocopy of photographs, government probate documents and letters, Indian census roll and annuity payment, court affidavits, list of surnames associated with these documents: Levier, Lavia, Battese, Vanderbloom, Mulanax, Masqua, Miller, Jackson, Cooper, Stucky, Jackson, Olson, Wilson, Kopfle, Moore, McKinney, Lewis, Greenmore, Wamego, Aitkins, Maines, Swinson, Kramer, Meeker, Gammill, Juneau, Cadue, Neddeau, Pipestem, Jackson, Mitchell, Bush, Wilmette, Crowder, Spencer, Bradford, Spencer, Kitch-kum-me-quah, and Lasley

2005.27_5 Genealogy [Levier]
•Handwritten genealogy pedigree ancestor chart for Albert John Levier Sr., other surnames Battese, Lewis, McKinney, Wilmot, Wilmett, Masqua, Miller and Cooper. 1 pg.
•Typed genealogy pedigree ancestor chart for Albert John Levier Sr., other surnames Battese, Lewis, McKinney, Wilmot, Wilmett, Masqua, Miller and Cooper. 1 pg
•Handwritten genealogy ancestor chart for Joseph P. Levier, other surnames Juneau, Bush, Jackson, Battese, Cadue. 1 pg.
•Handwritten genealogy ancestor chart for Francis Andrew Levier, other surnames Battese, Cunduff, Richie, and Wilson. 1 pg.
•Ancestor chart for Francis A. Levier, other surnames Battese. 1 pg.
•Ancestor chart for Joseph P. Levier, other surnames Battiste, Mitchell, Bush, Juneau, Wamego, Lasley, Mueller, Cadue and Neddeau. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Donna Faye Krammer, other surnames Lavia, Lvier, Battese, Michaelson, and Krammer.
•Ancestor family chart for Andrew Ent, other surnames, Lewis, Willmett. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Ernestine Mulanax, other surnames, Lavia, Battese, and Wilson. 1 pg.
•Levier descendant chart from Jim Lavia and Josette Mitchell Bush other surnames Battese, Vanderbloom, and Moore. 1 pg.
•Ancestors chart for Francis A. Levier other surname Battese. 1 pg.
•Handwritten chart for Levier/Lavia family surnames Johnson, Mitchell, Bush, Vanderbloom, Olson, Wilson Mulanax, Lewis, and Moore. 1 pg.
•Letter to Ala Deleon Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma from Joetta Walrod Enrollment Officer of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Indians dated Oct. 24, 1986 referencing Peter Aitkens searching for enrollment history and blood degree. 1 pg.
•Applicant’s family tree chart for Peter Aitkens.
•Ancestor family chart for Peter Aitkins, other surnames Lasley. 1 pg.
•Ancestor family chart for Peter Celestine Eteyen, other surnames Curley. 1 pg.
•Handwritten list of Aiken family members on the 1887 Allotment. 1pg.
•Handwritten 1887 allotment list with Lasley, Blandin, and Native American names provided for some on this list. 1 pg.

2005.27_6 Government Documents [Levier]
•Report on Heirship dated May 8, 1923 for Walter Battese Citizen Potawatomi inherited allot. No. 97, DOD Feb. 3, 1923, heir information and Index and Heirship Card for Joseph Lavia Jr. Allot. No. 314. 6 pgs.
•Documents from the Department of the Interior Examiners notice to heirs fin the estate of Martha Battese Levier Jackson, dated May 13, 1955; notice of hearing to determine heirs or probate will dated April 5, 1955; and other documents referencing this probate. 5 pgs.
•Group of documents letter from the Department of the Interior dated Oct. 17, 1972 to Francis A. Lavier in reference to family history and blood degree; probate documents for the estate of Walter Battese dated Jun. 27, 1923, testimony to determine heirs of Walter Battese, photocopy of photograph, certificate of death for Walter Battese. 11 pgs.
•Group of documents: referencing Annie Battese and guardian L.L. Smith, heirs of Walter Battese, document dated May 9, 1923 in determining heirs of Walter Battese, Department of the Interior letter from Shawnee Agency, to whom it may concern in reference to Citizen Potawatomi blood degree appeal for Francis Andrew Levier; documents in the estate of Peter Oliver Levier and his heir list. 7 pgs.
•Documents: Department of the Interior dated March 27, 1972 referencing Albert J. Levier Sr. from Joe Walker acting Superintendent; court documents in reference probate; and letter Department of the Interior dated Oct. 17, 1972 to Francis A. Levier in reference to blood degree check. 3 pgs.
•Group of documents from the Department of the Interior in the matter of the estate of Mary Aiken (Aitkens) McCarty (aka Nora Barnes) other surnames Draper, Howard, Flynn, Levier, Stich, Darnell and Moore. 10 pgs.
•Handwritten note or information referencing Pottawatotomis Allotments under the treaty of Nov. 15/61 (1861) by special commission Molcate for Mary Ann Levia dated April 15, 1871. 2 pgs.
•Transcribed letters from Medill to Mitchell April 28, 1849 referencing claims against Pott. To be paid by government and desire for group consisting of Francis Levi to join group in Kansas. 1 pg.
•Index and Heirship Card Enrollee of James Lavia Allot. No. 315. 1pg.
•Handwritten letter from the Department of the Interior March 28, 1879 to House of Representative J. B. Weaver in reference to manner of making allotments to the heads of Indian families and Mary Ann Levia and James Levia. 3 pgs.
•Letter from Shawnee Agency, May 20, 1975 to Martin A. Levier in reference to decision not make yet on tribal blood degree appeal filed by Robert D. McKinney. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, March 27, 1972, To Whom It May Concern referencing to Albert J. Levier Sr. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, May 11, 1973 to Superintendent Shawnee Agency from Superintendent, Horton Agency subject: request for certificate of degree of Indian Blood for Albert J. Levier. 1 pg.
•Affidavit taken in Kansas court document from David Lewis, John Lewis, and Martha Lewis dated May 25, 1972 in reference to Josephine Lewis Bradford and son Andrew Ent and Andrew Ent Bradford are one in the same. 3 pgs.
•Documents from the Department of the Interior, March 7, 1923 referencing Annie Battese and guardian L.L. Smith; family and heirship papers. 3 pgs.
•Report on Heirship for Walter Battese; marriages, children, and siblings lists; also letter from L.L. Smith guardian of Marjory, Agnes and Ruth Battese. 7 pgs.
•Department of the Interior court document in the allotment of Mary Blandin Allottee No. 1174 of the Citizen Band of Pottawatomie Indians, in reference to deed land to heirs ; Report on heirship with testimony for Mary Blandin or Ship-she-qua estate/probate. 10 pgs.
•Report of Heirship documents Nov. 9, 1915 for Joseph M-z-zahn-qua Allotment No. 55 with family lists. 4 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior July 15, 1915 to Mr. Upton Examiner of Inheritance in reference to determining the heirs of Joseph M-z-zahn-qua other names referenced Lizzie McCoose and Ke-tum-wa. 2pgs.
•Two hand written letters from John Lasley dated Dec. 22, 1839 and Nov. 21, 1859, and Jan. 17, 1860; to friends or family. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten document April 11, 1864; year dates referenced 1850’s in connection with John D Lasley. 3 pgs.
•Handwritten document March 29, 1864; year dates referenced 1850’s in connection with John D Lasley and signed by R.Kinsie. 2 pgs.
•Group of documents; Data for Heirship Finding and Family History for unidentified child of Joe Levier and Martha Battese; Data for Heirship finding and Famly History, court order determining heirs for Peter Oliver Levier; testimony referencing Annie Battese and guardian L.L. Smith; handwritten list of payments made at Osage Sub Agency Oct. 15, 1846; transcribed from letter or notes referencing Frances La Via chief of one of the Pottawatomie Bands…; letters referencing guardian for Marjory, Agnes, and Ruth Battese children of Walter Battese March 7, 1923, Department of the Interior Oct. 17, 1972 referencing blood degree claim of Francis A. Levier, To Whom It May Concern May 5, 1976 in referenced to Albert J. Levier Sr.; Shawnee Agency, Shawnee OK Dec. 3, 1974 in reference to blood degree of Joe (Joseph) Levier and his wife Martha Battese and descendants changes. 10 pgs.

2005.27_7 Miscellaneous [Levier]
•Map of Lavia Family 1887 allotments within the CPN reservation, lists allotments for Joseph Lavia Jr. Cp 314, James Lavia CP 315, Mary Ann Lavia CP 1318. 1 pg.

Subject list xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2005.27 Levier Family Manuscripts
Levier, Lavia, allotment, estate, record, Blandin, allot., photocopy, heir, list, Blondin, Ship-She-Qua, probate, P-tes-Saw, Nocklonick, Lasley, Stephens, Phelps, Blackbird, Bertrand, Dehoney, Nadeau, Desplatt, M-z-zahm-qua, Levia, 1937 Indian Census Roll for the Citizen Potawatomi, Battiste, Laslay, Leslay, Bentar, Higbee, Bayliss, Strickler, letter, Heer, Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indian of Oklahoma, Samqua, Topeka, Kansas (KS), note, card, enrollment, M-z-zahn-qua, newspaper, clipping, obit, Marshall, document, Lewis, McKinney, Nelson, Bradford, Aitkens, Hubbard, Vieux, Battese, Willimett, Mulanax, Walking Stick, Olson, Wilson, Kopfle, Cooper, Greenmore, Wamego, Maines, Vanderbloom, testimony, allottee, Pottawatomie, Jackson, Cadue, Moose, Battise, census, death, certificate, Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma (OK), blood, degree, descendants, public notice, pedigree, chart, onion, paper, Hughes, tribal, roll, bureau, obituary, affidavit, children, fax, baptism, Ent, DeLeon, Muellar, Juneau, Lawrence, marriage, father, mother, brother, sister, Sullivan, Ke-wah-quah, scan, Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, book, collection, history, family, narrative, genealogy, payment, court, Masqua, Miller, Stucky, Moore, Aitkins, , Swinson, Krammer, Meeker, Gammill, Neddeau, Pipstem, Mitchell, Bush, Wilmette, Crowder, Spencer, Kitch-kum-me-quah, ancestor, Wilmot, Wilmett, Cunduff, Richie, Michaelson, Descendant, Citizen Band Pottawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, Walrod, Prairie Band Potawatomi Indians, tree, Native American, report, Citizen Potawatomi, inherit, , index, Department of the Interior, hearing, photograph, guardian, treaty, Molcate, commission, superintendent, Draper, Howard, Flynn, Stich, Darnell, Medill, government, House of Representative, Weaver, Indian, appeal, Horton Agency, McCoose, Ke-tum-wa, inheritance, Kinsie, data, Smith, Osage Sub-Agency, La Via, chief, band, map, reservation

2005.27_1 Allotments [Levier]
Levier, Lavia, allotment, estate, record, Blandin, allot., photocopy, heir, list, Blondin, Ship-She-Qua, probate, P-tes-Saw, Nocklonick, Lasley, Stephens, Phelps, Blackbird, Bertrand, Dehoney, Nadeau, Desplatt, M-z-zahm-qua

2005.27_2 Census [Levier]
Levier, Levia, 1937 Indian Census Roll for the Citizen Potawatomi, Battiste, Laslay, Leslay, Bentar, Higbee, Bayliss, Strickler

2005.27_3 Family History [Levier]
Levier, Lavia, letter, Heer, Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indian of Oklahoma, Samqua, Topeka, Kansas (KS), note, card, enrollment, M-z-zahn-qua, newspaper, clipping,obit, Lasley, Marshall, photocopy, document, Lewis, McKinney, Nelson, Bradford, Aitkens, Hubbard, Vieux, Battese, Willimett, Mulanax, Lavia, Walking Stick, Olson, Wilson, Kopfle, Cooper, Greenmore, Wamego, Maines, Vanderbloom, testimony, heirs, allottee, Pottawatomie, list, Jackson, Cadue, Moose, Battise, census, death, certificate, Lewis, Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma (OK), blood, degree, descendants, card, public notice, pedigree, chart, onion, paper, Hughes, tribal, roll, bureau, obituary, affidavit, children, Bradford, fax, baptism, Ent, DeLeon, probate, Muellar, Wamego, Juneau, Mulanax, Lawrence, marriage, record, father, mother, brother, sister, Sullivan, Ke-wah-quah, scan, Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma

2005.27_4 Levier Book FH [Levier]
Levier, Lavia, book, collection, document, photocopy, history, family, chart, note, narrative, record, list, letter, genealogy, roll, census, probate, payment, court, affidavits, Battese, Vanderbloom, Mulanax, Masqua, Miller, Jackson, Cooper, Stucky, Jackson, Olson, Wilson, Kopfle, Moore, McKinney, Lewis, Greenmore, Wamego, Aitkins, Maines, Swinson, Krammer, Meeker, Gammill, Juneau, Cadue, Neddeau, Pipstem, Jackson, Mitchell, Bush, Wilmette, crowder, Spencer, Bradfrod, Spencer, Kitch-kum-me-quah, Lasley

2005.27_5 Genealogy [Levier]
Levier, Lavia, genealogy, pedigree, chart, ancestor, Battese, Lewis, McKinney, Wilmot, Wilmett, Masqua, Miller, Cooper, Juneau, Bush, Jackson, Cadue, Cunduff, Richie, Wilson, Lasley, Michaelson, Krammer, Neddeau, Ent, Descendant, Mitchell, Aitkins, letter, DeLeon, Citizen Band Pottawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, Walrod, enrollment, Prairie Band Potawatomi Indians, blood, degree, tree, list, Native American, allotment

2005.27_6 Government Documents [Levier]
Levier, Lavia, document, report, heir, Battese, Citizen Potawatomi, inherit, card, index, Department of the Interior, notice, estate, Jackson, hearing, probate, blood, degree, photocopy, photograph, certificate, death, guardian, letter, Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma (OK), probate, treaty, Molcate, commission, superintendent, court, Draper, Howard, Flynn, Stich, Darnell, Moore, Medill, Mitchell, government, Kansas (KS), House of Representative, Weaver, allotment, Indian, appeal, McKinney, Horton Agency, affidavit, Bradford, Lewis, Ent, Blandin, McCoose, Ke-tum-wa, Lasley, inheritance, heir, Kinsie, data, Smith, Osage Sub-Agency, La Via, chief, band

2005.27_7 Misc. [Levier]
•Levier, Lavia, map, allotment, reservation, list. 1pg.
•Page titled “The Children and the Granchildren of Peter Lewis and Julia Wilmot” date received Jun 22, 1976, other surnames LaClair, Bradford, Levier, Nelson, and McKinney. 1 pg.
•Indian Census Roll Jan. 1, 1937 census roll numbers 90 thru 103, surnames Batttise, Banter, Baylise, and Sticler. 1pg.
•Genealogy ancestor chart for Albert John Levier Sr., other surnames Battese, Lewis, Wilmot, Wilmett, and McKinney. 1pg.
•Photocopy of newspaper articles, page 3 The Mercury Chronicle, Manhattan Kansas, Thursday 11, 1952. 1pg.