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Greemore Family Manuscripts
Greemore Family Manuscripts

Greemore Family Manuscripts

Date1851 - 1997
Classificationslevel 1: collection
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.17.1-91
Description2005.17 Greemore Family Manuscripts
2005.17_1 Allotment [Greemore]
2005.17_2 Family History [Greemore]
2005.17_3 Genealogy [Greemore]
2005.17_4 Government Documents [Greemore]

2005.17_1 Allotment [Greemore]
•Deposition of Eliza Bressman to determine lawful heirs of Lucius A. Darling, 5 pages dated September 19th of 1910. 5 pgs.
•Indian Census Roll of the Citizen Potawatomi reservation of the Shawnee Jurisdiction, as of January 1 1937, census Roll numbers #853 thru # 862, Joseph Greemore. 1 pg.
•Indian Census Roll of the Citizen Potawatomi reservation of the Shawnee Jurisdiction, as of January 1 1937, census Roll numbers # 839 thru # 852 Charles Greemore and family. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Mary Baldwin certificate 90 from the Allotment act of May 23, 1973. 1 pg.
•Heir Record of Mary Baldwin certificate 90 from the Allotment act of May 23, 1973, probate #N66155-17, heirs include Maggie Bourbonnais Allot #525, Nora Baldwin Moore. Copy of receipt for patent dated April 30, 1918 on page as well. 1 pg.
•Copy of page from the “Twelfth Census of the United States” state of Missouri, county Henry, Osage Township, June 28, 1900, Rosa L. (Greemore) Thompson family. 1 pg.
•Copy from the Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotments under the Act of 1887 allotment for #349 Peter B. Greemore. 1 pg.
•Copy from the Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotments under the Act of 1887 allotment for # 323 Charlie Greemore and # 324 Annie Greemore daughter. 1 pg.
•Copy from the Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotments under the Act of 1887 allotment for #698 Mabel C. Greemore daughter of #323 Charlie Greemore. 1 pg.
•Documents in reference to the estate of Lucius A. Darling allottee No. 49, heir lists, and letter of court hearing to determine heir list 12 pgs.

2005.17_2 Family History [Greemore]
•Letter from Mary Patty to the Potawatomi Citizen Band seeking information on family ancestor Margaret Rice, dated Sept, 29, 1997, genealogy chart included and envelope attached,
•Typed family history of the Greemore family taken from the “People of the Place of Fire” by Pricilla M. Sharard. Beginning with Basil Geemore son of Charles and Rose (Toupin) Greemore, surnames Charet, Welch, Bourassa, Grimore, Battese, Grimard, Beaver, Mayfield, Taylor, Kemp, Ramsey, Morris, Tucker, Kenworthy, Springer. 2 pgs.
•Three letters; From Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma dated August 20, 1987 to Ken Gremore reference information request from Ava DeLeon tribal rolls director; letter from Joe Walker Tribal Operations Superintendent to Ken Gremore referencing information and records request dated August 13, 1987; letter to Shawnee Agency from Ken Gremore dated July 9, 1986, requesting Potawatomi Minority designation, 12 page ancestor narration document enclosed with this letter. 15 pgs.

2005.17_3 Genealogy [Greemore]
•Ancestor chart for Kenneth Eugene Gremore, other surnames Balgenorth, Ferguson, Grimard, Mette. 1 pg.
•Descendant chart for Antoine and Archange Wilmott and daughter Elizabeth Wilmot, other surnames Darling, Welch, Ducharme, Delaye, Greemore, Beaver, Thompson, Copeland, Ramsey, Tucker, Morries, Moutaw, Bush, prepared April 30, 1981. 1pg.
•Typed descendant chart of Greemore family surnames Wilmot, Welch, Grimard, Battese, Tescier, Bever, Thompson, Copeland, Bourassa, Morris, Tucker and Ramsey. 1 pg.
•7 page descendant chart for Antoine and Archange Wilmott and daughter Elizabeth Wilmot, other surnames Darling, Welch, Ducharme, Delaye, Greemore, Beaver, Moutaw, Deleye, Charet, Bever, Thompson, Copeland, Bourassa, Morris, Tucker Ramsey, Smith, Eldridge, Bressman, Melosh, Burtin, Sutherland, Sharia, Rice, Hardin, Moore. 7pgs.
•Ancestor chart for Kathleen Hope Stites, other surnames Charette, and Greemore, Ramsey. 1 pg.
•Handwritten descendant chart for the Wilmot and Greemore families, surnames Grimard, Welch, Toupin Bourassa Charet, Ramsy, Tucker, Morris, Battese, Tescier, Thompson, Beaver, Copeland, Mayfield, Taylor, Kemp. 1 pg.
•Ancestor chart for Charlotte A. (Brunt) Jasper other surnames Brunt, Gardon, Tescier, Greemore, and Welch. 1 pg.
•Ancestor for Barney J. Silva other surnames on chart Stites, Greemore, and Charet. 1 pg.

2005.17_4 Government Documents [Greemore]
•Report on Heirship May 8, 1917, for Mary Baldwin certificate #90, daughter of Isaac Rice and Ke-by, her children James, Robert, Samuel Baldwin, Maggie Bourbonnais, and Nora Moore, includes testimony by Katherine Plomondon, Allotment or Estate card. 12 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior to S. L. Patrick U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency Oklahoma, Oct 25, 1893 in reference to Mary A. Baldwin,1 pg.; letter from the Department of the Interior to Moses Neal U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency Indian Territory August 8, 1887, reference to Rosalin Beaver and her request for divorce from husband and recover possession of the property of her allotment, 3 pgs.; 4 pgs. total.
•Letter from Department of the Interior to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Dept., 27, in reference to Wiley Beaver husband of Rosalin Beaver who is abuse and has no rights due to his bad behavior toward his wife and what steps can be done legally to remove him from her allotment. 1pg.
•Letter from the Pottawatomie Agency K.T. December 17th, 1859, in reference to A.J. Navarre and W.M. Rice were on way to Washington D.C but did not have authority of tribe from William E. Murphy U.S. Agent for Pottawatomie Indians 1 pg., letter from the Pottawatomie Agency K.T referencing W. M. Rice, 1 pg. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten letter from Econtuchka Seminole Nation Indian Territory, Feb, 10, 1894 to the U.S. Agent Sac and Fox Agency Oklahoma Territory, referencing the sale of allotted land and the children of Susan Rice in protest that did not get their share of this inheritance, from Mrs. Maggie L. Johnson. 3 pgs.
•National Archives Microfilm Publications copies , Microcopy No. 234, Letters received by the office of Indian Affairs, 1824-81, roll 682, Potawatomi Agency, 1851-1860; letters concerning Navarre and Rice going to Washington D. C. with no authority signed by tribal leaders, dated Mar. 14th, 1860. 3 pgs.

2005.17_1 Allotment [Greemore]
Greemore, allotment, deposition, Bressman, heir, Darling, Indian, census, roll, Citizen Potawatomi, reservation, Shawnee, estate, record, Baldwin, certificate, act, Bourbonnais, Moore, receipt, patent, Twelfth Census of the United States, Missouri, Henry, Osage, township, Thompson, Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotments under the Act of 1887, documents, letter, court, hearing, list
2005.17_2 Family History [Greemore]
Greemore, family, history, patty, Potawatomi Citizen Band, ancestor, Rice, genealogy, chart, envelope, "people of the Place of Fire, Sharard, Toupin, Charet, Welch, Bourassa, Grimore, Battese, Grimard, Beaver, Mayfield, Taylor Kemp, Ramsey, Morris, Tucker, Kenworthy, Springer, Gremore, DeLeon, tribal, roll, director, Walker, opetartion, superintendent, record, letter, document, minority, Shawnee, agency, document
2005.17_3 Genealogy [Greemore]
Greemore, Gremore, Balgenorth, Ferguson, Grimard, Mette, Wilmott, Wilmot, Darling, Welch, Ducharme, Delaye, Beaver, Thompson, Copeland, Bourassa, Morris, Tucker, Ramsey, Smith, Eldridge, Bressman, Melosh, Burtin, Sutherland, Sharia, Rice, Hardin, Moore, Stites, Charette, Charet, Mayfield, Taylor, Kemp, ancestor, descendant, Brunt, Jasper, Tescier, Gardon, Silva
2005.17_4 Government Documents [Greemore]
Greemore, government, document, report, heirship, Baldwin, certificate, Rice, Ke-By, Bourbonnais, Moore, Plomondon, allotment, estate, Department of the Interior, Patrick, Indian, agent, U.S., Sac and Fox, Indian Territory (I.T.), agency, Neal, Beaver, divorce, property, allotment, letter, commissioner, Pottawatomie, Kansas Territory (K.T.), Navarre, Washington D. C., tribe, Murphy, Econtuchka, Seminole Nation, Johnson, National Archives, microfilm, microcopy, tribe