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Bergeron Family Manuscripts
Bergeron Family Manuscripts

Bergeron Family Manuscripts

Date1819 - 1997
Classificationslevel 1: collection
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.4.1-212
Description2005.4 Bergeron Family Manuscripts
2005.4_1 Allotments
2005.4_2 Census
2005.4_3 Family History
2005.4_4 Genealogy
2005.4_5 Government Documents
2005.4_6 Miscellaneous

2005.4_1 Allotments
•Allotment or Estate Record: John B. Bergeron allot. No. 1089. 2 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record: Alice Barshaw allot. No. 140. 1 pg.
•Allotment No. 489 family history of Joseph C. Milot. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record: Charles Bergeron allot. No. 285. 1 pg.
•Allotment record copied from a handwritten record of 1887 allotment pages 266-267. 2 pgs.
•Typed page of alphabetical list of M’s reflecting 1887 allotment individuals. 1 pg.

2005.4_2 Census
•1937 Citizen Potawatomi Indian Census Oklahoma, no. # 1614-1626; 1 pg.
•1916 Census of the Citizen Pottawatomi Indians of Shawnee Ok, no. # 1310-1325; 1 pg.
•1875 Kansas Census Pottawatomie County, Louisville township, copy from Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS, Division of Census Records; family of Wesley Lewis. 1 pg.
•1880 Census Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Louisville township, copy from Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS, Division of Census Records; family of Wesley Lewis. 1 pg.
•1870 Census Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Louisville township, copy from Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS, Division of Census Records; family of Wesley Lewis. 1 pg.
•1937 Citizen Potawatomi Indian Census Oklahoma, no. # 839-852; 1 pg.
•Correspondence dated March 1, 1987, re: to Ava Deleau Tribal Rolls Director of CBP, from Cynthia G. Anew, request for bloodline/background check of ancestors. 1 pg.

2005.4_3 Family History
•Bergeron/Lewis family narrative family history, dated March 2, 1976 1 pg.
•Family Group Sheets, dated 10-14-88, Bergeron family history; Xavier Bergeron and Josephine Watch-E-Kee.5 pgs.
•Report of Heirship of Francis Milot. 3 pgs.
•Report of Heirship of Joseph L. Melott. 2pgs.
•Book excerpt Chapter 13 “Wat-che-kee and Her Family Depart for Their Home in the West” pages 91 thru 98. 4 pgs.
•Book excerpt Chapter 8 “LeVasseur Divorces His Indian Wife Wat-che-kee” pages 57 thru 62. 3 pgs.
•Bergeron Family handwritten notes reflecting blood degrees and family connections. 4 pgs. and small note.
•Narrative family history letter to the How Ni Ka dated May 23, 1989, titled Francis and Josette Bergeron. 3 pgs.
•Letter to Ava DeLeon, Citizen Band Potawatomi, from Jack W. Bazaw, ref: Francis X Bergeron on the 1863 tribal rolls, dated October 14, 1988. 1 pg.
•Letter to Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe, Ava DeLeon to Jack Bazhaw dated October 31, 1988, with 4 pages of vital records. 5 pgs.
•Court affidavit from Amanda Neddeau on Alice E. Barshaw and Charles Barshaw, dated June 6th, 1896. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of article in How Ni Kan, vol.11 no. 5, May 1989 page 17, titled “Scrapbook, The Melot Family”. 1 pg.
•Probate for Francis Milot, deposition by Emily Holloway, 2 pages.
•Letter dated August 7, 1984 ref: inquiry of Violet Marie Melott (Milot) from We Pruner and copy of Receipt for Fee Simple Patent for Alice Crandrell, formerly Alice Barshaw dated July 11, 1908. 4pgs.
•State testimony of Alexander R. Upton, dated February 14, 1919, 5 pgs.
•Testimony of Frances Bazhaw on the estate of Mary Denton (Mary Bergeron, CP No. 902. 3 pgs.
•Genealogy ancestor family chart of Jack W. Bazhaw. 1pg.
•Newspaper article from Shawnee News-Star 12-17-89, titled Lewis helped develop Ivy school cemetery” article on Wesley Lewis. 1pg.
•Citizen Pottawatomi # 1089, John B. Bergeron, ref allotment and heirship of such. 7pgs.
•Certificate of Appraisement, for allottee Madeline Denton No. 900, Report of Heirship of John B. Bergeron, Allotment or Estate Record of John B. Bergeron. 9 pgs.
•Testimony of Frank Bashaw, Charles Edmister, Joe Murphey –Witnesses in the estate of John B Bergeron. 4 pgs.
•1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomie Indians, a page from Kansas Kin dated August 1979, 1 thru 38 numbered families. 1 pg.
•Vital record death certificate of John B. Bergeron. 1pg.
•Newspaper article/obit ref: “Passed Away, Death of Noel LeVasseur, the old Indian Trader, dated Dec. 18, 1819. 1 pg.
•Transcribed copy of the 1880 Declaration of Citizenship of Dellila Bourassa Bergeron as well as a copy of the original. 3 pg.
•2nd page of enrollment page reflecting family history of applicant and page of handwritten notes on separate page. 2 pgs.

2005.4_4 Genealogy
•Toupin Family chart, which reflects Alice Barshaw’s brother Gilbert Neddeau
•2 pages of identifications of photocopies of images that are in Misc. folder they are here for genealogical information. 2 pgs.
•Bergeron Family Line family. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Rogina M. Melott Lopez. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Jonathan Ray Melot, Ashley Niclole Melot, Stephanie Michele Melot. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Teddy B. Melott. 1pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Floyd E. Melott. 1 pg.
•Genealogy family line chart for Francois Xavier Bergeron and Zozette, Josephine, Wat-che-kee
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Jack W. Bazhaw, with a little note with info 1pg.
•Letter from Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma to Jack W. Bazhaw, and Genealogy Ancestor chart for Jack W. Bashaw. 2 pgs.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Karen Denise Copp. 1 pg.
•4 Family group sheets for Bergeron and a genealogy ancestor chart for Jack W. Bazhaw. 5 pgs.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for James Carnell Glasgow. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for David D. West. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Alice (Neddeau) Barshaw. 1 pg.
•Genealogy Ancestor chart for Madge F. Barshaw West. 1 pg.
•Genealogy linage for Charles Bergeron. 1 pg.
•Book excerpt from Genealogy of the French Families of the Detroit River Region 1701-1936 Volume II, Milot family pages 846-847 and 2 pages of index information on how to use this book. 5pgs.

2005.4_5 Government Documents
•Letter to S. L. Patrick U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency OK, to T. J. Morgan Commissioner. Dated July 21, 1892; ref: Alice Barshaw enrollment. 1 pg.
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas Esq. U.S Indian Agent Sac and Fox Agency O.T. from D. W. Browning Commissioner dated June 3, 1896, ref: Charles Bergeron and allotment. 3 pg.
•Letter to Samuel L. Patrick U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency OK, from Acting Commissioner, M. Reel, date May 4, 1892, Dept. of the Interior. 1 pg.
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas, U.S. Agent Sac and Fox Agency O.T., from acting commissioner Thom P. Smith. 1 pg.
•Letter to Samuel L. Patrick, U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, OK. ref: Alice Barshaw enrolment, Allotment or estate records of Alice Barshaw and Gilbert Barshaw. 4 pgs.
•Testimony of Frank Barshaw concerning John B. Bergeron’s estate, dated July 28th, 1926 1 pg.
•Letter concerning the estate John B. Bergeron from the Department of the Interior, ref: probate information of John B. Bergeron.3 pgs.
•Letter to Mr. Whitecotton from the US Department of the Interior dated July 13, 1979 from Raymond V. Butler, in ref: Bourassa and Toupin family history. 2pg.
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas, Esq. US Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency O.T., from DM Browning Commissioner in ref: Charles Bergeron, dated April 23. 1897. 1 pg.
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas Esq. US Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency O.T., from Tho P. Smith acting Commission, ref: Charles Barshaw and Alice Barshaw, dated October 31, 1896. 1pg.
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas esq. U.S. Indian Agent, sac and Fox Agency, O.T., from DM Browning commissioner, dated June 3, 1896, ref: Charles Bergeron. 2pgs
•Letter to Edward L. Thomas esq. U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency O.T., from Charles Woodsing, Charles Bergeron, and Delia Bergeron, dated October 10, 1896, ref: Charles Bergeron and Delia Bergeron and conveying allotment to Charles Woodsing. 1pg.
•Letter to Archie C. Hextor supt. Shawnee Agency, from George M. Weber, dated April 24, 1940, ref: Frank Theodore Melott. 1 pg.
•Letter to Neal Moses esq. U.S. Indian Agent, sac and Fox Agency I.T. from A. Bripshaw acting commissioner, dated November 12, 1886, ref: Delila Gregson asking to rent allotment property. 2pg.
•Letter to Neal Moses esq. U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, I.T., from A. Brpsharnk acting commissioner, dated May 24, 1888 ref: Delila Gregson. 2pgs.
•Letter about the estate of John B. Bergeron ref: estate John B. Bergeron probate information, dated July 29, 1926. 4 pgs.
•Letter to Samuel L. Patrick U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, O.T., from TJ Morgan commissioner, dated January 29, 1891, ref: Frank Bergeron.1pg.
•14 pages of photocopied notecards, ref. to Citizen Band Potawatomi history and Bergeron family members noted in these notes, E. Dave Edmunds author. 14 pgs.
•Receipts for allotment sales of Charles Bergeron and John Bergeron and other family members. 3 pgs.
•Letter to Robert Bergeron from the Shawnee Area Field Office, Shawnee Ok., Robert Grover, ref: Charles Bergeron allotment. 5pgs.

2005.4_6 Miscellaneous
•Glossy color photo attached to paper typed information “Gravestone of Delila B. Griffin in Wanettte Cemetery as it looked in June 1987. 1pg.
•Article from newspaper Shawnee News-star 1997, by Lynn M. Wiley, Curator, Santa Fe Depot Museum” (which is from Shawnee News-star) titled “Wanette much like other towns” about Wanette history and Bergeron family history. 1pg. [note this original was not found in collection but scan was printed to replace this doc.]
•Newspaper article/clipping from the Shawnee News-Star, Sunday, January 15, 1995, titled “Museum to feature Wanette, a typical small Oklahoma town” by Lynn M. Wiley, Curator, Santa Fe, Depot Museum. 1pg.
•How Ni Kan article clipping of Bergeron/Melot/Melott family history and images. 1pg.
•Photocopy of Charles Barshaw and Alice (Neddeau) Barshaw, group family portrait.1 pg.
•Photocopy of 7 photos of Bergeron and Lewis family members, page 2 have identification of these images. 2pgs.
•Photocopy of 6 photos of Bergeron and Lewis family members, page 2 have identification of these images. 2pgs.
•Bergeron Family 1887 Allotments map.1pg.