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Hardin Family Manuscripts
Hardin Family Manuscripts

Hardin Family Manuscripts

Date1846 - 2005
Classificationslevel 1: collection
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.18.1-283
Description2005.18 Hardin Family Manuscripts
2005.18_1 Allotments
2005.18_2 Census
2005.18_3 Family History
2005.18_4 Genealogy
2005.18_5 Government Documents
2005.18_6 Miscellaneous

2005.18_1 Allotments
•Document copies pertaining to Allot. No 463 Margaret Nee Hardin Clinton, Allotment or Estate Record, Heir list for Margaret Hardin Clinton. 3 pgs.
•Report on Heirship for M. B. Beaubien (Baubien) allotment # 385, report shows spouses and children. 5 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Annie Hardin allot. No. 271. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Thomas Hardin certificate # 38. 1 pg.
•Allotment or Estate Record of Thomas Hardin certificate # 38, dark micro copy. 1 pg.
•Document copies pertaining to: Heir list card from Allotment No. 30 Lizzie Hardin; Allotment or Estate Record of Allot. No. 270 Mayfield, Alice Nee Riley or Gardners Roll Pheloset Riley, daughter of Mary Hardin Bostick; Index and Heirship card enrollee of Annie Ray allot. No. 271 daughter of Alice Riley Mayfield CP # 270; Mary Hardin Bostick CP-237 husband and children list. 4 pgs.
•Document copies pertaining to: Allotment or Estate Record of certificate # 41 Davis Hardin; certificate of business committee for Davis Hardin and his allotment description and his legal heirs; Index and Heirship card enrollee for Davis Hardin cert.-41. 3 pgs.
•Document copies: Allotment or Estate Record, heir list for certificate 39 Lizzie Hardin, letter from the Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma August 7, 1975 to Ruby Mae Clawson in reference to allotment of Lizzie Hardin certificate no. 39. 3 pgs.
•Index and Heirship card enrollee and the allotment or Estate Record for Hannah Hardin allotment cert. 42. 2 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for Margaret nee Hardin, allot. No. 463 and heir list with inheritance amounts. 3 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for joseph Copaugh allot no. 590, spouse and heir list. 2 pgs.

2005.18_2 Census
•Census of the citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Shawnee Okla. On June 30, 1916, taken by O. J. Green, Supt.& Specl. Disbg. Agnet, numbers 760 thru 773 reflecting Hardin family members on this census, other names Hardar, and Hare. 1 pg.

2005.18_3 Family History
•11 page typed manuscript by Tommy Craig Anderson 1987, family history narrative of Anderson, Hardin families. 11 pgs.
•Allotment or Estate Record for Joseph Copaugh allottee No. 590. 1 pg.
•Testimony of Mary Bostick to determine the legal heirs of M.B. Beaubien, deceased Citizen Pottawatomie Allottee No. 385. 2 pgs.
•Handwritten note of list of Hardin and Goodboo family members on 1863 Tribal Roll. 1 pg.
•Handwritten note of Hardin family members and their corresponding blood degree and written notes on back of note. 1 pg.
•Group of documents; handwritten note with family members of Elizabeth Hardin and John Anderson; testimony of John B. Beaubien on estate of M. B. Beaubien. 5 pgs.
•Spouse and children list for Mrs. M.B. Beaubien CP-385, CP-237 handwritten on top of both copies. 2 pgs.
•Document referencing Frank Anderson and Benjamin Anderson and amounts received. 1 pg.
•Testimony of Mary Bostick to determine lawful heirs of Joseph Bostick. 1 pg.
•Delayed certificate of birth for Sadie Wall, hand written notes also reference her blood degree and married name of Hardin. 1 pg.
•Delayed certificate of birth for David Copperfield Hardin. 1 pg.
•Typed family history titled Laframboise Family French-Canadian Laframboise, who Settled in Wisconsin, and descendant chart of the Laframboise Family the Laframboise and Hardin Connections, chart Hardin Family the Hardin and Laframboise Connections. 5 pgs.
•Letter from Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Oct. 10, 1952 to Mrs. Cora C. Evans referencing information on the Copaugh, Klapp, Walker, Baptiste, Morris family information. 2 pgs.
•Family history narrative titled “Family Record of Lafromboise, Beaubien, Hardin, Watkins, Bostick, McEvers, Stewart, Smith, Appier, Bess, Wiehl, Hyde, Hollister, Welch, Moffit, Gage, McDaniel, McIntire, Morris, Tredick, Stemple, Wilmoth, Hammon, Shirey, Shire, Moriarty, Mills, Muse, Bressler, From mid 1700s to June 1976” narrative family history and genealogy charts. 20 pgs.
•Family information for Mrs. M.B. Beaubien CP-385, spouses and children listed. 2 pgs.
•Letter to Priscilla Sherard, from Reba M. Morariu dated July 23, 1974, letter from the Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801 to Ruby Mae Clawson in reference to Lizzie Hardin Cert. No. 39, heirship list for Lizzie Hardin Cert No. 39. 3 pgs.
•Copy of letter/note to soldier from King George, April 1918, description references to the property of John Hardin whom joined army for World War I. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of the obit or death notice for Mrs. John Anderson. 1 pg.
•Photocopy of notice “The Citizen Band Pottawatomies call to meeting/general council, Nov. 8, 1916, Neghanquet, Clardy, Bourassa, Whitehead, Haas. 1 pg.
•Documents for Citizen Potawatomi Certificate # 39 consists of following documents, Family unit chart for Oscar (Osker) Ray, prepared by Doris Blackman Mitchell, 1991; Allotment or Estate Record of Cert. 39 Lizzie Hardin; Receipt for Patent for allotment of Lizzie Hardin; letter from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee OK to Ruby Mae Clawson in reference to allotment of Lizzie Hardin; certification letter March 29, 1918 from Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs for documents; letter from Department of the Interior March 8, 1901 ref: Elizabeth Hardin; probate records; letter from Citizen Band Pottawatomie Indians business committee Nov. 1, 1900 ref: Lizzie Hardin and family allotment; land certificate for cert. 39 Lizzie Hardin may 3, 1891; affidavits; references to legal guardian for children of Lizzie Hardin and Thomas Hardin; estate records. 37 pgs.
•Mary Hardin Bostick CP-237 family information and testimony for Hardin – Bostick family. 5pgs.
•Letter dated Nom. 22, 1971 to Mrs. David McEvers referencing family information for Hardin, Anderson, and Beaubien family. 2 pgs.
•Note attached to Hardin, Lafromboise family history narrative, note – “Johnny Strausbaugh, HowNiKan, Ft. Dearborn article, mailed 7-6-88, vol10, no. 4. 8 pgs.
•Hardin, Lafromboise family narrative history with genealogy charts dates 1700-1900s. 3 pgs.
•Family history “The Macon Family” originally compiled by Joseph Kiles Macon, Ellen Harding, Eulalia Mosley, and Mary Squires Macon, retyped in Word format and “Continued Research in Progress” By: Cheryl Ann (Macon) Jez, Oct. 2003. 23 pgs.
•Photocopy of How Ni Kan People of the Fire, Vol. 9 No. 4, Citizen Band Potawatomi Tribe, titled “Anderson Saga – Part 2”.

2005.18_4 Genealogy
•Ancestor Family Chart for Davis Copperfield Hardin, son of Davis Hardin and Hannah Goodboo. 1 pg.
•Ancestor chart for Ramona R. Salzado with hand written notes on back. 1 pg.
•Two pages of handwritten notes of tribal member list and a page from Kansas Kin article of the 1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomi Indians, Kansas. 3 pgs.
•Ancestor chart for Timothy Louis Guss, from Hardin-Rhodd family other surnames, Dickinson, Anderson, Lafromboise.

2005.18_5 Government Documents
•Copy of page from Bill S. #1628, 54th Congress, 1st Session. January 20, 1896, “A Bill Confirming the title of Mixed-blood Indians to their lands and allowing the same to be alienated under certain circumstances. 1 pg.
•Copy of letter, written at top in blue ink “234-689, Frame 224” Aug, 31, 1869 to Hon. E.S. Parker in reference to issuance of patent in fee of Theresa Hardin wife of L.R. Darling. 1 pg.
•Copy of letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Business Committee Citizen Band Potawatomi, dated August 1846, ref: George Wards to be enrolled in Citizen Band Potawatomi of Oklahoma. 1 pg.
•Copy of letter from Wagoza, Pott Nat. Ind. Territory, May 9th, 1883 to Maj. J.V. Carter U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, from the Citizen Band of Pottawatomies in ref: to enrolment and taking allotment and that tribal election/acceptance was avenue for non-Indian to become tribal member not marriage to tribal member. 3 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior to D.B. Dyer, U.S. Indian Agent, Quapaw Agency, Seneca Mo., April 12, 1882 ref to guardianship of two minor children Anna and Mary of Hannah and Davis Hardin, and how and why this guardianship came about. 2 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, November 14, 1879, to John Short U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, ref Hannah Gooboo Hardin and her brothers circumstances as to why they did not get annuities from the Miami’s thru their guardian Joseph B. Oliver. 5pgs.
•Letter from the United States Department of the Interior, to John A. Barrett, Chairman, Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee, Oct. 14, (1983) referencing resolution POT# 84-26 enacted July 11, 1983, concerning disenrollment actions; copy of said resolution POT # 84-26, genealogy chart for Baptiste-Copaugh descendants with corrected blood degree. 4 pgs.
•Second copy of above group of documents, letter in these scans missing last page. Letter from the United States Department of the Interior, to John A. Barrett, Chairman, Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee, Oct. 14, (1983) referencing resolution POT# 84-26 enacted July 11, 1983, concerning disenrollment actions; copy of said resolution POT # 84-26, genealogy chart for Baptiste-Copaugh descendants with corrected blood degree. 3 pgs.
•Letter from the United States Department of the Interior, Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, June 15, 1943, ref: to whom it may concern Sadie Wall Hardin appears on Pottawatomi Census Roll dated June 31, 1929; also letter dated January 5, 1955 that Sadie Wall Hardin that June 30, 1922 she was line number 786 which shows her birth and blood degree. 1 pg.
•Letter from the United States Department of the Interior, to John A. Barrett, Chairman, Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee, Oct. 14, (1983) referencing resolution POT# 84-26 enacted July 11, 1983, concerning disenrollment actions; copy of said resolution POT # 84-26, genealogy chart for Baptiste-Copaugh descendants with corrected blood degree. 4 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, February 4, 1891 to S.L. Patrick, U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, O.T. from T.J. Morgan Commissioner, in reference to application of non-Indian David Bostick husband of tribal member Mary E. Bostick. 1 pg.
•Department of the Interior documents for the estate of M.B. Beaubien Shawnee Oklahoma Allottee No. 385, documents to determine heir list, testimony. 11 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, Nov. 24, 1894 to Edward L. Thomas U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency Oklahoma Territory, submitting approval of seven persons for the business committee of the Pottawatomies, Stephen Ne-gahn-quet, Alexander B. Peltier, J.B. Pam-ba-go, John Anderson, Davis Hardin, Charles Rhodd, and Joseph Moose. 1 pg.
•Department of the Interior documents for the estate of M.B. Beaubien Shawnee Oklahoma Allottee No. 385, documents to determine heir list, testimony. 5 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior to Lee Patrick U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, O.T. May 9, 1898 in reference to the removal of Davis Hardin from his position as a member of the business committee. 1 pg.
•Handwritten letter/note from probate judge W.T. Ruggles(?) Sept.16 1895 referencing the guardian of Winnemack a minor as Davis Hardin. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior to S. L. Patrick U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma, Oct. 28, 1890, references the allotment applications of Anthony Bourbonnais, Thomas Hardin, and Davis Hardin under the Act of May 23, 1872. 1 pg.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior to S. L. Patrick U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, O.T. , April 13, 1898, referencing prosecution of Wakazo and others in the alleged fraud in collecting money belonging to Mexican Pottawatomie Indians. (1 page letter but 2 copies scanned) 2 pg.
•Letter from the Office of the United States Attorney, April 7, 1898, to U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, O.T. reference to case of United States vs Wakazo. 1 pg.
•Letter from the United States Indian Service, Ponca Agency, June 23rd, 1879 to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., in reference to complaint of Hanna (Goodboo) Hardin against actions of guardian of her and her bothers. 2 pgs.
•Letter from Hanna (Goodboo) Hardin asking for help with her case against her guardian Mr. Oliver who was not forwarding payments to her or her brothers. 1 pg.
•Letter from the United States Indian Service, St Louis April 21, 1879 to Joseph Hartford, Sac and Fox Agency I. T. in reference to Hannah (Goodboo) Hardin’s claims against guardian Joseph Oliver. 2 pgs.
•Letter from the Department of the Interior, Nov. 14, 1879, to John Theorb U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory in reference to Hannah (Goodboo) Hardin claim against her guardian J. Oliver. 5 pgs.
•Copy of record of marriage for L. R. Darling and Theras Elizabeth Hardin, July 6, 186? (1862); microcopy notes 234-689, frame 318. 2 pgs.
•Copy of delayed certificate of birth for David C. Hardin, with handwritten notes at bottom. 1 pg.
•Letter to Davis Hardin, Shawnee O.T. Feb 13, 1900, from brother John Anderson Washington D.C., in reference to patent applications for mentioned allottees. 1 pg.
•Copy of the U. S. Criminal Appearance Docket in the case United States vs Wah-Ka-Zo, John Anderson, David Hardin, Thomas Lazelle, showing charges dismissed, date Nov. 1897. 1 pg.
•Letter from W.D. Hardin City Assessor, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jan. 14, 1896 to Davis Hardin Shawnee, OK. in reference to legality of shooting or hunting quail in the months of January and February, with personal notation. 1 pg.
•Typed transcription of letter from Council Bluffs Sub Agency April 2, 1844 to T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington D. C. in reference to claim of Davis Hardin for compensation of farming services for Chippewas, Otowas, and Pottawatamis at this sub agency. 2 pgs.
•Copy of letter from Wagoza, Pott Nat. Ind. Territory, May 9th, 1883 to Maj. J.V. Carter U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, from the citizen Band of Pottawatomies in ref: to enrolment and taking allotment and that tribal election/acceptance was avenue for non-Indian to become tribal member not marriage to tribal member. 3 pgs.

2005.18_6 Miscellaneous
•Photocopy of black and white picture of Peter Curley when he was delegate and interpreter with Prairie Potawatomi in Washing ton D. C., this image is from the Smithsonian Institution Anthropological Archives. 1 pg.
•17 pages of photocopied reference/bibliography notes by R. David Edmunds author of books about Potawatomi history. 17 pgs.

Subject lists
2005.18 total subject list
Hardin, allotment, document, Clinton, estate, record, heir, list, Beaubien, Baubien, report, spouse, children, microcopy, card, Riley, Gardners Roll, Mayfield, copies, certificate, business, committee, legal, heirship, Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, inheritance, Copaugh, census, Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Shawnee, Green, agent, family, Hardar, Hare, history, manuscript, Anderson, allottee, testimony, Bostick, Citizen Pottawatomie, Potawatomi, note, Goodboo, tribal, roll, blood degree, birth, Wall, Laframaboise, Wisconsin, Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency, Evans, Klapp, Walker, Baptiste, Morris, McEvers, Stewart, Smith, Appier, Bess, Wiel, Hyde, Hollister, Welch, Moffit, Gage, McDaniel, McIntire, Tredick, Stemple, Wilmoth, Hammon, Shirey, Shire, Moriaty, Millsm Muse, Bressler, genealogy, chart, letter, Sherard, Morariu, Clawson, , World War I, obit, death, meeting, council, Neghanquet, Clardy, Bourassa, Whitehead, Hass, Ray, Blackman, Mitchell, receipt, patent, Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, probate, guardian, Strausbaugh, HowNiKan, Ft. Dearborn, article, Mckon, Mosley, newspaper, ancestor, Salzado, tribal member, Kansas Kin, 1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomi Indians, Kansas, Guss, Rhodd, Dickinson, Lafromboise, bill, congress, Indian, Parker, patent in fee, Darling, commissioner, Wagoza, territory, enrolment, election, Dyer, United States (U. S.), Quapaw, Seneca, guardianship, Short, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory (I.T.), annuities, Miami, Oliver, Barrett, resolution, Shawnee Indian Agency, Patrick, Oklahoma Territory (O.T.), Morgan, application, Thomas, Peltier, Pambago, Moose, testimony, judge, Ruggles, Winnemack, Bourbonnais, Act of May 23, 1872, Wakazo, Mexican, fraud, Ponca Agency, docket, Lazelle, assessor, Council Bluff, Iowa, quail, hunting, sub-agency, compensation, Chippewas, Otowas, Pottawatamis, , Curley, Prairie Potawatomi, Washington D. C., Smithsonian Institution Anthropological Archives, image, photocopy, delegate, interpreter, , bibliography, Edmunds, book, author, history, Potawatomi

2005.18_1 Allotments
Hardin, allotment, document, Clinton, estate, record, heir, list, Beaubien, Baubien, report, spouse, children, microcopy, card, Riley, Gardners Roll, Mayfield, copies, certificate, business, committee, legal, heirship, Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, inheritance, Copaugh
2005.18_2 Census
Hardin, census, Citizen Pottawatomie Indians of Shawnee, Green, agent, family, Hardar, Hare
2005.18_3 Family History
Hardin, history, manuscript, Anderson, allotment, estate, record Copaugh, allottee, testimony, Bostick, heir, Beaubien, Citizen Pottawatomie, Potawatomi, note, list, Goodboo, tribal, roll, blood degree, document, certificate, birth, Wall, Laframaboise, Wisconsin, Shawnee, Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency, Oklahoma, Evans, Copaugh, Klapp, Walker, Baptiste, Morris, McEvers, Stewart, Smith, Appier, Bess, Wiel, Hyde, Hollister, Welch, Moffit, Gage, McDaniel, McIntire, Tredick, Stemple, Wilmoth, Hammon, Shirey, Shire, Moriaty, Millsm Muse, Bressler, genealogy, chart, letter, Sherard, Morariu, Clawson, note, World War I, obit, death, meeting, council, Neghanquet, Clardy, Bourassa, Whitehead, Hass, Citizen Band Pottawatomies, certificate, chart, Ray, Blackman, Mitchell, receipt, patent, Clawson, Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, probate, business, committee, guardian, children, Strausbaugh, HowNiKan, Ft. Dearborn, article, Mckon, Mosley, newspaper
2005.18_4 Genealogy
Hardin, Goodboo, Genealogy, ancestor, chart, Salzado, note, tribal member, list, Kansas Kin, article, 1863 Tribal Roll for Pottawatomi Indians, Kansas, Guss, Rhodd, Dickinson, Anderson, Lafromboise
2005.18_5 Government Documents
Hardin, bill, congress, Indians, letter, Parker, patent in fee, Darling, commissioner, business, committee, Citizen Band Pottawatomies of Oklahoma, Wagoza, Indian Territory, territory, enrolment, allotment, election, tribal, Department of the Interior, Dyer, United States (U. S.), Quapaw, Seneca, guardianship, Short, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory (I.T.), Goodboo, annuities, Miami, Oliver, Barrett, resolution, genealogy, chart, Copaugh, Baptiste, blood degree, Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Wall, census, Patrick, Oklahoma Territory (O.T.), Morgan, application, estate, Beaubien, allottee, heir, list, Thomas, Neghanquet, Peltier, Pambago, Anderson, Rhodd, Moose, testimony, probate, judge, Ruggles, Winnemack, Bourbonnais, Act of May 23, 1872, Wakazo, Mexican, fraud, Ponca Agency, record, microcopy, docket, Lazelle, assessor, Council Bluff, Iowa, quail, hunting, sub-agency, compensation, Chippewas, Otowas, Pottawatamis

2005.18_6 Misc.
Hardin, Curley, Prairie Potawatomi, Washington D. C., Smithsonian Institution Anthropological Archives, image, photocopy, delegate, interpreter, note, bibliography, Edmunds, book, author, history, Potawatomi

Archival notes…..
2005.18_1 Allotments
2005.18_2 Census
2005.18_3 Family History
2005.18_4 Genealogy

2005.18_5 Government Documents
•Typed transcription of letter from Council Bluffs Sub Agency April 2, 1844 to T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington D. C. in reference to claim of Davis Hardin for compensation of farming services for Chippewas, Otowas, and Pottawatamis at this sub agency. 2 pgs. (printed from scans)
•Copy of letter from Wagoza, Pott Nat. Ind. Territory, May 9th, 1883 to Maj. J.V. Carter U. S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, from the citizen Band of Pottawatomies in ref: to enrolment and taking allotment and that tribal election/acceptance was avenue for non-Indian to become tribal member not marriage to tribal member. 3pgs. (Archival note: these documents/copies were in collection but not scanned; added scans 105-2016 ct.)