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Vieux Allotments

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.42.1-40
Description2005.42 Vieux Family Manuscripts
2005.42_1 Allotment [Vieux]
•2005.42.1-4 copies of the Sac and Fox allotment cards for Mary Thorp Allot. No. 246 and Hiram P. Thorp Allot. No. 239 other sur names Wilson, Daugherty, Rhodd, Grayson, Rider and legal descriptions for these Sac and Fox allotments. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.5 copy of list of Thorpe family members other sur names Thrift, Thruman, Turner, Wilson with corresponding Allotment No. 1 pg.
•2005.42.6 copy of list of Pottawatomie Allotments by number and name for Johnson and Wall family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.7-8 copied pages from the Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotment under the Act of 1887, highlighted names Madeline Bourbonnais Allot. No. 616 daughter of Zoe Rhodd; highlighted names Jacob Vieux Allot. No. 407 and Charles Vieux Allot. No. 406. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.9 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen Vieux Allot. No. 460. 1 pg.
•2005.42.10 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Rachael Wall nee Johnson Allot. No. 294. 1 pg.
•2005.42.11 copy of list of Pottawatomie Allotments by number and name for Johnson and Wall family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.12 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Mary Turney Allot. No. 867. 1 pg.
•2005.42.13 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen NE-GAHN-KO-UP-MS-COP-GO, handwritten on top of page Ellen Red Gum m. Joseph Vieux CP 300. 1 pg.
•2005.43.14 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for John Turney Allot. No. 868. 1 pg.
•2005.42.15-17 copies of Allotment or Estate Record and Heirship card for Madeline Bonbonnais/Bourbonaies Allot. No. 616 other sur names Allen, Vieux. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.18 copy of page from Kansas Kin journal August 1979 of list of Kansas Potawatomi census of 1863, highlighted was Margaret Bourassa no. 1006 of family no. 300. 1 pg.
•2005.42.19 copy of page from alphabetical transcribed list from Citizen Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma 1887 allotment, highlighted are Margaret Haas Allot. No. 99, and son John Haas Allot. No. 101. 1 pg.
•2005.42.20 Allotment or Estate Record for Rachael Thurber Allot. No. 565. 1 pg.
•2005.42.21 Allotment or Estate Record for Lucinde Wade Allot. No. 984. 1 pg.
•2005.42.22-24 copy if Allotment or Estate Record and Heirship list card for Jake Johnson allotment Certificate No. 111 other sur names Hale, Ballan, Goulette, Craig, Ballman, Taylor. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.25-36 copies of documents in regards to Estate of Hattie Vieux Kime Allot. No. 278: certified Transcript of Ownership of allotment, Heirship card and Allotment or Estate Record, receipt of Patent Fee, other sur names Spalding, Roselius, Gay, Rath, Stapp, Brand, McLaughlin, Hagan, Hedlund, Martin, Schinerling, Hamilton, Gibbons, Clark, Reafling, Christenson, Davis. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.37 copy of pages from family relationship information for 1887 allotment individuals, two pages correspond to list of individuals on first scan. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.39 copy of page from 1887 Citizen Potawatomi allotment listing highlighted are Hattie Kime, nee Vieux Allot. No. 278 and Charlie Kime Allot. No. 279 son of No. 278. 1 pg.
•2005.42.40 copy of Allotment or Estate for Harriet Vieux Allot. No. 486. 1 pg.