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Vieux Family Manuscripts
Vieux Family Manuscripts

Vieux Family Manuscripts

Classificationslevel 1: collection
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.42.1-727
Description2005.42 Vieux Family Manuscripts
2005.42_1 Allotment [Vieux]
2005.42_2 Census [Vieux]
2005.42_3 Family History [Vieux]
2005.42_4 Genealogy [Vieux]
2005.42_5 Government Documents [Vieux]
2005.42_6 Miscellaneous [Vieux]

2005.42_1 Allotment [Vieux]
•2005.42.1-4 copies of the Sac and Fox allotment cards for Mary Thorp Allot. No. 246 and Hiram P. Thorp Allot. No. 239 other sur names Wilson, Daugherty, Rhodd, Grayson, Rider and legal descriptions for these Sac and Fox allotments. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.5 copy of list of Thorpe family members other sur names Thrift, Thruman, Turner, Wilson with corresponding Allotment No. 1 pg.
•2005.42.6 copy of list of Pottawatomie Allotments by number and name for Johnson and Wall family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.7-8 copied pages from the Citizen Pottawatomie Indian Allotment under the Act of 1887, highlighted names Madeline Bourbonnais Allot. No. 616 daughter of Zoe Rhodd; highlighted names Jacob Vieux Allot. No. 407 and Charles Vieux Allot. No. 406. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.9 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen Vieux Allot. No. 460. 1 pg.
•2005.42.10 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Rachael Wall nee Johnson Allot. No. 294. 1 pg.
•2005.42.11 copy of list of Pottawatomie Allotments by number and name for Johnson and Wall family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.12 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Mary Turney Allot. No. 867. 1 pg.
•2005.42.13 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Ellen NE-GAHN-KO-UP-MS-COP-GO, handwritten on top of page Ellen Red Gum m. Joseph Vieux CP 300. 1 pg.
•2005.43.14 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for John Turney Allot. No. 868. 1 pg.
•2005.42.15-17 copies of Allotment or Estate Record and Heirship card for Madeline Bonbonnais/Bourbonaies Allot. No. 616 other sur names Allen, Vieux. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.18 copy of page from Kansas Kin journal August 1979 of list of Kansas Potawatomi census of 1863, highlighted was Margaret Bourassa no. 1006 of family no. 300. 1 pg.
•2005.42.19 copy of page from alphabetical transcribed list from Citizen Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma 1887 allotment, highlighted are Margaret Haas Allot. No. 99, and son John Haas Allot. No. 101. 1 pg.
•2005.42.20 Allotment or Estate Record for Rachael Thurber Allot. No. 565. 1 pg.
•2005.42.21 Allotment or Estate Record for Lucinde Wade Allot. No. 984. 1 pg.
•2005.42.22-24 copy if Allotment or Estate Record and Heirship list card for Jake Johnson allotment Certificate No. 111 other sur names Hale, Ballan, Goulette, Craig, Ballman, Taylor. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.25-36 copies of documents in regards to Estate of Hattie Vieux Kime Allot. No. 278: certified Transcript of Ownership of allotment, Heirship card and Allotment or Estate Record, receipt of Patent Fee, other sur names Spalding, Roselius, Gay, Rath, Stapp, Brand, McLaughlin, Hagan, Hedlund, Martin, Schinerling, Hamilton, Gibbons, Clark, Reafling, Christenson, Davis. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.37 copy of pages from family relationship information for 1887 allotment individuals, two pages correspond to list of individuals on first scan. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.39 copy of page from 1887 Citizen Potawatomi allotment listing highlighted are Hattie Kime, nee Vieux Allot. No. 278 and Charlie Kime Allot. No. 279 son of No. 278. 1 pg.
•2005.42.40 copy of Allotment or Estate for Harriet Vieux Allot. No. 486. 1 pg.

2005.42_2 Census [Vieux]
•2005.42.41-42 copy of page from Fourteenth Census of the United States 1920 for Oklahoma Pottawatomie Co. Shawnee City sur names on this page Daughty, Wilson, White, Mills, Zimmerman, Muldon, Cannon. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.43 copy of Thirteenth Census of the United States 1910 for Oklahoma, Pottawatomie Co. sur names Cook, Synder, Sikes, Stiffler, Wilson, Newell. 1 pg.
•2005.42.44-45 copy of page from Twelfth Census of the United States 1900 for Oklahoma, Pottawatomie Co., sur names on page Thorpe, Appletree, Ne-ah-mes. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.46 copy of page titled “The June 30, 1917 Citizen Pottawatomie Census shows: sur names Cook, Smith, Frayer, Lybarger, Vieux, Melott, Peter the Great. 1 pg.
•2005.42.47 copy of family history of Mage (Major) Vieux aka John Young, lists spouses and children by spouse, other sur names Pierson, Negohnkouck, Macopco, Clinton, Tomey, Cross, Johnson, Puckee, Lac du Flambeau, Young, Beson. 1 pg.
•2005.42.48 copy of letter Oklahoma Historical Society in reference to request for Vieux family information from Earl Franklin K. Frayer dated Oct. 12, 1961. 1 pg.
•2005.42.49 copy of letter to Gladys (Moeller) from Immaculate Conception Church St. Mary’s Kansas date Feb. 12, 1991 in regards of records found for Richard Toomey and Maria Watchikwe. 1 pg.
•2005.42.50 copy of handwritten note on marriage records transcribed from Immaculate Conception Church sur names LaFromboise, View, Salanes, Pierson, Pimany, Mijabo, Kom-das, Bevens. 1 pg.

2005.42_3 Family History [Vieux]
•2005.42.51-52 page from leaflet providing Vieux history in Kansas, subjects include “The Louis Vieux Elm Tree”, Oregon Trail, Pottawatomie Indian Reserve, and Vieux family history. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.53 photocopy of photo of unidentified baseball team with letter M on uniform [could be Maud Ok team], sur names written on individuals Kimes, Oplinger, Ray, Millings, Walters. 1 pg.
•2005.42.54-55 copy of pages from “People of the Place of the Fire” pages 125-126 highlighted Joseph Watkins. 1 pg.
•2005.42.56 photocopy of two portrait photos or Charlotta View Corell and Louella Helcel. 1 pg.
•2005.42.57 copy of page from unidentified history book for family of Jack and Allie (Vick) Vieux other sur names Bourbonnais, Issac, Rush had image of Jack Vieux imposed in lower corner. 1 pg.
•2005.42.58Copy of page from unidentified history book for family of Nick and Dessie (Vick) Vieux other sur names Bourbonnais, Brenlee, Isaac, Duncan, Johnson, Holmes. 1 pg.
•2005.42.59-70 group of printed family pedigree charts dated Oct. 11 1996, ancestor charts for Jacques Viau, Jean Prevost, Francoise Leblanc, Mathieu Perin, Jeanne Therese Pilet, Francois Blin or Blain , Jeanne Barbier, Joseph Antoine Bourdria, Marie Jeanne Plumereau, Jean Gateau, Anne Tillette, Susanne Courault. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.71 copy of page from unidentified family information for the Family of Pete Ines (Vieux) Silas other sur names Ray, Garner, Kuestersteffen, LeRoy, Pole, Vick, Marie, Laxton, Medlock, Wood, Hargus, Brinlee, Milburn, Hogen, Sin qup qua. 1 pg.
•2005.42.72-74 copy of letter to Mrs. Hollingsworth dated August 21, 1978 from Susan Campbell in reference to Vieux family tree other sur name Bourassa, Nadeau, Frayer, Bourbonnais, Matthews; copy of court document Petition of Letters of Administration for the probate estate of Charles Vieux. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.75 photocopy of cover page of book “People of the Place of the Fire” by Priscilla Mullen Sherard, A Potawatomi Indian. 1pg.
•2005.42.76 poor photocopy of newspaper death notice for Mrs. James McGuire. 1 pg.
•2005.42.77 letter to tribal rolls Aug. 10, 1990 seeking information of View ancestor’s Indian names other sur names Vieux, Stackhouse. 1 pg.
•2005.42.78 copy of certificate of death for Charlotte McGuire. 1pg. [restricted due to date sensitivity of vital record]
•2005.42.79-111 printed report for Standing Earth Chief Ahkenapoway other sur names Vieux, Coriell, Manteenose, Leroy, Hetzell, Thorpe, Melcel, Swarb, Cooper, Wheeler, Taylor, Pruner, Walker, Scott, Teuve, Prunner, Anderson, Boner, Wolfe, Vieux, Leroy, Patterson, Beaver, Pruner, Lamb, Daley, Halfmoon, Hudson, Couch. 32 pgs.
•2005.42.112 handwritten letter to Beverly Hughes dated July 8, 1980 from Grace Thorpe thanking Beverly for Jim Thorpe Family tree chart. 1 pg.
•2005.42.113 copy of newspaper clipping from Sac & Fox News August 5, 1992 article titled Book Review: Jim Thorpe – Sac & Fox Athlete. 1 pg.
•2005.42.114 copy of Application for Social Security Account Number for Janell Sue Wilson. 1 pg.
•2005.42.115-125 group of documents in large yellow envelope: letter from Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tribal Rolls director Mary Farrell to Edna R. Peak dated June 9, 1999 in reference enclosed Thorpe and Vieux family chart and history; letter to Mary Farrell dated May 18, 1999 from Edna R. Peak requesting family information for Thorpe, Wilson, and Daughtery families; copy of Certificate of Live Birth for Mark L. King; mailing envelopes for above correspondence; handwritten letter to Mary Farrell dated March 15, 1999 from Mark L. King requesting family history; copy of letter from Sac and Fox Nation dated December 29, 1998 to Edna R. Peak in regards to genealogy and enrollment of Mark L. King. 10 pgs.
•2005.42.126-135 printed pages of ancestor chart for Philip Deith Pruner other sur names Muncrief, Boner, Elliot, Hetzell, Coriell, Vieux, Leroy. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.136-138 poor copy of pages from Historical Society of Wisconsin, Vol. II 1888 titled Narrative of Andrew A. Vieux, Sr. pages 218-220. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.139-140 copy of letter to Earl Franklin K. Frayer from Oklahoma Historical Society in regards to information of Vieux family information on Census of Pottawatomie County for years 1890 and 1916. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.141 148 copy of document that appear to be part of last will and testament for Lewis Vieux; from Louisville Town site providing land descriptions and individuals owning land parcels. 9 pgs.
•2005.42.149-158group of document and color photographs sent to tribal newspaper How Ni Kan; color photographs of Kansas Historical Marker The Oregon Trail [sticky note on back of photograph “This Marker is on Highway 24, a short distance West of Belvue Kansas and East of Wamego Kansas maybe 4 miles or so], a color photograph of Kansas Historical Marker for Louis Vieux [on back of photo written on sticky note this marker is at the site of the Vieux family cemetery on the original Oregon Trail, east of Louisville, KS about two miles]; color photograph of a large tree [on back sticky note this tree is on the west side of the vermillion river about ¼ mile west of Vieux Cemetery the Forest Dept. now says it is the largest Elm of its species in the world] narrative manuscript for the How-Ni-Kan titled “Gleanings of the Vieux (Vieau) Family from Wisconsin and Kansas Records” by Merton Whitlow. 9 pgs.
•2005.42.159-161 copy of pages from Kansas Historical Quarterly titled “Nicholson: Tour of Indian Agencies” pages 299-313. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.162-166 copy of pages from Chronicles of Oklahoma article title “Potawatomi Day Schools”. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.167-197 copy of genealogy family history narrative titled “The Genealogical Family History of Jacques and Angelique (Roy) Vieau and Their Descendants” researched and compiled by Jack E. Stiffler, Jr. Kinkaid KS. 30 pgs.
•2005.42.198 217 copy of page from “The Potawatomi Indians” pages 34-35 chapter “They Cede Their Lands” 1 pg.
•2005.42.199 copy of pages from Historical Society of Wisconsin, Vol. II 1888 titled Narrative of Andrew A. Vieux, Sr. 19 pgs.
•2005.42.218 a copy of family descendant chart for Mage (Major) Vieux aka John Young. 1 pg.
•2005.42.219-258 copy of manuscript paper titled CP 87 and CP 100: Allotment and Fractionation Within the Citizen Potawatomi Nation by Mark Welliver. 39 pgs.
•2005.42.259-273 print of transcribed article “Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr.” from the Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol. 11, 1888, this copy of this narration was through the courtesy of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Library. 15 pgs.
•2005.42.274-276 copy of handwritten letter dated Oct. 7, 1913 to J.A. Buntin from Jos.V. Blandin. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.277 photocopy of marriage license of Louis Veiux and Mary A. Melot dated August 23, 1875. 1 pg.
•2005.42.278 copy of newspaper article on Jim Thorpe. 1 pg.
•2005.42.279 small yellow note paper with handwritten genealogy for Vieux family members, Mage (Major), Narcisse and Chas Vieux other sur names Pis-quah-gee, Ahzh-nick, Mah-ne, Tomey, Puck-kee. 1 pg.
•2005.472.280 small pink note paper with handwritten notes for Madeline Bourbonnais and Charles Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.281-282 photocopy of pages from Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol. XL an article Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr. an interview with the editor with highlighted in pink is information for Angeline LeRoy wife of Jacques Vieau. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.283-284 photocopy of pages from Wisconsin Historical Collections Vol XL an article Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr. has parts of text and notes in red ink on this copy. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.285 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for John Turney Allot. No. 868. 1 pg.
•2005.42.286 copy of Allotment or Estate Record for Mary Turney Allot. No. 876. 1 pg.
•2005.42.287 copy of Examiner’s Notice to Heirs in the estate of Ellen Negohnkouck Vieux Citizen Pottawatomie Allottee No. 460, note handwritten notes suggest that this is wrong allottee no. 1 pg.
•2005.42.288-290 copy of court document in the matter of the estate of Ellen Negohnkouck Vieux other sur names Clinton. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.291-292 typed letter from Harry R. Watkins August 14, 1991 to Mary (Farrell?) in regards to family history for Angeline Vieux Watkins and family other sur names Mirandeau, Marandot. 1 pg.
•2005.42.292 photocopied page from An Intensive Historical Architectural and Historical Survey of the City of Partage, Columbia Co., Wisconsin. p 26; received Dec. 30th 1995 to Mary Jean Spalding Foster from Portage Public Library; highlighted is list of traders at Green Bay of which Jacques Vieau is one. 1 pg.
•2005.42.293 printed page or copy of narrative titled Other Savage Kings, story of Oshkosh, Head Chief of the Menomonee’s other names Ahkenotoway, Oshaw wah nem, We Cha Ne Qua, Roy, Holmes, App o mich sha, La Mott, Wau nau ko, Poegonah. 1 pg.
•2005.42.294-297 printed copy of email or web site titled Susan Campbell’s Potawatomi Genealogy other names Sha Note, Vieux, dated January 26, 1998. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.298-302 pages copied out of Wisconsin Historical Collections titled Mackinac Baptisms and Marriages. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.303 copied pages from The Jesuits of the Middle United States, St. Mary’s of Potawatomi, II. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.305-306 copies of pages from family history manuscript for Family of Jacob and Elizabeth (Goslin) Vieux other sur names Bourbonnais, Thropp, Bruno, Keoduck, Miq-sah. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.307-309 copies of reference Family Data Sheets compiled by Gladys L. Moeller, newspaper clippings for the obituary of Chas. Louis Vieux III and Mary Ann Melot Vieux; notes for Silver Lake Kansas Cemetery and Prairie Home Cemetery, Ship She Wano Cemetery with Vieux family members buried there. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.310-314 group of lettered sent to Mary Farrell from Gladys Moeller, dated June, 27, 1997 and letter dated March 21, 1996 from Larry P. Foster both in regards to Vieux family history. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.315-317copy of printed two emails May 9, 1999 and May 31, 1999 to Mary Farrell from Susan Campbell in reference to Vieux family history; letter from Linda L. Vogel dated January 9, 1996 about family Le Roi-Roy in book titled “Wisconsin Creoles”. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.318 -320copied pages from unidentified family history book family of Charles and Madeline (Bourbonnais) Vieux other sur names Bruno, Gosline, Brinlee, Allen; Family of Charles and Julia (Bruno) Ship She Wano, Vieu other sur names Rhodd; family of Paul and Zoea (Vieux) Allen other sur names Bourbonnais. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.321 photocopy of newspaper obituary or memorial for Mrs. Lucinda Wade other sur names Whitlow, Wetherholt, Fricke, Gansenburg, Dansenbug, dated 2-22-1951 and noted as being from Rossville Reporter, Rossville Kansas. 1 pg.
•2005.42.322 photocopied title page “Our Family Heritage”. 1pg.
•2005.42.323-324 copy of typed pages titled “Children of Jacques Vieux and Angelique Leroy. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.325-329 narrative family history for Jacques Vieux. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.330 copy from Wisconsin Historical Society journal titled The Founding of Milwaukee by Edwin S. Mack, A. M. that references Alexander la Framboise, Antoine le Clair, Thomas G. Anderson, Joseph la Framboise. 1 pg.
•2005.42.331 copy of letter from Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma to A. B. Pecore dated November 28, 1967. 1 pg.
•2005.42.332-334 copy of letter titled Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, Shawnee Agency, Special Business Committee Meeting May 26, 1967 signed by Bernard Heer Secretary. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.335 copy of family history for Mage (Major) Vieux aka John Young descendants. 1 pg.
•2005.42.336 photocopied page from The Beginning or the West pages 174-175 with Peltier, Entaya, Vasseur, Brown and Cygnes names in 1830-1852 years. 1 pg.
•2005.42.337-339 group of documents: transcribed information in regards to License of Jacques Vieau, Senior, Baptisms, handwritten notes on top page Rec. 21st, March 1996 from Susan to Larry; copy of narrative on history of Ah-ke-na-po-way (Standing Earth). 3 pgs.
•2005.42.340 copy of Standard Certificate of Death for Rachel Thurber [restricted document due to date sensitivity]. 1 pg.
•2005.42.341 copy of Delayed Certificate of Birth for Hiram Bumbaugh. [restricted document due to date sensitivity] 1 pg.
•2005.42.342 copy of Standard Certificate of Birth for Rachel Vieux nee Thurber [restricted document due to date sensitivity] 1 pg.
•2005.42.343-344 copy of marriage record for Dennis Coryell and Charlotte Nedeau Vieux found in Marriage Book O, page 59. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.345 photocopy of three newspaper clippings from Green Bay Advocate of obituary for Jaque Vieau dated July 8, 1852, death of Angelique Vieau March 24, 1864 and death of Joseph Veiux Feb. 7, 1878. 1 pg.
•2005.42.346 copy of testimony of Mary Tomey daughter of Narcisse Vieux and Madeline Pis-quah-gee in the estate of Pemo Kahdot. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.348-353 copy of family linage from ancestors and descendants of Angelique Roy and Jacques Vieux with notes on family Potawatomi Ancestors; copies of family group charts for Michel and Marie Ulet, Jean Viau and Francoise Prevost, Jacques Viau and Mary Anne St. Germaine, Jacques Jarveau and Angelique Leroy. 6 pgs.
•2005.42.354 typed letter dated November 8, 1966 to John E. Tayler, Superintendent, Shawnee Agency from Nicholas Vieux in reference to his family history and blood degree based on information referenced. 1 pg.
•2005.42.355 typed letter dated November 8, 1966 to Inez Silas from Bernard Heer Secretary in reference to blood degree corrections based upon date referenced in letter, sur names Vieux, Bourbonnais, Shipshewano, Rhodd, Goslin, Kee duck, Mis-sah. 1 pg.
•2005.42.356 copy of page titled Treaty with the Kaskaskia 1803. 1 pg.
•2005.42.357 printed or copies page of family information for Juneau, Yotte, Vieaux, family marriages in Milwaukee WI area. 1 pg.
•2005.42.358 small yellow note paper with handwritten notes for Louis Blackbird Emmett (Am mit no wah) CP 1252. 1 pg.
•2005.42.359-360 copy of pages from unidentified manuscript of narrative of family history for Cordelia Viau Poirier who was hung for allegedly killed her husband in late 1800s. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.361-381 copy of narrative that is part of an archaeologist site information titled Capter V: Site 14SH359, Mark J. Wagner and Tracey Sandfur; this report provides the archival research information, family history for Laughton, Nadeau, Navarre, Bourbonnais, Vieux families. 20 pgs.
•2005.42.382 copy of letter from Department of the Interior dated February 25, 1890 to S. L. Patrick, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, I.T. in reference to Charlotte Thorpe. 1 pg.
•2005.42.383 copy of newspaper article from St. Marys Star October 6, 1998 titled “Louis Vieux Cemetery Vandalized; Man Arrested”. 1 pg.
•2005.42.384-401 copy of pages from Thwaites, Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Vol. II, titled “Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, Sr.” pages 218-237. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.402 copy of letter from the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma to Freddy L. Kime in reference to family blood degree. 1 pg.
•2005.42.403 copy of letter to Oklahoma Historical Society requesting Frayer family information. 1 pg.
•2005.42.404-406copy of information of Vieux, Peltier, Thurber, Wilmot on census information lists from Indian Archives Div., Okla. Historical Soc., Okla. City. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.407-409 newspaper clipping “Jim Thorpe – All American – Athlete of the Century – local hero” by James Gutzmer. 3 pg.
•2005.42.410 newspaper clipping “Vandalized tombstones replaced in new effort to protect historic site” by Lou Ann Thomas, Special to The Capital-Journal. 1 pg.
•2005.42.411-412 newspaper clipping “The Oklahoman’s Male Athlete of the Century, Native Son Thorpe Voted No. 1” by Bob Colon Sports Editor. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.413-14 newspaper clipping from Shawnee News Star article “Thorpe on way to official Athlete of Century’ title” by James Gutzmer. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.415 newspaper clipping “Greatest athlete dealt greatest sorrow” article on Jim Thorpe and some of the adverse circumstances he experience thru out his life. 1 pg.
•2005.42.416 newspaper clipping on Jim Thorpe and his place in history as a great athlete. 1 pg.
•2005.42.417 newspaper clipping on Jim Thorpe titled “Going home? Legendary athletes family vows body will return to Oklahoma” Shawnee News-Star, Sunday August 19, 2001. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.419 copy of newspaper clipping August 5, 1992, Sac & Fox News – Page 5 titled “Book Review: Jim Thorpe – Sac& Fox Athlete” by Bob Bernotas. 1 pg.
•2005.42.420 copy of page from magazine titled “Jim Thorpe The Greatest Athlete of the 20th Century” by Alexander Ewen. 1 pg.

2005.42_4 Genealogy [Vieux]
•2005.42.421 copy of family history for the Bruno and Delonais family histories other sur names Coffey, Bolt. 1 pg.
•2005.42.422 copy of family history Thomas Eugene Cooper; with business card Tom Cooper, handwritten notes Johnny Vieux, Eliza Jane Ogee family. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.424 family genealogy ancestor chart for Lisa J. Mitchell sur names Vieux, Ogee, Cooper, Foudray. 1 pg.
•2005.42.425 family genealogy ancestor chart for John Vieux other sur names Maynard. 1 pg.
•2005.42.426 family genealogy ancestor chart for Elizabeth Ogee. 1 pg.
•2005.42.427 family genealogy ancestor chart for Tony Preston Hollingsworth other sur names Nadeau, Bayliss, Wickens, Wicks, Pascal. 1 pg.
•2005.42.428-434 group of document copies: family descendant chart for Bourbonnais family other sur names Crabber, Guyon, Thompson, Peltier, Jenks, Hudson, Nozhackum, Martell, Young, Nadeau; group of charts of Joseph Ogee and Mary Madeline other sur names Weld, Smith, Beaubien, Wood, Letendre, Morrow, Alcott; Martian, Wall, Hutton, Kennedy, Harridge, Collins, Weldfelt, White, Vieux, Hilbard, Wallace, Wood, Bayles, Turner, Beaubien, Disch, Allen, Martin, Scott, Holt, Dekalb, Burton, Barrow, Halleck, Suman, Byron, Harding, Short. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.435 copy of genealogy ancestor chart for Virginia (Nadeau) Narcomey other sur names Bourassa, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.436 copy of genealogy ancestor chart for Louis Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.437 copy of genealogy ancestor chart from Jacob Vieux and Elizabeth Gosline other sur names Ches HawGan, Le Roy, Vieau, Mis-sah, Ke-o-duck. 1 pg.
•2005.42.438-440 copies of documents; family ancestor chart for Florine Delonais Bolt other sur names Shopwetuck, Bruno, View, Goslin; family ancestor chart for Joseph Charles Bruno, Jr. other sur names Vieux, Goslin, Mis-she, White; copy of a resolution to correct degree of Indian blood for Mary Ann Vieux Bruno dated Oct. 20, 1962. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.441-442 descendant chart for Angeline Le Roy other sur names Vieux, Juneau, Bertrand, Laughton, Melot. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.443-452 group of documents; family ancestor chart for Charles Vieux other sur names Goslin, Ches-Haw-Gan, LeRoy, Mis-sah, Ke-o-Duck; family ancestor chart for a Patricia A. Moulan(Martin), Allen, Vieux, Bourbonnais, Goslin, Rhodd; copy of ancestor family chart for Patricia A. Moulan (Martin); ancestor family chart for Patricia A. Moulin; copy of page from application for patent fee; family descendant chart for Vieux family; Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Mary Vieux Cooper Allot. No. CP 854; ancestor chart for John Vieux other sur name Maynard; ancestor family chart Virginia Mitchell other sur names Cooper, Ogee, Vieux; copy of ancestor chart for Elizabeth Ogee. 9 pgs.
•2005.42.453-455 group of documents; copy of family chart for Helen F. Peltier (Vieux) and John B. Peltier; ancestor family chart for Zelda Hale other sur names Bruno, Vieux, Goslin, Mis-sah, Keoduck; genealogy of Zelda Hale. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.456-462 copies of printed genealogy charts from online source titled Hansen/Jensen/Cranfill Montgomery Family Genealogy; charts for Thomas Carron and Waupesesir, Ayamatha and Kaushkaumongine, Ahkeeneebeway, Joseph Leroy, Madeline Oskinanonotame, Louis (New) Vieux, Mary Ann Melott. 6 pgs.
•2005.42.463 copy of Ogee 4 generations family chart. 1pg.
•2005.42.464-468 group of documents; handwritten family history charts for Hollenbeck, Stephens, Young, Vieux, LaClair, Martin, La Fromboise, Grace, Castle, Cooper, Dietrick, Holland, Shopteese, Pemo, Mitchell, Rickard, Dale, Carreon, Curleyhead, Thompson, Whiteturkey, Burnett, Wilson. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.468-475 copy of email from Susan Campbell to Mary Farrell in reference to Descendancy Chart of Ah-ke-ne-pa-weh other sur names LeRoy, Vieau, Thibeault, Lavigne, Clough, Righter, Holen, Wertz, Huggins, Reed, Olsen, Brown, Flower, Starkey, Thompson, Fleming, Harris, Courtney, Weaver, Zimmerman, Conrad, Shetterly, Courtney, Stage, Lamotte, Armstrong, Foley, Mosseau; Bourbonnais descendant family chart; ancestor chart for John Terry Schulze other sur names Schwartz, Juneau; Index and Heirship Card Enrollee Mary Vieux Cooper Allot. No. 854; Allotment or Estate Record for John Vieux Allot. No. 295. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.476-486 copies of charts Pedigree Charts from compiler Betty Dansenburg; ancestor chart for Susan Joyce Dansenburg, George Dansenburg, Rachel Vieux, list of children of Ahkenepoweh and his Menominee wife; children of Mahteenose Oskinanonotame and Joseph Roy; family charts compiled by Susan Campbell for Marie Anne St. Germaine, Mahteenose Oskinanonotame, Jacques Viau; letter from Susan Campbell in reference to How-Ni-Kans article; Vieux Descendants family chart; family charts compiled by John Hansen for Andre Roy, Marie Joly. 10 pgs.
•2005.42.487-490 chart titled “Vieuxs baptized at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Wamego, KS” and weddings and first communions for Vieux family history. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.491 copy of ancestry chart for Grace E. Merrifield other sur names Bumbaugh, Yott, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.492 copy of ancestry chart for Barbara Ann (Leaper) Pasley other sur names Yott and Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.493 copy of ancestry chart for Margaret Delonais Wano other sur name Shopwetuck. 1 pg.
•2005.42.494 copy of ancestry chart for Florine Delonais Bolt other sur names Shopwetuck, Bruno, Vieux, Goslin. 1 pg.
•2005.42.495-496 pedigree chart compiles Henry R. Watkins ancestor chart for Harry Russell Watkins other sur names Laurance, Vieux, La Framboise, Mirandeau, Le Roy, Vieux; small pink note memo from Mary Lou Watkins July 12, 1991. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.497-498 chart for James Francis Thorpe Family Tree compiled by Grace F. Thorpe and mailing envelope 2 pgs.
•2005.42.499 copy of ancestor family chart for Jereldine Redcorn other sur names Cross, Tomey, Vieux, Wah-tnes Mahne, Toomey, No duo qua, Ahzhnick, Pierson, Shopteese. 1 pg.
•2005.42.500 copy of family history chart for Charles A. Spalding, Jr. other sur names Vieux, LeRoy, Navarre, Melott, Harding. 1pg.
•2005.42.501 ancestor chart for Essa Lee Hetzell other sur names Vieux, Couch, Hudson. 1 pg.
•2005.42.502 handwritten descendant chart for James Vieux and Angelique leRoy; note written at bottom Stackhouse appeal. 1pg.
•2005.42.503 ancestor chart for Degmar Seely other sur names Thorpe, Vieux, Goslin, Keoduck, Miss ah. 1 pg.
•2005.42.504 ancestor chart for Rachel Vieux other sur names LeRoy, Ahkenapoway, Chesawgan, Le Great. 1 pg.
•2005.42.505-516 group of document with mailing envelope dated Oct. 15, 1996, photocopied article of Racine County National Bank referencing Jacques Vieau; handwritten family history of Bessie Bertrand and Louis Vieux III family with photocopied images and history of Skunk Grove Wisconsin including pages with maps of area. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.517 family ancestor chart for Mark L. King other sur names Wilson, Thorpe, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.518 copy of chart titled Descendants of No Ten O Quah other sur names Thorpe, Vieux, Rhodd. 1 pg.
•2005.42.519 ancestor chart family history of Mercedes Stackhouse Mckillop other sur names Vieux, LeRoy, Ketche-kewie, Ahkenapoway. 1 pg.
•2005.42.520 ancestor chart family history for Albert F. Kime other sur names Vieux and Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•2005.42.521 ancestor family chart for Freddy LeRoy Kime. 1pg.
•2005.42.522 ancestor family chart for Rachel Vieux other sur names LeRoy, Chesawgan. 1 pg.
•2005.42.523 ancestor family chart for Harry R. Watkins other sur names La Fromboise, Vieux, Watkins, Osborne, McGuire, Laurance. 1 pg.
•2005.42.524 ancestor family chart for Angie McGuire Messenger other sur names Watkins, Vieux, LaFromboise, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.525 copy of ancestor family chart for Davina Caprice Morgan other sur names Vieux, Negohnkouck, Pis-quah-gee. 1 pg.
•2005.42.526 ancestor family chart for Louisa E. Juneau Damon or Damron other sur names Juneau, Vieux, Yott. 1pg.
•2005.42.527 ancestor family chart for Charles H. Juneau other sur names Yott, Vieux, LeRoy. 1 pg.

2005.42_5 Government Documents [Vieux]
•2005.42.528-557 photocopies of numerous note cards that contain Potawatomi history information in resource or bibliography format; most have highlighted the sur name Vieux and predominantly are placed in Oklahoma and Kansas reserves. 29 pgs.
•2005.42.558 copy of Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Maggie Vieux Swart Hardin Stewart Rhodd Allot. No. C.P 461. 1 pg.
•2005.42.559 copy of Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Mary Thorpe Wilson Daugherty Allot. No. 246. 1 pg.
•2005.42.560 copy of letter from Lion Oil company April 14, 1949 to United States Department of the Interior Shawnee Indian Sub-Agency regarding oil lease procedures for land of Ethel Battin and Frances Dittman. 1 pg.
•2005.42.561 copy of letter dated July 20, 1949 in regards to request for information on land deals for family of C.E. Bechel. Note this document is hard to read in some areas. 1 pg.
•2005.42.562 copy of Geological Survey as a memorandum for Mr. W.A. Goforth district agent in the appraisal of Rachel Wall Cit. Pott. 294 Allot. regarding a mineral appraisal of property. 1 pg.
•2005.42.563 copy of letter from Carl J. O’Hornett March 13, 1946 to Shawnee Indian Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma regarding purchasing oil and gas lease on Allot. No. 294 Rachel Wall. 1pg.
•2005.42.564 copy of duplicate receipt dated May 18, 1907 from Ellen Bruno to Chas. W. Miller. 1 pg.
•2005.42.565 copy of handwritten letter from Pottowattomie Agency KS Sept. 29, 1865 regarding application and naturalization of John E. Beaubien, John Ogee and Charles Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.566-570 group of documents; copy of handwritten letter Pottowattomie Agency March 10, 1852 reference to the appointment of M.B. Beaubien, A.F. Navarre, Bourassa, B.H. Bertrand, John Tipton and Louis View as a committee for tribe; copy of handwritten letter or note from Pottowattomie Agency March 31, 1862 confirming the appointment of Geo. L. Young in the resignation of A.F. Vieu; copy of handwritten notes may be minutes from meeting at St. Mary’s Mission March 26, 1862 where Louis View was present; copy of letter from the Department of the Interior Oct. 12, 1895 to Edward L. Thomas, Esq., U.S. Indian Agent, Sac and Fox Agency, Oklahoma Ty. In reference to deed forwarded from Charles Vieux and wife Madeline to Michael Seikel; copy of court document from the Territory of Oklahoma County of Cleveland in the matter of Charles Vieux and family being members Citizen Band Pottawatomies. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.571-573 copy of letter from Pottowattamie Agency, KS April 8, 1865 to commissioner Indian Affairs which references Amable Viuex and wife. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.574-575copy of court document State of Kansas, county of Shawnee regarding Mary View land. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.576 copy of letter from St. Mary’s Miss. Kansas Feb. 13, 1865 that Louis Vieux and Wicks highlighted in letter. 1pg.
•2005.42.577 copy of letter to certify that J. H. Goodson relinquished his rights and real estate to Mrs. Rachel Hale (Wall). 1 pg.
•2005.42.578 copy of document handwritten notes written on top space above letter Rec. Dec. 8th from University of Wis. Green Bay to Mary Spalding Foster, the document is dated July 15, 1816 highlighted were names Jacques Vieaw. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.580-588 group of documents; document handwritten in year 1836; Marriage records in French language; handwritten letter from Pottowattomie Agency March 10, 1862; handwritten records of baptisms; handwritten note from Pottawattomie Agency March 31, 1862. 9 pgs.
•2005.42.588 -589 copy of letter from Pott. Res. April 16, 1878 to commissioner of Indian Affairs sur names on these pages McCoy, Thurber, Young. 1 pg.
•2005.42.590-593 handwritten document at Pottawatomie Agency St. Mary’s dated March 5, 1862 to certify that we the undersigned appointed MB Beaubien, A.F. Navarre, Jos. N. Bourassa, Louis View, Jno. Tipton as people whom can transact business for tribe. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.594 copy of letter from the Department of the Interior Sept. 22, 1966 to Leslie F. Toule in regards to information for Ellen Vieux Bruno blood degree. 1 pg.
•2005.42.595-597 copy of letter from Department of the Interior May 5, 1887 in regards to Frank Frayer has approval of employment of white man to cultivate his farm; copy of letter from Department of the Interior December 15, 1890 in regard to application for allotment for Jacob Johnson; copy of letter from the Department of the Interior June 16, 1893 in reference to application of Miss Sarah Johnson. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.598-607group of documents; Feb. 8, 1887Report on Application for a Patent in Fee for Mary Turney Allot. No. 867; Petition for the Sale of Land by original Allottee Mary Turney No. 867; Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Mary Turney Shopteese Allot. No. 867 C.P.; copy of family history chart of Tony Preston Hollingsworth other sur names Nadeau, Wicks, Bayliss. 10 pgs.
•2005.42.608-615 group of documents; copy of letter from the Department of the Interior Feb. 8, 1971 to John P. Rhodd in reference to blood degree and employment assistance services; copy of application of John Patrick Rhodd for federal employment; certificate of live birth for Johnnie Lee Rhodd; standard certificate of birth for John Patrick Rhodd, Amy Michele Rhodd; court document in the mater of the estate of Henry Elmo Rhodd for determination of heirs; examiners notice to heirs in estate of Henry Elmo Rhodd. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.616 copy of document for the heirs for Thomas Thurber Allottee No. 567. 1 pg.
•2005.42.617 copy of document from the Department of the Interior in reference to Rachel Thurber Citizen Potawatomi Allottee No. 565 dated Oct. 1, 1936. 1 pg.
•2005.42.618 copy of letter from the Department of the Interior March 31, 1898 in reference to Lucinda Wade Citizen Pottawatomi Patentee No. 954. 1 pg.
•2005.42.619-621 copy of memorandum from The Columbian Title and Trust Co. Topeka Kansas Abstract of Title to the following described Real Estate, pages from abstract; patent information August 22, 1868 United States to Angeline Vieux Allotment No. 775; and mortgage of Angeline Vieux Watkins and husband Joseph H. Watkins. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.622 copy of land deed allotment Sept. 10 1891 to Madeline Bourbonnais from the United States of America. 1 pg.
•2005.42.623-624 copy of letter from the Department of the Interior April 29, 1848 in reference to Pottawatomie Indians served in Civil War and Benjamin F. Thurber was listed. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.625 copy of letter from Shawnee Indian School Shawnee Oklahoma March 30, 1917 to Commissioner of Indian Affairs in regards to Rhoda Ann Wade nee Thurber Citizen Pottawatomie Allottee No. 566. 1 pg.
•2005.42.626 copy of letter from Burnett O.T. Sept 8, 1898 to Commissioner of Indian Affairs for application for payment due to Laura B. Blain nee Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.627 copy of notice to all persons having an interest in subject matter of this proceeding for the estate of Vincent Joseph Vieux unallotted Citizen Band Potawatomi. 1 pg.
•2005.42.628-636 copies of documents from the Department of the Interior in the estate of ; copy of the approved deeds to Mary Ann McGuire Stackhouse; copy of probate estate of Ke Tum Wa Citizen Pottawatomie No. 1070 aka Peter Soldier consisting of a brief outline of family connections and heirship; Summary of Family History and Inventory for Nicholas Vieux Citizen Potowatomi No.; memorandum from Department of the Interior in regards to Elizabeth Young St. Germaine; also the estate of Elizabeth Young St. Germaine Dec 20, 1974. 8 pgs.
•2005.42.637-639 copy of letter from the Department of the Interior Jan. 25, 1984 to Zelda Hale in regards to annuity payment to her grandchildren and blood degree by family history presented; page from letter or document providing blood degrees for Louis and Charlotte Vieux’s family. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.640-641copy of memorandum from the Department of the Interior Feb. 19, 1975 regarding the estate of Elizabeth Young St. Germaine, Lac du Flambeau Chippewa; copy of letter from the Department of the Interior to A.B. Pecore Chairman, Business Committee of the Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians Nov. 20, 1967 in regard to approval of blood degree changes to Mary Ann Vieux Bruno. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.642 copy of memorandum from th4e United States Department of the Interior February 19, 1975 in regards the the estate of Elizabeth Young St. Germaine, Lac du Flambeau Chippewa; copy of family history regarding the ancestors of Elizabeth Young and father Mage (Major) Vieux aka John Young. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.645 copy of letter from Department of the Interior February 25, 1890 in regards to Charlotte Thorpe. 1 pg.
•2005.42646 copy of letter from the Department of the Interior to Sac and Fox Indian School, Stroud, Okla., Feb. 20, 1914 to agency clerks with list of “Authorized Spelling of Names”. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.648 copy of letter from Department of the Interior November 16, 1907 in reference to the return of an approved deed from Mary Ann McGuire Stackhouse. 1 pg.
•2005.42.649 copy of handwritten notes on photocopy of baptismal entry in French language for Vieux family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.650-653 handwritten document by Lewis H. Ogee administrator of the estate of Paul Vieux; copy of blood degree appeal of Mercedes Stackhouse McKillip from Anadarko Area Office Sept. 5, 1978. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.654 copy of letter from Department of the Interior June 6, 1990 to Charles A. Spalding Jr. in regards to Indian blood degree, with findings determined on ancestor linage blood degree. 1 pg.
•2005.42.655 copy of Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Harriet Vieux Spalding Allot. No. 486. 1 pg.
•2005.42.656 Cross Reference Index and Heirship Card for Hattie Vieux Kime Allot. No. C.P. 278. 1 pg.
•2005.42.657 copy of Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Harriet Vieux Spalding Allot. No. 486. 1 pg.
•2005.42.658 marriage record with marriage of Joseph Neddo and Sharlot View [Vieux] June 23, 1862. 1 pg.
•2005.42.659 copy of page of testimony from Joseph Vieux in estate of Ke tum wa or another unidentified individual. 1pg.
•2005.42.660 copy of page of testimony in the estate of Kah-dot Pene by Mary Tomey and Joseph Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.661 copy of letter from Land Division Claims to Joe O. Bruno July 30, 1948 in reference to blood degree of Ellen Vieux Bruno. 1 pg.
•2005.42.662 letter from Shawnee Agency Shawnee, Oklahoma September 29, 1966 to A.B. Pecore in regards to the correction of blood degree for Ellen Vieux Bruno at next council meeting. 1 pg.
•2005.42.667 handwritten family notes for Charles Vieux family on note paper. 1 pg.
•2005.42.664 photocopied page from “Treaty with the Sauk 1815” 1 pg.
•2005.42.665 copy of page from book “The Potawatomis” with map of Major Potawatomi Land Cessations by date and location. 1 pg.

2005.42_6 Miscellaneous [Vieux]
•2005.42.666-671 photocopies of black and white photographs for Vieux-Melot Family most are identified on page or back of pages. 6 pgs.
•2005.42.672 photocopy of photograph of Louie Vieux also Louis Vieux III. 1 pg.
•2005.42.673-674 two images identified as Pottawatomi Indian School Pottawatomie Co., Kansas abt. 1902-1903 Emily Olive Vieux identified in both images. 2 pgs.
•2005.675 photocopy of photograph of Mary Ann Melot Vieux mother of Louis Vieux III. 1 pg.
•2005.42.676 poor quality photocopy of the 5 daughters of Louis Vieux, Madaline Nadeau, Sophia Johnson, Rachel Thurber, Ellen Frayer Cook, Margaret Hollenback. 1 pg.
•2005.42.677 photocopy of photograph of Margaret Vieux daughter of Louis Vieux I. 1 pg.
•2005.42.678 copy of page from unidentified book or journal with map titled “Jesuit Indian Mission Field in Kansas 1854”. 1 pg.
•2005.42.679-680 copy of family chart for extended Curley family. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.681-682 copy of newspaper clipping article titled “99-Foot-Tall Kansas Elm Has Roots Deep in Nation’s Frontier” regarding Louis Vieux Elm Tree. 2 pg.
•2005.42.683 photocopy of photograph of young girl. 1 pg.
•2005.42.684 photocopy of photograph of Rachel Vieux Thurber Sister of Louis Vieux II. 1 pg.
•2005.42.685 photocopy of the 5 daughters of Louis Vieux, identified as top L-R Ellen, Sophia and Rachel, bottom L-R Madeline and Margaret. 1 pg.
•2005.42.686 copy of 1873 map of Silver Lake Township, Shawnee County, Kansas Ogee and Beaubien land owners are noted. 1 pg.
•2005.42.687-689 photocopy of three maps showing the Jambeau trading post and Vieux family holdings. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.690 copy of page from Wisconsin Historical Collections [vol. xviii] that reference to Vieux marriages. 1 pg.
•2005.42.691 printed from internet information on Milwaukee, Wis. Referencing Potawatomi leaders. 1 pg.
•2005.42.692 copy of page from journal Marriages at Mackinac page 509. 1 pg.
•2005.42.693-695 pages copied from Wisconsin Historical Collections [vol. xix] Mackinac Baptisms pages 124-129. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.696-709 photocopies from pages of “History of Milwaukee Wisconsin” pages 62-65, 71, 75, 81, 134-136, 69, 78; many of pages copied have reference to the following family names Vieux, Juneau and Mirandeau. 13 pgs.
•2005.42.710- 711 copy of page from History of Manitowoc county Wisconsin page 31 references Jacques Vieau or Jean Beau. 2pgs.
•2005.42.712 photocopy page of five portrait photographs of Helcel, Wheeler, Walker family members. 1 pg.
•2005.42.713-714 copy of newspaper article titled “Giant elm tree traces its roots in U.S. history” article is about Louis Vieux. 2pgs.
•2005.42.715 719 copy of pages from Wisconsin Historical Society article “The Founding of Milwaukee” by Edwin S. Mack, A.M. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.720 copy of small newspaper clipping titled “Louis Vieux Elm has Dutch Elm Disease” 1 pg.
•2005.42.721 newspaper clipping from “The St. Mary’s Star” July 1, 1997 in reference to sentence of Lance Trudo for the damage to Louis Vieux Elm tree. 1 pg.
•2005.42.722 copy of Vieux Descendent chart with handwritten notes in red denoting those who had 1887 Citizen Potawatomi (CP) allotments.
•2004.42.723 copy of family chart titled “The Family Tree of James Frances Thorpe. 1 pg.
•2004.52-724-727 copies of same Vieux Family chart but each chart has some handwritten or typed information that was added to create unique information on each of the charts. 4 pgs.

2005.42 Vieux Family Manuscripts SUBJECT LISTS
Vieux, allotment, Sac and Fox, card, Thorp, Wilson, Daugherty, Rhodd, Grayson, Rider, legal description, Thorpe, list, Pottawatomie, citizen, act, Bourbonnais, daughter, estate, record, Wall, Johnson, Turney, Ne-ghan-ko-up-ms-cop-go, Red Gum, heirship, Allen, Bonbonnais, Bourbonaies, census, Kansas, Bourassa, Oklahoma, Hass, Wade, Hale, Ballan, Goulette, Craig, Ballman, Taylor, certificate, document, Kime, transcript, receipt, patent fee, Spalding, Roselius, Gay Rath, Stapp, Brand, McLaughlin, Hagan, Hedlund, Martin, Schinerling, Hamilton, Gibbons, Clark, Reafling, Christenson, Davis, familyUnited States, Shawnee, Daughty, White, Mills, Zimmerman, Muldon, Cannon, Cook, Synder, Sikes, Stiffler, Newell, Appletree, Ne-ah-messpouse, children, Smith, Frayer, Laybarger, Melott, Peter the Great, Young, Pierson, Negohnkouck, Macopco, Clinton, Tomey, Cross, Jounson, Puckee, Lac du Flambeau, Beson, historical, society, Moeller, church, St. Mary’s, Toomey, Watchikwe, LaFromboise, View, Salanes, Pimany, Mijabo, Kom-das, Beven, history, leaflet, elm, tree, Indian, reserve, photocopy, baseball, team, uniform Kimes, Oplinger, Ray, Millings, Walters, people, fire, Watkins, Corell, Helcel, book, Rush, Brenlee, Isaac, Duncan, Holmes, pedigree, chart, ancestor, Viau, Prevost, Leblanc, Perin, Pilet, Blin, Blain, Barbier, Bourdria, Plumereau, Gateau, Tillette, Courault, Garner, Kuestersteffen, LeRoy, Pole, Vick, Marie, Laxton, Medlock, Wood, Hargus, Brinlee, Milburn, Hogen, Sin qup qua, Hollingsworth, Campbell, Nadeau, Matthews, petition, letter, probate, Sherard, Potawatomi, death, notice, newspaper, McGuire, roll, tribal, Stackhouse, Ahkenapoway, Criell, Manteenose, Hetzell, Melcel, Swarb, Cooper, Wheeler, Tahlor, Pruner, Walker, Teuve, Prunner, Boner, Wolfe, Patterson, Beaver, Lamb, Daley, Halfmoon, Hudson, Couch, Hughes, article, athlete, application, social, security, account, envelope, nation, Farrell, Peak, Daughtery, birth, handwritten, correspondence, King, genealogy, enrollment, Muncrief, Elliot, Wisconsin, narrative, will, testament, Louisville, town, land, photograph, Oregon Trail, Belvue, Wamego, cemetery, quarterly, Nicholson, agencies, Chronicles of Oklahoma, school, Kinkaid, Welliver, library, Buntin, Blandin, license, Melot, note, Pis-quah-gee, Ahsh-nick, Mah-ne, Puck-kee, Vieau, ink, examiner, heir, court, Mirandeau, Marandot, survey, Partage, Columbia, Green Bay, Foster, Portage, savage, Oshkosh, head, chief, Menomonee, Ahkenotoway, Oshaw wah nem, We Cha Ne Qua, Roy, Jesuit, Goslin, Thropp, Bruno, Keoduck, Miq-sah, manuscript, Sha Note, data, sheet, Silver Lake, email, Ship She Wano, Vogel, Le Roi-Roy, creole, obituary, memorial, Whitlow, Wetherholt, Fricke, Gansenburg, Dansenbug, Rossvielle, reporter, heritage, Mack, la Framboise, le Clair, Anderson, Pecore, bandHeer, business, committee, meeting, secretary, West, Peltier, Entaya, Vasseur, Brown, Cygnes, s, Ah-ke-na-po-way, earth, Coryell, Nedeau, clipping, testimony, Kahdot, Tayler, blood, degree, Silas, Shipsheewano, Mis-sah, treaty, Kaskaskia, Blackbird, Emmett, Am mit no wah, Poirier, archaeologist, site, Wagner, Sandfur, Laughton, Navarre, Department of the Interior, agent, Patrick, Thwaites, collection, Wilmot, archive, hero, Gutzmer, tombstone, Thomas, journal, Colon, Shawnee News Star, Bernotas, Ewen, century, Delonais, Coffey, Bolt, Ogee, Foudray, Mitchell, Maynard, Bayliss, Wickens, Wicks, Pascal, descendant, Crabber, Guyon, Thompson, Jenks, Nozhackum, Martell, Weld, Beaubien, Letendre, Morrow, Alcott, Martian, Hutton, Kennedy, Harridge, Collins, Weldfelt, Hilbard, Wallace, Bayles, Turner, Disch, Scott, Holt, Dekalb, Burton, Barrow, Halleck, Suman, Byron, Harding, Short, Narcomey, Gosline, Ches Haw Gan, Le Roy, Ke-o-duck, Shopwetuck, resolution, Moulon, Cranfill, Hansen, Jenson, Montgomery, Carron, Waupesesir, Ayamatha, Kaushkaumongine, Ahkeeneebeway, Oskinanonotame, Hollenbeck, Stephens, LaClair, Grace, Castle, Thibeault, Lavigne, Clough, Righter, Holen, Wertz, Huggins, Reed, Olsen, Flower, Starkey, Fleming, Harris, Courtney, Weaver, Conrad, Shetterly, Stage, Lamotte, Armstrong, Foley, Mosseau, Dansenburg, Mahteenose, How-Ni-Kan, Joly, St. Bernard, Catholic, Merrifield, Bumbaugh, Yott, Leaper, Pasley, Wano, Redcorn, Laurance, La FramboiseNo duo qua, Ahznick, Shoptese, Miss ah, Chesawgan, Le Great, Racine, bank, Bertrand, Skunk Grove, map, No Ten O Quah, Mckillop, Ketche-kewie, Messenger, Morgan, Damon, Damron, Juneau, government, bibliography, Swart, Hardin, Stewart, enrollee, oil, company, United States Department of the Interior, Batin, Dittman, Bechel, lease, geological, memorandum, Goforth, district, appraisal, mineral, O’Hornett, agency, gasMiller, Pottowattomie, KS, naturalization, Tipton, appointment, Vieu, resignation, deed, commissioner, affair, Goodson, Cleveland, territory, Seikel, university, marriage, baptism, Thurber, McCoy, tribe, Toule, Shopteese, employment, abstract, patent, fee, allottee, St. Germaine, Soldier, Ke Tum Wa, annuity, payment, grandchildren Chippewa, Stroud, McKillip, Anadarko, office, index, Neddo, Kah-dot, Pene, Ke tum wa, cessation, Pottawatomi, image, Thurber, Hollenback, mission, Curley, frontier, township, leader, Mackinac, Milwaukee, Beau, Walker, disease, The St. Mary’s Star, Trudo

2005.42_1 Allotment [Vieux]
Vieux, allotment, Sac and Fox, card, Thorp, Wilson, Daugherty, Rhodd, Grayson, Rider, legal description, Thorpe, list, Pottawatomie, citizen, act, Bourbonnais, daughter, estate, record, Wall, Johnson, Turney, Ne-ghan-ko-up-ms-cop-go, Red Gum, heirship, Allen, Bonbonnais, Bourbonaies, census, Potawtomi, Kansas, Bourassa, Oklahoma, Hass, Wade, Hale, Ballan, Goulette, Craig, Ballman, Taylor, certificate, document, Kime, transcript, receipt, patent fee, Spalding, Roselius, Gay Rath, Stapp, Brand, McLaughlin, Hagan, Hedlund, Martin, Schinerling, Hamilton, Gibbons, Clark, Reafling, Christenson, Davis, family

2005.42_2 Census [Vieux]
Vieux, census, United States, Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Daughty, Wilson, White, Mills, Zimmerman, Muldon, Cannon, Cook, Synder, Sikes, Stiffler, Wilson, Newell, Thorpe, Appletree, Ne-ah-mes, citizen, Pottawatomie, spouse, children, Cook, Smith, Frayer, Laybarger, Melott, Peter the Great, Young, Pierson, Negohnkouck, Macopco, Clinton, Tomey, Cross, Jounson, Puckee, Lac du Flambeau, Beson, historical, society, Oklahoma, Moeller, church, St. Mary’s, Kansas, Toomey, Watchikwe, LaFromboise, View, Salanes, Pimany, Mijabo, Kom-das, Beven

2005.42_3 Family History [Vieux]
Vieux, family, history, document, leaflet, Kansas, elm, tree, Oregon Trail, Pottawatomie, Indian, reserve, photocopy, baseball, team, uniform Kimes, Oplinger, Ray, Millings, Walters, people, fire, Watkins, Corell, Helcel, book, Vick, Bourbonnais, Issac, Rush, Brenlee, Isaac, Duncan, Johnson, Holmes, pedigree, chart, ancestor, Viau, Prevost, Leblanc, Perin, Pilet, Blin, Blain, Barbier, Bourdria, Plumereau, Gateau, Tillette, Courault, Ray, Garner, Kuestersteffen, LeRoy, Pole, Vick, Marie, Laxton, Medlock, Wood, Hargus, Brinlee, Milburn, Hogen, Sin qup qua, Hollingsworth, Campbell, tree, Bourassa, Nadeau, Frayer, Matthews, petition, letter, probate, estate, Sherard, Potawatomi, neath, notice, newspaper, McGuire, roll, tribal, Stackhouse, certificate, Ahkenapoway, Criell, Manteenose, Leroy, Hetzell, Thorpe, Melcel, Swarb, Cooper, Wheeler, Tahlor, Pruner, Walker, Scott, Teuve, Prunner, Anderson, Boner, Wolfe, Patterson, Beaver, Pruner, Lamb, Daley, Halfmoon, Hudson, Couch, Hughes, Sac and Fox, article, athlete, application, social, security, account, Wilson, envelope, nation, citizen, Potawatomi, Farrell, Peak, chart, Wilson, Daughtery, birth, handwritten, correspondence, King, genealogy, enrollment, Pruner, Muncrief, Elliot, Wisconsin, narrative, census, will, testament, Louisville, town, land, photograph, Oregon Trail, Blevue, Wamego, cemetery, tree, How-Ni-Kan, Wisconsin, quarterly, Nicholson, agencies, Chronicles of Oklahom, school, descendants, Stiffler, Kinkaid, Welliver, library, Buntin, Blandin, license, Melot, note, genealogy, Pis-quah-gee, Ahsh-nick, Mah-ne, Puck-kee, Tomey, Vieau, ink, allotment, Turney, examiner, notice, heir, Negohnkouck, Clinton, Watkins, court, Mirandeau, Marandot, survey, Partage, Columbia, Spalding, Green Bay, Foster, Portage, library, savage, king, Oshkosh, head, chief, Menomonee, Ahkenotoway, Oshaw wah nem, We Cha Ne Qua, Roy, Holmes, Jesuit, United States, St. Mary’s, Goslin, Thropp, Bruno, Keoduck, Miq-sah, manuscript, Sha Note, data, sheet, Moeller, Silver Lake, email, Ship She Wano, Foster, Vogel, Le Roi-Roy, creole, Rhodd, obituary, memorial, Wade, Whitlow, Wetherholt, Fricke, Gansenburg, Dansenbug, Rossvielle, reporter, heritage, Mack, la Framboise, le Clair, Anderson, Shawnee, Pecore, band, citizen, Potawatomi, Heer, business, committee, meeting, secretary, West, Peltier, Entaya, Vasseur, Brown, Cygnes, license, baptisms, Ah-ke-na-po-way, earth, Green Bay, Coryell, Nedeau, clipping, testimony, Pis-quah-gee, Kahdot, RoyTayler, blood, degree, Silas, Shipsheewano, Mis-sah, treaty, Kaskaskia, Blackbird, Emmett, Am mit no wah, Poirier, Viau, archaeologist, site, narrative, Wagner, Sandfur, Laughton, Navarre, Nadeau, Department of the Interior, agent, Patrick, star, Thwaites, collection, Wilmot, archive, hero, Gutzmer, tombstone, Thomas, journal, Colon, Shawnee News Star, Bernotas, Ewen, century

2005.42_4 Genealogy [Vieux]
Vieux, genealogy, family, history, Bruno, Delonais, Coffey, Bolt, Cooper, Ogee, ancestor, chart, Foudray, Mitchell, Maynard, Hollingsworth, Nadeau, Bayliss, Wickens, Wicks, Pascal, document, descendant, Bourbonnais, Crabber, Guyon, Thompson, Peltier, Jenks, Hudson, Nozhackum, Martell, Young, Weld, Smith Beaubien, Wood, Letendre, Morrow, Alcott, Martian, Wall, Hutton, Kennedy, Harridge, Collins, Weldfelt, White, Vieux, Hilbard, Wallace, Wood, Bayles, Turner, Beaubien, Disch, Allen, Martin, Scott, Holt, Dekalb, Burton, Barrow, Halleck, Suman, Byron, Harding, Short, Narcomey, Bourassa, Gosline, Ches HawGan, Le Roy, Vieau, Mis-sah, Ke-o-duck, Shopwetuck, resolution, degree, Indian, blood, Le Roy, Moulon, Allen, Rhodd, application, Cooper, Ogee, Hale, Cranfill, Hansen, Jenson, Montgomery, Carron, Waupesesir, Ayamatha, Kaushkaumongine, Ahkeeneebeway, Oskinanonotame, Melott, Hollenbeck, Stephens, LaClair, LaFromboise, Grace, Castle, Thibeault, Lavigne, Clough, Righter, Holen, Wertz, Huggins, Reed, Olsen, Brown, Flower, Starkey, Thompson, Fleming, Harris, Courtney, Weaver, Zimmerman, Conrad, Shetterly, Courtney, Stage, Lamotte, Armstrong, Foley, Mosseau, estate, record, pedigree, children, Dansenburg, Mahteenose, How-Ni-Kan, article, Joly, St. Bernard, Catholic, church, Wamego, Merrifield, Bumbaugh, Yott, Leaper, Pasley, Wano, Redcorn, Thorpe, tree, Watkins, Laurance, La Framboise, Mirandeau, Le Roy, Cross, Tomey, Toomey, No duo qua, Ahznick, Pierson, Shoptese, Couch, Harding, Navarre, Hetzell, Hudson, Goslin, Keoduck, Miss ah, Chesawgan, Le Great, Racine, bank, Bertrand, Skunk Grove, Wisconsin, map, Wilson, No Ten O Quah, Stackhouse, Mckillop, Ketche-kewie, Ahkenapoway, Kime, Messenger, Morgan, Negohnkouck, Pis-quah-gee, Damon, Damron, Juneau

2005.42_5 Government Documents [Vieux]
Vieux, government, document, note, card, Potawatomi, history, bibliography, Oklahoma, Kansas, Swart, Hardin, Stewart, Rhodd, heirship, enrollee, Thorpe, Wilson, Daugherty, oil, company, United States Department of the Interior, Department of the Interior, Batin, Dittman, Bechel, land, lease, geological, survey, memorandum, Goforth, district, agent, appraisal, Wall, mineral, O’Hornett, Shawnee, Indian, agency, gas, receipt, Bruno, Miller, letter, Pottowattomie, KS, application, naturalization, Beaubien, Ogee, Navarre, Bertrand, Tipton, appointment, Young, Vieu, resignation, Sac and Fox, deed, Kansas, commissioner, affair, Wicks, Goodson, Hale, Wall, Cleveland, territory, Seikel, university, Wisconsin, Green Bay, Spalding, Foster, marriage, record, baptism, Thurber, McCoy, tribe, Toule, blood, degree, Johnson, Turney, Shopteese, Bayliss, Nadeau, examiner, heir, estate, employment, Hollingsworth, notice, Wade, abstract, patent, fee, Watkins, Indian, school, citizen, allottee, Blain, Shawnee, McGuire, Stackhouse, Young, St. Germaine, Soldier, Ke Tum Wa, annuity, payment, grandchildren, Pecore, committee, Lac du Flambeau Chippewa, ancestor, Stroud, McKillip, Anadarko, office, index, Spalding, Neddo, Kah-dot, Pene, Tomey, Ke tum wa, marriage, treaty, cessation, Potawatomi

2005.42_6 Misc. [Vieux]
Vieux, photocopy, photographs, Pottawatomi, Indian, school, Pottawatomie, Kansas, image, Melot, Nadeau, Johnson, Thurber, Frayer, Cook, Hollenback, Hollenbeck, daughter, Jesuit, mission, Curley, chart, book, journal, newspaper, clipping, article, elm, frontier, tree, map, Silver Lake, township, Shawnee, Ogee, Beaubien, Potawatomi, leader, marriage, Wisconsin, Mackinac, collection, Milwaukee, Juneau, Mirandeau, Vieau, Beau, Helcel, Wheeler, Walker, Mack, disease, The St. Mary’s Star, Trudo, descendent, note, citizen, allotment, chart, Thorpe