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Vieux Genealogy
Vieux Genealogy

Vieux Genealogy

Classificationslevel 2: series
Credit LineCitizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center Archive and Research Division
Object number2005.42.421-527
Description2005.42 Vieux Family Manuscripts
2005.42_4 Genealogy [Vieux]
•2005.42.421 copy of family history for the Bruno and Delonais family histories other sur names Coffey, Bolt. 1 pg.
•2005.42.422 copy of family history Thomas Eugene Cooper; with business card Tom Cooper, handwritten notes Johnny Vieux, Eliza Jane Ogee family. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.424 family genealogy ancestor chart for Lisa J. Mitchell sur names Vieux, Ogee, Cooper, Foudray. 1 pg.
•2005.42.425 family genealogy ancestor chart for John Vieux other sur names Maynard. 1 pg.
•2005.42.426 family genealogy ancestor chart for Elizabeth Ogee. 1 pg.
•2005.42.427 family genealogy ancestor chart for Tony Preston Hollingsworth other sur names Nadeau, Bayliss, Wickens, Wicks, Pascal. 1 pg.
•2005.42.428-434 group of document copies: family descendant chart for Bourbonnais family other sur names Crabber, Guyon, Thompson, Peltier, Jenks, Hudson, Nozhackum, Martell, Young, Nadeau; group of charts of Joseph Ogee and Mary Madeline other sur names Weld, Smith, Beaubien, Wood, Letendre, Morrow, Alcott; Martian, Wall, Hutton, Kennedy, Harridge, Collins, Weldfelt, White, Vieux, Hilbard, Wallace, Wood, Bayles, Turner, Beaubien, Disch, Allen, Martin, Scott, Holt, Dekalb, Burton, Barrow, Halleck, Suman, Byron, Harding, Short. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.435 copy of genealogy ancestor chart for Virginia (Nadeau) Narcomey other sur names Bourassa, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.436 copy of genealogy ancestor chart for Louis Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.437 copy of genealogy ancestor chart from Jacob Vieux and Elizabeth Gosline other sur names Ches HawGan, Le Roy, Vieau, Mis-sah, Ke-o-duck. 1 pg.
•2005.42.438-440 copies of documents; family ancestor chart for Florine Delonais Bolt other sur names Shopwetuck, Bruno, View, Goslin; family ancestor chart for Joseph Charles Bruno, Jr. other sur names Vieux, Goslin, Mis-she, White; copy of a resolution to correct degree of Indian blood for Mary Ann Vieux Bruno dated Oct. 20, 1962. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.441-442 descendant chart for Angeline Le Roy other sur names Vieux, Juneau, Bertrand, Laughton, Melot. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.443-452 group of documents; family ancestor chart for Charles Vieux other sur names Goslin, Ches-Haw-Gan, LeRoy, Mis-sah, Ke-o-Duck; family ancestor chart for a Patricia A. Moulan(Martin), Allen, Vieux, Bourbonnais, Goslin, Rhodd; copy of ancestor family chart for Patricia A. Moulan (Martin); ancestor family chart for Patricia A. Moulin; copy of page from application for patent fee; family descendant chart for Vieux family; Index and Heirship Card Enrollee for Mary Vieux Cooper Allot. No. CP 854; ancestor chart for John Vieux other sur name Maynard; ancestor family chart Virginia Mitchell other sur names Cooper, Ogee, Vieux; copy of ancestor chart for Elizabeth Ogee. 9 pgs.
•2005.42.453-455 group of documents; copy of family chart for Helen F. Peltier (Vieux) and John B. Peltier; ancestor family chart for Zelda Hale other sur names Bruno, Vieux, Goslin, Mis-sah, Keoduck; genealogy of Zelda Hale. 3 pgs.
•2005.42.456-462 copies of printed genealogy charts from online source titled Hansen/Jensen/Cranfill Montgomery Family Genealogy; charts for Thomas Carron and Waupesesir, Ayamatha and Kaushkaumongine, Ahkeeneebeway, Joseph Leroy, Madeline Oskinanonotame, Louis (New) Vieux, Mary Ann Melott. 6 pgs.
•2005.42.463 copy of Ogee 4 generations family chart. 1pg.
•2005.42.464-468 group of documents; handwritten family history charts for Hollenbeck, Stephens, Young, Vieux, LaClair, Martin, La Fromboise, Grace, Castle, Cooper, Dietrick, Holland, Shopteese, Pemo, Mitchell, Rickard, Dale, Carreon, Curleyhead, Thompson, Whiteturkey, Burnett, Wilson. 5 pgs.
•2005.42.468-475 copy of email from Susan Campbell to Mary Farrell in reference to Descendancy Chart of Ah-ke-ne-pa-weh other sur names LeRoy, Vieau, Thibeault, Lavigne, Clough, Righter, Holen, Wertz, Huggins, Reed, Olsen, Brown, Flower, Starkey, Thompson, Fleming, Harris, Courtney, Weaver, Zimmerman, Conrad, Shetterly, Courtney, Stage, Lamotte, Armstrong, Foley, Mosseau; Bourbonnais descendant family chart; ancestor chart for John Terry Schulze other sur names Schwartz, Juneau; Index and Heirship Card Enrollee Mary Vieux Cooper Allot. No. 854; Allotment or Estate Record for John Vieux Allot. No. 295. 7 pgs.
•2005.42.476-486 copies of charts Pedigree Charts from compiler Betty Dansenburg; ancestor chart for Susan Joyce Dansenburg, George Dansenburg, Rachel Vieux, list of children of Ahkenepoweh and his Menominee wife; children of Mahteenose Oskinanonotame and Joseph Roy; family charts compiled by Susan Campbell for Marie Anne St. Germaine, Mahteenose Oskinanonotame, Jacques Viau; letter from Susan Campbell in reference to How-Ni-Kans article; Vieux Descendants family chart; family charts compiled by John Hansen for Andre Roy, Marie Joly. 10 pgs.
•2005.42.487-490 chart titled “Vieuxs baptized at St. Bernard Catholic Church, Wamego, KS” and weddings and first communions for Vieux family history. 4 pgs.
•2005.42.491 copy of ancestry chart for Grace E. Merrifield other sur names Bumbaugh, Yott, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.492 copy of ancestry chart for Barbara Ann (Leaper) Pasley other sur names Yott and Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.493 copy of ancestry chart for Margaret Delonais Wano other sur name Shopwetuck. 1 pg.
•2005.42.494 copy of ancestry chart for Florine Delonais Bolt other sur names Shopwetuck, Bruno, Vieux, Goslin. 1 pg.
•2005.42.495-496 pedigree chart compiles Henry R. Watkins ancestor chart for Harry Russell Watkins other sur names Laurance, Vieux, La Framboise, Mirandeau, Le Roy, Vieux; small pink note memo from Mary Lou Watkins July 12, 1991. 2 pgs.
•2005.42.497-498 chart for James Francis Thorpe Family Tree compiled by Grace F. Thorpe and mailing envelope 2 pgs.
•2005.42.499 copy of ancestor family chart for Jereldine Redcorn other sur names Cross, Tomey, Vieux, Wah-tnes Mahne, Toomey, No duo qua, Ahzhnick, Pierson, Shopteese. 1 pg.
•2005.42.500 copy of family history chart for Charles A. Spalding, Jr. other sur names Vieux, LeRoy, Navarre, Melott, Harding. 1pg.
•2005.42.501 ancestor chart for Essa Lee Hetzell other sur names Vieux, Couch, Hudson. 1 pg.
•2005.42.502 handwritten descendant chart for James Vieux and Angelique leRoy; note written at bottom Stackhouse appeal. 1pg.
•2005.42.503 ancestor chart for Degmar Seely other sur names Thorpe, Vieux, Goslin, Keoduck, Miss ah. 1 pg.
•2005.42.504 ancestor chart for Rachel Vieux other sur names LeRoy, Ahkenapoway, Chesawgan, Le Great. 1 pg.
•2005.42.505-516 group of document with mailing envelope dated Oct. 15, 1996, photocopied article of Racine County National Bank referencing Jacques Vieau; handwritten family history of Bessie Bertrand and Louis Vieux III family with photocopied images and history of Skunk Grove Wisconsin including pages with maps of area. 11 pgs.
•2005.42.517 family ancestor chart for Mark L. King other sur names Wilson, Thorpe, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.518 copy of chart titled Descendants of No Ten O Quah other sur names Thorpe, Vieux, Rhodd. 1 pg.
•2005.42.519 ancestor chart family history of Mercedes Stackhouse Mckillop other sur names Vieux, LeRoy, Ketche-kewie, Ahkenapoway. 1 pg.
•2005.42.520 ancestor chart family history for Albert F. Kime other sur names Vieux and Lafromboise. 1 pg.
•2005.42.521 ancestor family chart for Freddy LeRoy Kime. 1pg.
•2005.42.522 ancestor family chart for Rachel Vieux other sur names LeRoy, Chesawgan. 1 pg.
•2005.42.523 ancestor family chart for Harry R. Watkins other sur names La Fromboise, Vieux, Watkins, Osborne, McGuire, Laurance. 1 pg.
•2005.42.524 ancestor family chart for Angie McGuire Messenger other sur names Watkins, Vieux, LaFromboise, Vieux. 1 pg.
•2005.42.525 copy of ancestor family chart for Davina Caprice Morgan other sur names Vieux, Negohnkouck, Pis-quah-gee. 1 pg.
•2005.42.526 ancestor family chart for Louisa E. Juneau Damon or Damron other sur names Juneau, Vieux, Yott. 1pg.
•2005.42.527 ancestor family chart for Charles H. Juneau other sur names Yott, Vieux, LeRoy. 1 pg.